
blade & soul gold beginning corporate succession - TXG

129742938765937500_32"Do you mind if I smoke? No, how about you? "Red shirt, black suit, body weight, one's eyebrows went up and one's pupils delated, unfathomable when static, when she smiles bouquets.   Now, he pulled out a pair of white ladies imported cigarette smoke one by one to the people around him. Senior old rich contributes is very good at dealing with journalists, on a certain level, he is good atDealing with all the people, and he was particularly good at dealing with some difficult to break things. For example, his neighborhoods, real estate, hengsongweiping is at stake, he has lived from the money chain crisis. Once guangsha restructuring and listing of issues, such as national energy industry issues, such as the succession of two sons, such as Wu Ying in the year interest of correctionKudzu problem.   Zhoushan Islands, Zhejiang guangsha group Huang Zeshan celebration reception of oil storage and transportation project, fight smoke, finish, contributes easier staging, guangsha holding capacity as Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors, Hong throat, pulled one of the handsome one.   "Grab" Fu Tian capital shattered Lou zhongfu's estate plan, he turned to the energy industry. On reform and opening upAfter the first generation entrepreneur, policies and rules of life is all about in a variety of steep walk through the jungle. People who left for the King to stay in the game, guangsha contributes, new hope (000876), Liu Yonghao brother Zong and wahaha for example, now they break 2011 10th, 11 of the top 500 private enterprises in China, 12-bit。   In many important corner of the private economy in China, Lou zhongfu of guangsha often wind vane. Like many contemporaries of independence through elements, Lou zhongfu sorrow about herself, ugly, culture is not high. In March 1954, he was born in Dongyang, Zhejiang.   Dongyang an ordinary father loumaochun was a blacksmith. 5 years old, his father suddenly became "counter-revolutionaries" Jailbird, Contributes to become "black five".   Finished primary school, he was forced to abandon cattle. "This is a major blow to family and I, my life has had a great impact. "Memories of childhood experience, contributes much feeling blade & soul gold," which was not finish is spoken in a few days for a few nights. "This experience have on mental track of contributesWhat effects, one can only guess.   For example, after Fu Jia life contributes to "flamboyant" is known: the car is a black Rolls Royce Silver seraph, license plate number is "0003", accommodation often to presidential suite, not twice a year the Villa decoration was magnificent. In 1978, aged 24, contributes to the Zhejiang Dongyang Chengguan construction companies do unskilled labourer. NotA long time and he was exceptional promotion materials section.   After 6 years, contributes "claimed the right to Rob". When the company manager faces retirement, according to seniority, categorically not up to Lou zhongfu, he looked all right to decide at that time manager of leadership, get some support, a successful competition. But when I made the appointment, people under a piece of coax, he took out the company seal, three knife cutting"From today, chapters cover the things I renzhang, not responsible for others. "This kind of thing put in today is incredible.   Money week this well-known piece is confirmed at the time of building, he himself laugh. In June 1985 rift platinum, Chengguan building changed its name to Dongyang three built. Contributes vigorously and speedily and to the early 1990 's, the company has been bursting to flyAdvance development, building countless honors, inside and outside the system again with friendly. But contributes "aggression" dispute the seeds of development from then on.   It is said that during this period, property was looted, property's wife broke seven ribs.   If it have an impact on his next action, is to stimulate him to speed up action. In early 1992, he decided toDongyang built into the third group, and set the deadline in June. At that time, Dongyang subsidiary of Sanken with 10,000 employees, total assets of 50 million. But talks about the strength is not enough to take the lead in setting up the group. He persuaded the local captain of all construction, convinced and competent leadership of Dongyang, Jinhua. To the clock, contributes just one time GovernmentSector together to the company. Finally, the approval time is still missed, Lou zhongfu Overlord Arch on the hard, listed on June 3 in advance.   First in Zhejiang Province--Zhejiang guangsha construction Enterprise Group company (600,052) construction Corporation was born.   The Rob, on the history of building wealth is of strategic significance. Just two months later, started on thisGroup implementation of the joint-stock system reform of township enterprises. The shareholding system reform as much as the slightest difficulty setting up group, Zhejiang Provincial Government, because at that time the original plans for the joint-stock system reform of State-owned enterprises in Zhejiang Province, did not take into account out of the State-owned enterprises. But since Lou zhongfu activities, finally made an exception granted guangsha group included in the list of pilot, this is also the year of ZhejiangJiang province standardized pilot joint-stock enterprises one by one in town and township enterprises. A year later, guangsha group reformed at the end of processing time window clearance, raised $ 100 million funding.   Contributes indirectly through the guangsha holding, also completed a leap of wealth key step. "I carry out shareholding system reform to the company's purpose is clear, which is to be listed. "Lou zhongfu said. Lou zhongfuThis is the background of remarks: in accordance with the provisions of relevant regulations in China, listed company limited is one of the conditions regulating business must have 3 years. Guangsha group set up in June 1993, to June 1996 just over 3 years.   Lou zhongfu plan listed, under the policy of State-owned enterprises in difficulty, which is directly liable to the death penalty. Lou zhongfu ViceTo the opportunities of the Hangzhou meeting of Ministers is asking for. "Just managed to get 5 minutes of interview time. "In 5 minutes, contributes tension to the ministerial statement of the 3 reasons.   "The death penalty" original sentence "death sentence". After repeated lobbying and public relations, in December 1996, contributes through the Ministry of construction of this first. Subsequently, the China Securities Regulatory Commission this mark, and itsHis several State-owned construction enterprises and obtain a unique index.   