

129667786212802892_110Review: currently available rumors continue on next generation iPad. Foreign media today released an analysis articles, summaries and analyses of related information. Article points out that Apple launched the iPad next year, iPad mini will be preempted or low-end the Tablet market, while iPad 3 will be a more robust of iPad。 Apple's share price is breaking the $ 500 mark. Following is the analysis full text: there are many media reports, perhaps Apple will launch new products next year iPad mini as well as iPad 3. However the reports of the time to market and functionality of the product has a number of conflicts. Which a report has pointed out, has been a supplier to start issuing millionsIPad 3 panels. Another report indicates that Apple will launch iPad mini in the first half of next year, and in 2012 more powerful iPad launched in the second quarter of 3. But putting aside product feature is not yet clear, and time to market, we still believe that Apple will continue to maintain their dominance in the Tablet market, andFar beyond including Amazon (microblogging) star wars the old republic power leveling, RIM and HP (microblogging) production Tablet company. We expect that the new generation of iPad driven, Apple's stock price will have the strength to break through $ 500 mark. At present our forecast data 30% higher than the market average. Preemption low-end iPad mini tablet marketThere are lots of companies have been offering low priced tablet to compete with Apple's tablet computer market. Amazon prices Kindle Fire for just $ 199, while the RIM in a few days before its foundation Tablet price cut to $ 199. Currently $ 200 price range of the Tablet PC has said another hot spot in the market swtor power leveling, and AppleFruit is also very obviously hope I get a piece of the action. So iPad mini may be primarily used to compete for this market. IPad 3 features a stronger we think iPad3 would be a more powerful iPad product, probably will include some new and interesting features, such as Siri launches voice-recognition system, Which is also a main feature on the iPhone 4S. Also some reports that the latest iPad will use the higher resolution screen. Although Apple has still not the news confirmed, but the iPad and iPad mini 3 will be able to help Apple continues to maintain its own hegemony in the Tablet marketAnd will further promote Apple big rise in stock prices. (Lin Jing) Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

