
had tried to buy a non-parent project TERA CD-key had tried to buy a non-parent project - CUHL

129833943192812500_378Yue Xiu Fang Tuo: purchase of blood transfusion in non-yuexiu Guangzhou West Tower real estate According to Hong Kong media on June 4, the IFC for Guangzhou trading, Chairman Liang Ning Yue Xiu Fang Tuo said, had tried to buy a non-parent project, but due to the small Fang Tuo, raise difficult and take a long, was being "cut-paste". Liang Ning, the company took part in the Beijing bid, bid high wow cd-key, but mainly due to asset-liability ratio of 45% CAP, to the extraordinaryApproval of the General Assembly, through the financing of rights or rights issue TERA CD-key, that takes a long time. In addition, Liang Ning light denied again TERA Power Leveling, $ 3.6 billion in the market value of Yue Xiu Fang Tuo, proposed spending about $ 9 billion yuan "swallowed incalculable" arm IFC International Finance Centre of Guangzhou yuexiu property of the parent company, is for yuexiu property of blood. Others:

