
"exchanges of all kinds appear frequently to a large extent

129667889640146642_93One securities analyst said, appears frequently to a large extent on the various Exchange circular 24th issued notes that disrupted the market order, pay great attention to the risks of various trading floors contain illegal trading activities, conscientiously straighten up the work of the various exchanges, and standardize the market order the old republic power leveling, to guard against financial risks, and standardize the market order, maintain socialStability. In this regard, industry leaders interviewed by reporters pointed out that: all kinds of exchanges appear frequently to a large extent, disrupted the market order, government authorities should carry out direct supervision to take effect. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved!Beijing technology and business University, Director of the Securities and Futures Institute Hu Yuyue pointed out that the straighten up all kinds of trading venues has four new changes: the past is relevant ministries published files, which is published by the State Council on rectifying various trading sites effectively guard against financial risks of the decision; used to be the norm and rectify this is rectification; used to be the Ministry of Commerce lead, holding the SFCHead for the commodities market used to be, which include property rights, cultural art trade and commodity trading. A securities analyst said in an interview with reporters: "exchanges of all kinds appear frequently to a large extent, disrupted the market order. "He also said that for the Securities and futures trading swtor power leveling,, is a special type of financial transaction product, has a specialRisk. Loopholes in the irregular trading and management of the Exchange, the Securities and futures products greatly increases the risk of, and is not responsible for investors.����Management defects on the stability of the Securities and futures markets also have a great impact, some of the current exchange of securities transactions are actually illegal transactions. He also pointed out, the State Council, the various types of ExchangeReorganization of the very specific, on the Exchange's regulatory and supervisory issues, the Government must strictly developing relevant policies, and make sure that you will implement a policy.����Exchange within a recent period of time also saw a spurt of establishment, the State Council issued asking in various types of trading venues, art trade would have little impact on culture? A proper domestic cultureArt auction company officials said in an interview with reporters, Exchange can be flooded around two words sum up what has, from the city to the county-level cities have experienced the so-called cultural materials Exchange.����Exchange also affects the emergence of the cultural goods market stability. "Virtual raised issues such as pricing, charging exorbitant profits fees, is not perfect because of regulatory mechanisms. Such as around theDocument exchange and cultural communication company, is not normative cultural products trade places, of course, the interests of investors in these exchanges cannot be guaranteed.����"This person said. The official pointed out that, very necessary to establish a sound exchange control mechanism, the State should also be cultural objects implement more effective policies and trade measures. At present, China's Planning BoardObject auction company is also a small amount of fan culture, this also allows the exchange of cultural goods in the market of trading for speculative channels. Urbanization: a county-level cities do not have formal auction company, investors had to put their considerable risk in the context of the auction of cultural relics. In Exchange, the Government should be vertical on the reorganization of the regulation, rather than directly by the local government administration, whichTo revamp local Exchange that is ineffective. With the promulgation of the relevant provisions of the State Council, various exchanges throughout the country are facing a lot of tests, some carried out rectification and reform on the Exchange itself. China wine Exchange release special notice of change of trading rules, decisions from the 29th of this month canceled less than 100 copies of odd lot, all transactionsMinimum unit adjusted for a bottle, all delegates are required to be primary and its integer multiples.����The Exchange said, after which absolutely does not exist any "shares traded", purely as an independent third party e-commerce platform, do not engage in any securities, futures-related trading. Chongqing Fuling of farm and sideline products electronic trading markets over the weekend said in an open letter, various types of transactions are transactions,Does not belong to "property transactions involving securities, futures" and the forward exchange market consolidation range specification for normative guidance and rectification.

