
four Diablo 3 Gold four - PHZH

129834176548546250_99National Energy Council publishing notification: for further do wind electric development work, improve wind electric exploitation efficiency Diablo 3 power leveling, are will 2011 all province (area, and city) wind electric average using hours number be announced, and on strengthening wind electric construction and run management, and protection wind electric grid-connected and Xiao is satisfied that made four points requirements, including is as follows: a, and to protection wind electric run as current wind electric management of importantWork; the second, seriously implement the construction of grid-connected wind farms such as access conditions; and further improve wind farm operation management; four, investing in wind power plant construction and operation level. Comment by administrative means increasing on solving the problems of wind power into the Executive power: around the main issued the notification to the national development and Reform Commission, the State power grid, wind power developers in China Southern power grid, as well as,Wind power access to mandatory administrative intervention. Around the requirements of the national development and Reform Commission is a project of wind power grid construction and absorptive power market as the main role; for power grid company requires investment in increased peak, peak load shifting actively increase the absorptive capacity of wind power; for wind power developers will need to invest more in scientific nature of wind power plant investment, increasing wind power forecasting abilities;�� This notification will further promote the construction of wind power into strength Rift Platinum, will increase wind power utilization hours on the agenda: we in the industry before and was mentioned several times in the comments on the report on wind power into investment concern. From this year on wind power industry policy adhered to the "strict construction, increased access into" master tone. From intensive policy introduced in the near future, this year's wind powerAccess to a full basic construction period has been established. On the effect and impact, we believe that one of the most notable is the ability to access hours to pick up after the upgrade. This not only improving the economics of wind farm operations, and will increase the investment power of wind power development company. So solutions to access problems will help wind power development into a virtuous circle; HouRenewal policy: after two other major policies, including the measures for the management of renewable electricity quotas and the wind farm access standards. Which will make clear to the acquisition of wind force and absorptive quotas, straighten out the relationship between individual interests which will clearly wind farm investment in access equipment standards. This will further increase wind power from the Administration and access standards;Investment advice: wind power operators will be the most direct beneficiaries: access problem-solving will directly promote the use of hours increase, taking into account the last year was a year of small wind, hour of the year rising trend will be more obvious. Provincial average utilization hours of just last year at 1920 hours, compared to wind power plant design using hours as 2100-2200, headroomSo there are 200-300 hours. In general 20-30% under net interest, flexibility on wind power operators performance in 40-60%. Our key recommendations concerned Hong Kong stocks listed wind power operators including the Longyuan electric power, wind power in China; access to focus on investment opportunities in energy storage in the problem-solving process: from the national power grid first sights storage, lithium battery for 70%,20% sodium-sulfur battery, 10% for vanadium liquid battery. Relative lithium-ion battery is technically still put up directions. Recommendations focus on lithium battery energy storage pilot roll out the progress and speed of. Pumped and gas turbine as a power level of peak power for large-scale peak, is the primary means of absorptive power of wind power, as cumulative installed capacity of wind power is improving year by year, the futureNetwork-level investment in peak power will gradually increase; concerns related to access investment opportunities of power electronics: instantaneous fluctuation of wind power can be smoothed by means of power electronics. Wind power plant auxiliary equipment is mainly used for reactive power compensation. SVG due to its fast response compensation features more suitable for wind power, wind power will become the future standard. While wind power into strengthening the windElectric field of low voltage through (LVRT) requirements. We believe that the threshold for wind power converter and the machine has improved significantly. On the other hand wind access investment put forward on wind power forecasting requirements. In the field of wind power-related power electronics Diablo 3 gold, we recommended, and focus on the subject as a source of electrical shares, State power NARI. Others:

