
it is said that hundreds of millions ofOutput

129615051914375000_644SINA Tech News 2011 communications exhibition opens today, ZTE Corporation, the Government and enterprises, President of Lv Abin visit SINA "CEO online" interview, said the cloud concept phone hype, but forward to see this is a marketing tool. Following is the interview record: SINA technology: Honourable friends Hello! Subsection20 China international communication equipment exhibition in Beijing today opened the prelude, today we have the privilege to an important guest as a guest to our online talk show, SINA's Chief Executive, ZTE Corporation, the Government and enterprises, President of Lv Abin, Lu total net friend asked a good first! Lv Abin: you and SINA Netizen everyone! VeryHonor opportunities to share work done by ZTE-Enterprise cloud computing, do some exchanges, thank you participate in thank you! SINA technology: just now we actually have seen out of this communication exhibition has opened the prelude to the opening ceremony, including Minister of miit Mio Wei has arrivedFor the opening ceremony of unveiling, SINA this interview is this communication of our exhibition bus online interview of the first show, first call Lv Zong talk about ZTE some progress in the areas of cloud computing. Ask about ZTE now has what is mature, landing, some progress in the areas of cloud computing, cloud computingIs a communications industry area of very hot now. Lv Abin: does indeed look like the moderator said that cloud computing is hot stuff in the game in recent years, many friends still think cloud or some floating, some floating, it is more real-world problems. ZTE in the cloud this piece a few years ago,Resources for related technology research and tracking, work was also done on a large scale cloud computing this year, cloud computing and IT Operations Department was established, including operator-oriented product and enterprise-oriented products and so on. ZTE strategically to landing, our major strategies is to cloud apps pull of cloud computing industry developmentThrough the past time we work, ZTE Corporation, the first in the field of communications carriers, because this is our biggest partners before, its resource pool service as well as public clouds, private clouds, Desktop Office system, and so on, many of these we basically opened the Business Council, providing services for many application areas�� While cloud computing is also an application of large areas in Government and enterprise markets, intelligent transportation, smart logistics, remote health provides medical and other aspects of cloud services in many areas. Me slightly more do explain cloud computing technology communicating with users do a, why all cloud computing technologyThere were confusing, short for including these three words in the cloud cloud computing technology, which includes cloud services, cloud computing technology and business services, this comprehensive understanding to understand our concept of cloud computing. SINA technology: will cloud computing is described as a very large industry, it is said that hundreds of millions ofOutput, that can form output value of trillions, ZTE is now cut into the cloud computing industry, thoughts on how cloud computing market?����Including market differences between the target and telecommunications and Enterprise cloud clouds? Lv Abin: I discuss my understanding of from my working practice, I back toSaid before, the enterprise cloud and cloud the distinction of telecommunication:: 1, offering cloud services in the enterprise market, its starting point and the operator is not the same, in Government and enterprise markets, its starting point is the consulting service, audience or your first need is consulting services, how to use the services, construction services, how to develop it? In operatorAfter these years of development has a strong scientific and technological contingent, so he can do is very rich of related research, operator market started mainly programme angle. Start differently, enterprise market we want more to play our user experience users business consulting, even services and business model aspects such as IShared experience, differences between it's enterprise market and carrier market. 2, I think there are a lot of cloud computing in the enterprise market space, on the one hand we see today in many Government and enterprise markets, many people have a computer, computer and social informatization level is not the same concept as a whole, not all of electricityBrain, the iPad and the iPad 2, iPad 3, the social informatization level is not enough, information services, information services supporting software, networking, and more at a very low level, such cases, the concept of cloud and cloud services and cloud computing can improve in this regard, various large enterprises haveWant to be able to provide information through cloud computing standards, society as a whole as well, with the development of technology, information technology will lower the threshold of, cloud services, cloud computing will make you easy to use cloud services, enhance their cloud services capabilities, achieve the final goal, in our society, industry enterprises, Professional services providers, we can find a common language. Total Exchange before you and I are like Kang by writing, one day, I use a mobile phone, you're still writing, I can only low, also continues to write, this level of information not improve, I have to teach you to use mobile phones, mobile phone have any good, whichWe can use higher levels of information after communication tool, with this tool, comes more additional effects, such as text messaging, and so on, we level goes up, as a whole, does have a huge market and opportunities in this area. SINA technology: now operator Grand cloud computing, vendors are alwaysFinding partner, ZTE and carrier cloud computing you think what entry points? Lv Abin: entry point in this respect I believe it is very clear, I myself used to pipe ZTE product value added service, other carriers, including ZTE, we for a long time isEntire communications, especially carrier's main partners, our development planning, his business models, equipment programmes and raw has a deep understanding so we easily with operators get together, him cloud services, easily cut together. Difficult in our Government and EnterpriseSome pressure in the market, our Government and enterprise markets around customer management processes, business processes, tools have a deep understanding in order to provide a better proposal. SINA Tech: Enterprise cloud I see many vendors, especially cell phone companies offered to cloud storage cloud services, meaning wind zhentianxiangCloud phone I is not this thing I considered a hyped concept, you how Enterprise cloud services? Lv Abin: I also agree with you that there hyped concept, packaging means in it. However, from a positive point of view this is a marketing tool, we can say something about. For Government and EnterpriseClass of cloud services, I think it can be divided into three directions talk: first, super-sized. These