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129724941992113094_34First questioned Han Han works that make SB famous bruising of the look people in the Cup, followed from the Han Han's "level of literature and history", "writing" fake proof Han Hanceng accept "ghost writer". "Fraud fighters" Fang pointing the finger at the generation y representative Han Han, appeared to want to JAB several times. Han Han will Commission lawyers, Fang (is) through the Internet "questionHan Han a ghost writer, "rumor, caused damage to Han Han the honorary matters, legal proceedings in Shanghai. (China January 29) prosecution of Shanghai Court admissibility of Han Han, remains unknown. Han Han law chosen by the program to solve the dispute between pen and ink, somewhat to my surprise. On January 16, Han Han post of the small a piece of, He said, "so a reward, can anyone cite any friends and family around belonging to ' Han Han writing team ' or ' Han Han planning team, ' anyone who approached or seen ' Han Han writing or planning team ' any member of, any person who can prove a ghost writer to write articles for me, or who have a ghost writer for me, even if it's a ghost writer had one line, no mediaHave received belong to the ' Han Han team ' or press releases from I require published propaganda, any Internet companies received the ' Han Han team ' or I require evidence of hype runescape items, reward of 20 million Yuan (20 million dollars), I would like to pen, and presented to the informer copyright all published books. "Since it is a reward, then, isEncourage others their enthusiasm in case to apply for a reward. You can receive an award's evidence unpersuasive, but can't because of evidence is not convincing, but their slander. The feeling seems to draw a snake out of its hole. This is like one person thinks is strong and reward-who can beat him on the street, who will give 1 million, up a cool Han really grasp a fist, he, in turn, based onDeliberately harm themselves to the Court for prosecution.   Of course, that this comparison is not very appropriate. From Fang wrote several proof blog post, actually belongs to based on their knowledge, logical, areas of questioning, for example, in this regard, netizens have since questioned the reasonableness of such analysis, including their knowledge is pale and its logic is confusing cheap runescape items, its level is too low, andHan Han can be ignored (as it did not respond to value), or you can respond to. On January 29, Han Han's blog post I wrote all these can be produced in evidence, has questioned responded to more concentrated in the near future, the network on this platform, skeptics and those who are questioning a fair discourse space, can we think skeptics is defamation, say. In particular,When being challenged when a public figure is a party. Of course, Han Hanyou right of prosecution. But I don't think this is a good way to solve such problems. "Ghost writer" ultimately is a "fake" for academic, literary and artistic works of the "fake", need is peer review, rather than in a court-the basis for the judgment of the Court, as well as peer in court cannot beWhen identification of true and false, literary works, is difficult to make judgments. Han Han can be said that they get out of the 1000-page manuscript proved entirely out of his own works, manuscripts will be able to prove articles are written by you? Do not write and they can be others: transcript copy? In this connection, Han Han should be aware of, on January 16, post the small article postHe said, "I am under no obligation to permit, can do little card, if you doubt me, come up with evidence of the witness to, away 20 million plus I all rights reserved. "After the manuscript, Han Han, wrote," but I really admire my own, in an era of computers spread, I'm done writing the article from time to time but have to change a few words, but when I was young the manuscript of the articleSo is a shape, except for some typos, and very few big changes. For a juvenile to this, the difficulty is not an ordinary high.   "He wanted to pass this indicates your manuscript has not been transcribed, a molding. In fact, Han Han do not need permits, nor does it require a judicial decision, but just keep calm about it – he has a very long time betterOf works to proved own of strength and influence--from entire event analysis, Han cold of reaction some too "radical" (he on this of explained is, this does breakthrough has I as a wrote author can patient of bottom line), such as, in reward in the mentioned "had for I ghost writer, even only ghost writer had line word", on is may fired out questioned who questioned of enthusiasm. --He can make1000 questions, even if one of the questions was established, also can receive "reward", do not want to get "a reward" or sauce – you know, a person in their own process of development, you can deny the influence of school education on their own, but you cannot deny the influence of family education, social education and their, if the father has a love of literature, like literature, maybe affected byEffect to the father, the father is most likely to modify their own compositions, made a number of recommendations buy runescape items, in the book publishing process, editors may also propose amendments, modifications or even for individual words. These are very good, even mentioned proposals, modifications, and have mentioned edit comments, modified, or are you the author, this was like a PhD thesis to be tutor of pointing, modifying, There are sxsj help, eventually completing thesis or doctoral students themselves. Without these, it becomes "God." If they are negative, will obviously attract skeptics question to rave reviews, as long as the sentence may be found in the article is written by Han Han father, does not prove that Han Han was "ghost writer" before? This is a very absurd logic, but put on a real, and it later became aThe main line of the event. If a different tone, put down your own high horse, you may not be the same. If Han Han said they were writing under the influence of parents, fathers also make recommendations for their own development, the situation may be quite different--and of course, as long as Han Han did felt effects, his father did for his growth also put forward a proposal.No genius in the world, there is no God, if you want to say that problems of this Han Han, was lost to the "spirit".   Thus, everything becomes very irregular. Author of Xiong Bingqi Vice President of the Institute for 21st century education "author: Xiong Bingqi" (Editor: Chen Jun) Others:

