
which is expected to enter a new stage of development Rift Platinum which is expected to enter a n

129823442329375000_56Motorola executives in China no change Beijing time May 23, Google officially announced the completion of the company's acquisition of Motorola's mobile technology, while the appointment of Denis · wood match (Dennis Woodside) (before Google America President) succeeding sangjie·gu (Sanjay Jha), helm of Motorola's mobile technologies. Motorola mobile Chinese companies to the South reporterMaterial, "according to Greek through this acquisition continues to bring Google Android ecosystem development, strengthening of competitiveness in the field of mobile computing. "And promises, on completion, will continue to be open source Android system. One of the authorized users as Android, Motorola mobile technology will run as independent business of Google. WithWith sangjie·Gu leaves TERA Gold, how executives will leave Motorola mobile technology. China responded that a person, the current domestic management team without any changes. Google completes acquisition of Motorola's August 15, 2011, Google announced that it has signed a definitive agreement with Motorola mobile technology, will be $ 40 per share cash bid of the latter. As announced a few days agoA trading day closing price premium of 63% a total price of about $ 12.5 billion. At that time, the official said in a statement that the deal has been approved by the Board of Directors of the two companies. But as Motorola have a large phone patent, Google-led Android open source mobile phone system and at the same time open to Motorola and its competitors, after the two companies into one, there may be "unfairMarket competition. " Deal itself also subject to audits of departments around the world, excluding the "monopoly" of suspicion. The whole process lasted for 9 months, following after the United States Department of Justice in February 2012, the European Commission formally approved Google Motorola mobile company after the acquisition, China's Ministry of Commerce at the end of last week for the transaction also lit the green light. Ready,United States on May 22, Google officially announced the completion of the acquisition of Motorola's mobile technology, immediately followed by the number of new appointments. Chief among them is a nice · wood match to succeed sangjie·gu, CEO of the post. Operated on management communication often joked in the industry, technology of the most famous throughout the United States India minorities have two, one is that the United States play in the big bang of MassachusettsPh.D. Raj Koothrappali Rift Platinum, another is sangjie·gu. In Motorola mobile technology the most difficult time, sangjie·Gu took over the position of CEO, and its main merit is decided to cut away the past Motorola mobile phone platform developed by "net" model, focused on the Android platform, and led the company out of the quagmire. Google companySangjie·Gu the CEO Larry Page spoke highly of, but sangjie·Gu is a voluntary turnover or Google asked to leave, has not made any statement. Sangjie·Gu itself, did not disclose what their future development. But the industry generally believe that sangjie·Gu as a senior professional managers, successfully rescuing experiences of Motorola's handset business, the future must beWorking on the "demand figure". Apart from sangjie·gu, Chief Strategy Officer of Motorola mobile anecdotal rumours John Bucher, Alain Mutricy, Senior Vice-President, supply chain managers, Chief Marketing Officer and Chief financial officer resigned. Google is not a positive response to the news, but the list as it announced a new management, change is significant. It is understood thatFormer Vice President of supply chain of the Amazon Mark Randall will be recruited. If the sangjie·Gu era, Motorola mobile technology's main work is being accountable to investors, losses out of quagmire as soon as possible. "Deep-pocketed" after the arrival of Google Motorola mobile technology, which is expected to enter a new stage of development, including on mobile Internet innovationAnd in light of its own on the hardware side of technology, patent strength, find a new breakthrough in the market and profit model. China responded: executives without change and took over the post of CEO Dennis · wood match, has been responsible for Google's acquisition of Motorola's mobile work, former Google President of America, responsible for sales and operations. Google official describes Dennis---onlyUnited States area, he and his team spent less than 3 years successfully raised to 17.5 billion from $ 10.8 billion in sales. Dennis says, "Motorola mobile technology with outstanding talent, we will concentrate on the ambitious goals of streamlining, creating excellent end product for people all over the world. "As for the Motorola mobile company in China, yesterday to the SouthReporter's reply was, "China has not changed, still as a separate subsidiary operation, all product sales and program as usual. "Motorola mobile technology youmengpu SWTOR Power Leveling, President of greater China now hold. Others:

