
the red ball faucet code 01

129836429960625000_167[Millet porridge] 12,067th shuangse Qiu period forecast: heavy, or extinction Winning No. 2012066 shuangse Qiu period: 01 02 26 29 33; the red ball faucet code 01; tail 33; configuration 32; and the value 100; even number 01 02; oblique continuous code 09, duplicate-free diablo iii power leveling, with tail code 09, even and odd 4:2, size 3:3 (01-16 small, 17-33),Than 2:1:3 than 3:0:3;012 Rd; blue balls 12 for the even-numbered; last issue I recommend 4 red balls, five awards shuangse Qiu No. 2012067 analysis: 067 shuangse Qiu history the period 05 11 12 13 31 10 01 06 073 16 32 04 03 12 16 20 21 26 16 07 08 16 17 24 13 06 11 13 17 21 23 11 10 11 19 26Phase No. 09067, 13 10 16 23 30 05 01 07 10 14 25 01 17 19 24 25 27 basketball analysis: this issue's featured 4 code 02 03 05; Red ball analysis: parity:9 8 higher odd number, most parity than 4:2 only 3 period, 3:3, are out of phase 2, and 2:4 day 1; even down wind, is expected to cover this period, parity than bullish on 2:4; Size: number of 9 per cent less than decimal 4, have been at a disadvantage in the same period, bottom rebound last year, out of the 6 prizes, this large number is expected to beContinue back to the warm, 4-5; weight: 9 period over the same period, out of the 8 consecutive periods read more, even for the current period is expected to open during 9 is very low, or vacancies for the current period; gunnin ' Phoenix Suns: 02 05 07 10 19 21 24 31 (killed on) No. 2012067 shuangse Qiu period recommended 10 2 duplex: 03 1115 16 22 26 28 29 30, 03 (period 4 on the red ball)

