
129725023493206844_33 - ENH

129725023493206844_33Large group sold 175 million 22 property suspected capital chain tension This is a wild adventure, is the proper means of massive and rapid development. Saab bankruptcy, a large group, is a lesson at a cost of 45 million euros, Pang Qinghua and his team more than half a year while consumption of energy. On December 19, 2011, the huge group received a message from Saab Automobile to file for bankruptcy to the Court, knowing that all efforts have been wasted.Outsiders are GM's opposition caused the failure, resulting in Saab's bankruptcy. Pang Qinghua, however, this does not suddenly. November 15, in order to convince resolutely oppose the attitude of General Motors, large group to extend the memorandum of understanding to 25th in the due date, however, the past ten days, cars and large group in youth programmes did not winGeneral support. At a time when seemingly all settled, out of a United States company, appears to an outsider, but Saab has the right to wield absolute power. Than from share, GM has preferred shares in Saab's lack of ownership structure in the 0.1%, not dominate Saab policy decision on major events. As a core technology provider, however, when a change occurs when ownership of Saab, GM has the right toLee decided not to cooperate with the new owners. Without a common technology, Saab in two or three years there would be no new products. Large group of MI-Yin Wang Tung said, in fact, before the talks, who did not ignore GM exists, however, Saab, GM also dividends from the shares, so ordinarily General support. However, this is just a too idealistic vision. General of aMajor reason is the Saab product sales in China and the world would have an impact on their own products, Saab and GM technology platform-sharing technology, GM considered justified, that much more important than was awarded to a stock dividend. Huge and young wrongly sentenced to a brand value of the automakers, world-famous Saab is actually a does not have an independent technology research and development ability and vehicleDevelopment ability of car companies. So, young people and huge purchases of what is it? Just a lack of an independent technical support Cart-Enterprise, an international brand-name aura, a controlling international brand as a result of a sense of accomplishment. This is zhuimu and feelings of the Chinese famous brand has always been, such feelings, foreigners are not going to China couldn't follow it. So huge in just one week toA semi-detached foreign companies to enter the car advance payment of 45 million euros, and there is no strong guarantees under the terms of future risk, which do not understand Chinese at all. Perhaps this is a wild adventure, is the proper means of massive and rapid development. Huge literariness in an era of high growth and a plunge in the car industry. Since 2000, ChinaVehicle industry with two-digit growth maintained strong growth from 2008 to 2010, a large group from the 600 million yuan in net profit jumps to $ 1.2 billion RMB, achieve double growth. This three-year, car sales and operating income composite growth rate respectively, 45.46%. Sales in Europe and America, Japan, South Korea and made a total of 83 brand cars, steam rankCar dealer of the first. Huge rise "on Subaru model". After controlling for Subaru 60% market share in China, Subaru business has become a huge core components. Pang Jianhua desperate for access to the other pillars of business, and strive for a dealer in the auto industry's voice. For Saab, huge imagining another Subaru. After the shares of Saab,Large channels for Saab in China will have a stronger right to control, and Saab as a high-end car brand, may be more favorable contribution to huge profit. Since 2010, in order to seize the opportunity of high growth, have started a huge expansion of crazy journey. According to the information for the six months ended June 2011, in nearly a year's time, a huge newIncreased 410 cars operating outlets, about growing up on the original scale 59%, added more than 8,000 employees, and accounted for one-third of the original staff. Thus, in recent years, large groups of new investment and managing operating costs increase significantly. As of June 30, 2011, large groups of asset-liability ratio of up to 77%. According to statistical data on Wind information, as atOn December 30, 2011, a share break 199 last year new listings, large group or 65.84%, ranking declined the head of the list. On December 23, the large group intends to $ 175 million to sell 22 properties are considered capital chain tension for a big support, but large group has repeatedly said it has nothing to do and failed in the acquisition. In any case, the takeoverQian, huge financial pressures have show now, 45 million euros (equivalent to RMB 360 million) loss is undoubtedly a significant load. Saab after bankruptcy, Youngman automobile from Saab vehicle manufacturers of existing technical platforms and devices to share a cup of soup, but the dealers large, bankruptcy of Saab has no value, can only wait for bankruptcy debt clearThe acting. You pay the company, banking loan arrears, after priority creditors of debt, has been what can leave the Red Saab, who is uncertain.

