
swtor valor power leveling hoping to restart negotiations under ECFA - YXB

129733877377346250_140After the Lunar New Year holidays this year just before the new year's day, sooner than in previous years, TV brands promotion lasts from the new year's day to the Spring Festival of flat-screen TVs, LCD TV panel shipments to a record number of Chinese TV makers high; high shipments expected in February 2012 will further expand. According to industry surveys show that some panel makers are more actively attacking the Chinese television market.Between December 2011 and TV panel shipments to domestic TV makers due to the number of better December retail sales performance, panel makers boosted January shipment targets. DisplaySearch pointed out that Chi Mei shipment plans will continue to increase in the first quarter. But sales fell short of expectations during the spring, later if demand slowdown will affect the brandManufacturers replenishment plans for follow-up.  In addition, the two-Korea-Samsung, LG plans to improve panel shipments to local Chinese brands dragon nest power leveling, which is possible on this threat leads the Chimei panel shipments to local manufacturers. However due to the change of policy, the Chinese television there was some uncertainty in demand as a whole for the year 2012. According to Chinese media reports tor pvp valor power leveling, GovernmentHouse will likely in April increased import tariffs on LCD Panel, from the current increase to 5% of, 32-inch panels above the tariff was increased to 3% of.  Because on the one hand increases the rate to protect China's domestic line of high line from generation to generation, such as BoE, TCL; on the other hand forcing Taiwan, and Korea areas, such as industry shifted to China. Although thisIn favour of domestic panels, but for Taiwan LCD industry have a big impact. Especially for Chi Mei will be putting pressure on successive years of losses swtor valor power leveling, hoping to restart negotiations under ECFA, zero-tariff concessions towards large size panels.

