
swtor credits the market is not out of the market expectation of "dragon head" - ZCL

129724958945081844_24Report from after the first day Diablo 3 Power Leveling, the market is not out of the market expectation of "dragon head", scenes no longer weight plates, leading stock index falls, is in stark contrast with it the old republic power leveling, gem with a sweeping sections earlier weakness, stocks stocks rose fell less, a total of 6 stocks falling market daily limit. From the trend throughout the day swtor credits, ziguang Huayu (300,271, unit) Is undoubtedly the 6 cent daily stocks's one of the most eye-catching: Call auction just 58 hand turnover shares firmly nailed soon died on the daily limit of $ 28.26 price, exchange rate only 0.2% throughout the day. Strong seal stops behind, from January 21, publish a notice: it is proposed that every 10 shares to all shareholders distribution of cash dividend 15 Yuan (including tax), andCapital reserve shall be converted into share capital, every 10 shares converted into 10 shares to all shareholders. In its lead, goldtel electronic (300,101, unit), Wei (300,270, unit), acrel (300,286, unit) wait for 5 second board stocks falling market daily limit. Recommended reading on January 31 illustrations: normal technical adjustments to localFuture shocks to caution a shares rebound as an auspicious start who died rose pattern is expected to extend China's a-shares in HKEx release starts a shares opened weaker Outlook was worried langma several points of thinking on nuggets of information the man higher up "plans break unit" [Twitter] RMB appreciation and the a-share the mysterious relationship [shares] old shareholders said journalists at this location at the end of noteMeaning, above 6 companies, with the exception of goldtel electronic has not released outside the announcements, in 10% per cent net profit growth in the rest of the 2011 year. Its corresponding was yesterday gem top 5 oak decline in shares (300,082 shares), Kang Zhi pharmaceutical co (300,086, unit), worldwide stock (300,057 shares), Jiuzhou Electric (300,040, unit) and Ssangyong shares (300,108 shares), the performance is not very satisfactory, Kang Zhi pharmaceutical industry's net income decreased by 80% per cent over the previous year. In this regard, joint huatai securities analysts said the early management of introduced a series of measures to make previously diffuse atmosphere in the a-share market speculation eased, market style regressionFundamentals is an inevitable trend. Gem quality companies, they should be favored by the capital. ����But he also believes that, overall, this year's gem difficult is now a real trend opportunities, valuations are still much higher than the average of the two cities. Galaxy securities senior investment consultant Shi Yongliang, yesterday the gem "alternative to" show more but in terms of oversold reboundMass seen in "early in the process of the whole market index rebounded, adjustments throughout the gem is very large, inherent oversold rally demands. "Trainee journalist Ai Lingyu

