129773160495156250_111Wealth management platform of choice for high-end customers Home about wealth wealth wealth Academy member area of focused products online services function getQueryString (key) {var searchString=document.location.search.toString();
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var queryList = queryString.split('Zhongjin gold in wealth management online Center for high-end customers online wealth management centre for high-end customers "from fortune to keep the rich stage of financial management of the current location: Home wealth Center Home Trust www.cnfol.com2012 the body of research on March 26 the first financial network news financeIncomplete statistics in this week (2012.3.16-2012.3.22), total 30 trust products on sale, participation in the issuance of trust company of up to 16. 3.16-3.22 type of trust products on sale at statistics from the area of application of funds, issuing trust products to invest in real estate this week 5
tera power leveling, invest in business enterprisesIssuing trust products of 4, investment trust product release 5 of the financial industry, investments in the infrastructure of the issuing trust products 8, invest in other types of trust product release 8. According to incomplete statistics in first financial network financial products, all issue 30 trust products this week, and announced the expected rate of return. Among them, the expected rate of return is greater than the 10%Trust products are 12; expected yields of less than or equal to 10% trust products are under 18. Above average yield of 10.33% trust products, compared with the average rate of 10.09% the week before by 0.24%
tera power leveling, expected rate of return remained more than 10%; new products this week with an average investment for a period of 19 months, compared to previousProduct a week investment 21.32 months fell by 2.32 per month on average. Although recent ongoing real estate investment trust liquidation ahead of the news, but this has the slightest affect real estate trust income continue to rise. Five real estate investment trust products launched this week, expected to yield more than 10%
tera gold, the average yield of 12.49% maximum yields of up to15%.
Push up real estate investment trusts have become trust products are invited to join in average yields. For investors, the real estate investment trust income would have been very tempting, this year yields rose slightly compared with last year. But the harsh operating environment of China's real estate market, as well as increased refinancing risk is also an undisputed fact. Investors not to be immediate profitYi-blinded eyes, real estate investment trusts to look before you leap. Online Gold CNFOL Private Wealth Management wealth Center jobs | About us | Partners | Legal statement | Site map | Contact us all rights reserved: Fujian online Gold stocksHello, Ltd min B2-20050010! If you are interested in our products or services, please click here to leave a message!
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