
swtor power leveling consumers ' Association FFS

129667750454521642_112West appliance National Sales Director Bo Jia bin showcase refrigerator "structure behind closed doors" (1/2) yesterday swtor power leveling, Siemens refrigerator maker Bo West household appliances (China) in Beijing, media communication, against a number of customers reflecting the Siemens refrigerator doors do not respond to the urgent problems. Expo West Vice President of home appliances said Wang Weiqing, doors do not close the fridge is not massIssues, in accordance with national standards, Siemens refrigerator is a qualifying product.   Reach what standard qualified refrigerator door?   Deputy Chief Engineer of the Research Institute of Chinese household electrical appliance described Zhang Yachen, domestic refrigerators standards of product safety standards and performance standards are divided into two broad categories, have referred to these two types of standard refrigerator doors, security standards are mandatory. "Taking into accountHave a certain space inside the refrigerator, kids play may be boring, refrigerator door not closed too tight to make children able to push out the door.   "Zhang Yachen, refrigerators, closed suction cannot be greater than 70 n, this is a security standard, must be carried out. Performance standards require door on the refrigerator door is closed, wall there should be no gaps to let air into,Permits refrigerator in airtight, followed by the refrigerator door handles and durability of door axis, "opening the closed less than 100,000, should not be worn, deformation, causing crack too large, airtight bad. "Zhang Yachen pointed out that the standard is consistent with international standards relating to products for refrigerators. China household electrical appliances Association Vice Chairman Wang Lei, said that in recent years some refrigerator products asMeet the special needs of domestic consumers, took a more innovative design or higher standards, "such as domestic consumers care about noise, so a lot of domestic refrigerators noise far below international standards. "Why Siemens refrigerator door shut not strict? Siemens home appliances said its brands since 1998 into China, refrigerators cumulative sales of more than 100, over nearly two months they received more than 3,700 user feedback without the refrigerator door having closed tight, "including some used for 8 years, 10 products. "According to Wang Weiqing said, Bo contact West home appliances have been actively reflect refrigerator doors do not close the user," 80% user to accept a return visit, judging from the feedback the fridge door closed loose someGoods placed on the shelf is too large, some of them are uneven because the refrigerator base also has plenty of door seals aging or damaged. "Wang Weiqing believes that refrigerator door shut not compact is not a quality issue on the grounds that the Siemens refrigerator door security and performance of the test results have reached even higher than the national standard. Expo West appliance National Sales Director Jia bin Siemens refrigerator door design concept: "the first thing is to ensure thatAir tightness, so cooling capacity loss, on this basis allows customers to use more easily open the better as far as possible. "In order for Siemens refrigerator door to close, Jia bin also began demonstration at the scene. He concluded that the doors do not close the fridge "is not a problem", but a "want to close the door" issues. Refrigerator door fail which has the final say? At yesterday's communication meeting, Siemens refrigerator has been trade associations and professional bodies of "support", but some users are dissatisfied with the West household appliance's explanation of Bo Diablo 3 Power Leveling, including on Siemens refrigerator doors do not close, but "activist" old Luo Yong-Hao Luo, founder of English training. "Off loose is not a quality issue, closed too tight is the quality issue," Yong-Hao Luo also questioned if the suction caused by the General Assembly of the refrigerator door smallerChildren cannot be pushed from the inside, what the child can open the door from the outside into the refrigerator? He also passed the microblogging said Siemens recently place on household appliance stores sold refrigerators door to do a full round of tests. Wang Lei, believed that home appliance problems will inevitably occur in the course, so enterprises have after-sales service, "manufacturers and consumers should not be a confrontation, to product quality,After-sales service are not satisfied, recommends the adoption of consumer association resolved. "Zhang Yachen, product quality testing must have the relevant qualifications of the professional bodies, and the professional bodies must take after the quality supervision Bureau, consumers ' Association, business delegate, pursuant to relevant standards, to carry out inspection activities," If you have questions about product quality, you can entrust the examination by consumers ' Association. "The fiscal deficitStrictly editorial refrigerator doors: is not a small thing hands normally close the refrigerator door is no problem, but if used on foot or leg kicking the door open but can not turn off, whether critical consumers of the complaint? Many people start wondering who will kick all day the refrigerator door? But think about it, many people may have experienced this, when you took out the fridge with a bunchFood when both hands occupied, will unconsciously by the shoulder, elbow, knee or foot take the refrigerator door on it? And in fact this effect and the effect of a foot or leg kicking closes when the refrigerator door does not secure so often dew door with one or two centimeters. If not noticed that the door may be opened from your breakfast to come home from work at night, not only electricityTo make food in the fridge and deteriorate. Reporters found during the investigation, the refrigerator door is not easy to turn off the strict is not actually a small problem, but often overlooked problem with the refrigerator itself. Even many users remember it to be a sudden realization: "sometimes encounter such a situation and each person accused forgot to close the refrigerator door at home, and in fact everyone is being wronged. "Journalists last nightDays in the home appliance stores surveyed on more than one brand of refrigerator door problems. Experiments have shown that refrigerator door problems involving lax is not a problem unique to Siemens, its products, particularly doors in the middle of three refrigerators chances of strictly larger. Journalist investigation of multiple brands of refrigerators include domestic and foreign investment, product types, including ordinary double-door refrigerator, with a fresh layer of three doorsDoor of the refrigerator, and high-end refrigerators. General feelings, double door refrigerator doors should be designed with common refrigerators differ, both when opening and closing with a sense of heavy and tight feel good. (2/2)