enterprises with go, as well as its business development, IT, ICT and enterprise governance capacity requirements will be made very high, such as a petrochemical enterprises to Angola, going out, we'veManagement, including its own internal service support model has much support can not, ZTE itself is an example, we base ourselves at home, now covering 45 countries in the world, it changes its own operational tools and management tools, which he will set up their own large private cloud for the enterpriseFor data safe and rapid customization services, build private clouds, so private clouds have broad market, have management and business needs business target has undergone large changes. Early before can be a simple service, now you can visit our large ICT services to our company, not only including ICT services, packagesIncluding our internal operation management the old republic power leveling, ERP, Office collaboration, and so on need such tools to support our business development. Secondly, small and medium enterprises. Small and medium enterprise development is also inseparable from, because he lived in the information society, also needs this thing, but it's your ability to both the funding and the services are notLine, on the industrial application also needs this thing, and need to be found in the large enterprise and society similar to the language, so that its high quality of development. Third, the Government. It in government administration informatization, the people's livelihood and so on, by the people meter also need these information technology tools to improve their management, and social service skills, Multiplier was an accelerator, tools, from this perspective I considers the cloud services market space.����This is my opinion.����SINA technology: the current "enterprise network" is a very hot areas of telecom equipment manufacturers to develop.����Lv Abin: Yes. SINA technology: front end timeShanghua your friends as Mr Xu (tone) this block specifically we went to a trip to Huawei, talk talk his corporate network actions, their action is very big, I would like to ask about ZTE in the overall planning, and strategic goals of the enterprise network. Lv Abin: ZTE-enterprise market, this yearBusiness consultation work out at the beginning, including cloud, cloud computing is the company's strategic investment direction of the market, is also the company's strategic direction this year. You referred to the relevant company putting in, we have set up a dedicated cloud computing IT in early Business Department, now I became responsible for the entire Government and enterprise applications, including integration servicesFor, companies in that block investment and interest Level is very high, basic operations belonging to the company level. ZTE in enterprise market will continue increasing our investment maneuvers, ZTE is first, first case back again after we will let industry know the inputs,Will publish our brand identity swtor power leveling, brand action, activity, and so on, we will do. Of course, I think the most important thing is mentioned, as the cloud fell to the ground and, more importantly, to our target customers are in line with their development, to help their Government and enterprise programmes, but that's more difficult than others, Government and enterprise marketsConsulting, service, delivery of the programme from the early more difficult than the original operator, originally in the carrier market, operators helps us do a lot of work, Government and enterprise markets at a later stage we need to do more work independently, in this regard our core capacity-not just organizational construction, but also the integration capacity of the programme, setTest ability, project management capabilities of project delivery, and so on, I the following rail transit field, ZTE now is the first major vendors of subways and mass transit.����Usual members may not know including Beijing yizhuang line, Peony Park line is ZTE. SINA technology: this really do not know�� Lv Abin: we have done massive publicity, we are the largest supplier in the field of rail transport, ZTE's ability not only embodied in our products, there are solutions, integration tests, delivery of the project management of large partner capacity laterWith time we can continue to Exchange, this is a complex science, be a real "craft". SINA technology: Cloud Computing Center under construction all over now, seems to be a large government-led components, ZTE look at the situation? Because the Government seems not enterprise market behavior, as ifCloud Computing Center Government kind of weird. Lv Abin: people in front of AC and I had a similar problem, first of all, participation in the Government in this matter, to play a leading role, I think it is a very good thing. First, we do that-to have a personal experience, I am in this industry is also working for a dozen years, Discovered for the first time I ran off after about no references, before there is a reference, or foreign country to learn, or have IT standard, this time we are leading the way, there are no references. Official organizations we both in terms of standards, operational or specification is a goodThings, at least one positive thing. Second, the Government, as a large unit of demand, which built itself a lot, but our Government information to promote a certain space, built out of something a certain degree of integration, the Chief period of development and people's livelihood and the people need a lot of tools, previously only computer connection only, And not in terms of applications, services, offers a lot of levels, this is a positive role.����You preventing overheating is a market will naturally inferior.����SINA technology: many things still have to follow the market direction to development, the Government should support but do not handle. Lv Abin: Yes. Government primarySupporting herself as a case study, understand what they have needs.����SINA technology: where is now the hot fire. Lv Abin: Yes. Much better than never as. True experiences of using those fake composition, decision-making, resources support still has a forward role I was positive it as aThe role.����SINA technology: national networking research and Development Centre, base, plan all the Internet industry is huge, I really don't know what does. Lv Abin: I agree that we have room for improvement in planning, especially in planning this thing, do you might want to do a little more fine������SINA technology: today due to the time constraint, we interview is coming to an end, last General Lu to tell our users a message against individual. Lv Abin: very pleased and SINA and SINA Netizen discussion on cloud computing and Government-related, I think a lot of ideas come from ourPracticing, we continue into practice, ZTE and our experience accumulated so many years of, in separation, cloud computing market together can the industry well, fight for better national communications brand. SINA technology: sincerely wished the ZTE in enterprise and cloud computing technology to do better!Thank you as a guest of Sina technology talk show, goodbye!