On April 1, 1997, "Zhejiang guangsha" shares approved 35 million shares were issued. At this point, the building's family fortune The outcome is a foregone conclusion.   Great down contributes first zhengrong. A few years after, contributes and Rob around the Nanjing and Chongqing under a number of State-owned enterprises, guangsha group listed the single at the beginning of the privateBuilding enterprise, into a holding a wide range of industries and different capital form an integrated group.   In addition, the 21st century contributes attempted to Rob two of the greatest cake: real estate market and the energy market. In 2000, contributes to start the suburbs of Hangzhou "capital city" project, began to create a dream of this life's biggest leap. In accordance with the plan contributes, The project will amount to more than 6,000 acres, investments will reach $ 6 billion to 8 billion, as a result, this became a famous "Waterloo".   And result in 2006-2008 Zhejiang guangsha has been funding strand the cliff edge to survive. An episode was, at the time of its private financing in the tide, Dongyang rise to a female great down-the-Wu Ying. After many years of, Zhejiang women Wu Ying illegal fund-raising case concerns back to the surface, family were involved in dividing Wu Ying contributes assets.   The end of June 2011, Wu Ying Wu Yong invited father said in an interview, grey group character of the hotel, at the time of the auction, brother louzhonghua by contributes to price of 4.5 million won, flip to 7.8 million sold last name boss Shen. “Sky satellite "actually directly contributes missed opportunities for China's real estate market in history. Construction industry profits dying, by 2011, guangsha strategy was not always what a breakthrough. Lou zhongfu's family on the industrial heritage, and setbacks. From the 2003 Golden trust event when, within the wide range of ills andManagement systems, such as exposure to persistent problems. However eq2 platinum, the Zhoushan energy project launched in 2003, and finally at the end of 2011 from the head of the oil giant's mouth took down.   This finally marks contributes from the solution out of the predicament of up to 8 years. Do not pay a share even if it is the right for louming issues, "I louming to answer".Significance of Zhoushan power project contributes, not just industry upgrade the substantive content, significant breakthroughs in strategy, contributes more is the ultimate right to provide possible. Lou zhongfu's two sons, the eldest son louming honest, Jiang Yue intelligent on the second floor. Therefore, this is a rather difficult multiple choice questions. Early in 2002, less than 50 years of Lou zhongfuInitiation retreat, beginning corporate succession, 28-year old eldest son louming served as President of guangsha holding for the first time. Louming was born in 1973, joined the Zhejiang armed police corps after high school, 3 years after the return of guangsha holding, subsidiary materials Ltd as General Manager of Fujian, Zhejiang, also served as Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of guangsha. In 1994, the louming served as Vice President of guangsha holding2002 was promoted to President, contributes to act as Chairman of the Board of Directors.   In December the same year, contributes to the post of Chairman of Zhejiang guangsha Jiang Yue, over to the second floor, he served as General Manager, and resigned in December 2005. After 4 years, guangsha capital chain difficulties, louming will return posts, President of guangsha holding Lou zhongfu, full-time Chairman of guangsha construction. BuildingZhong Fu mountains again.   In 2007, through the non-listed Zhejiang guangsha group of private placement into good assets, 2 years before finally losing 177 million and profit of 272 million, results started to improve. In July 2010, the loujiangyue also resigned as Chairman of Zhejiang guangsha, breakdown of guangsha holding, Vice Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the post by professional managersPeng t as.   In October, the louming raised: guangsha holding, once again served as President and Vice Chairman of the Board, at this point, building out basically took over the family business. A year after the observation period, 2011 contributes the final location make room to the stairs out of the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Contributes, as saying, "we have this group of people (private entrepreneur), which is like meReally going to? "But in fact, contributes to" abdication "is the result of a careful design: first of all, although the yield was Chairman of the Board of Directors, but no announcement, Lou zhongfu of actually controlling the transfer.   That essentially is the right to pay outstanding shares. Card Bureau in Zhejiang Province Wang Baotong before contributes to introduction of guangsha holding, imposes a burden, Chief Executive, and noJiang Yue plays on the second floor.   Has good intentions. Then Lou zhongfu said, although resigned from the top, but still led the old set of Zhoushan energy project team personally, this is actually the real strategic direction of guangsha holding grip in the hand.   To do this, set up a separate project company "global energy". Contributes to succession remains a mystery. OnThis he said, "when I was young, I have more experience to help him succeed, do not wait until my own flesh when you to a lot of new people, but how long can this team management, I had considered 15? 20? In 15, 20, and I can also has the ability to give them planning the second stage, the third stage. "In a strongIn the eyes of potential contributes, two sons still "children".   At a recent press conference in Zhoushan on, face the question of media, the vast majority still contributes to answer, even for the louming of issues, but also "I louming to answer".   Guangsha where?   Louming said residential tourism in brewing a new listing. Guangsha is notOn to of course, louming and father agreed, "after the residential core competitiveness, energy".   Energy industry, will become a residential development of business in the future. As early as 2003, contributes to management and development strategy of guangsha has been adjusted, and decisions to the country's economic development needs into the fastest-growing energy industry. In 2004, guangsha has registered widely(Zhoushan) energy group limited, mainly engaged in oil, coal, steel, wood and bulk wholesale, sales of the product.   The same year, also got coal market rectification and operational units in Zhejiang Province the eligibility Office issuing the certificate of qualification of coal, and issued by the Ministry of Commerce of the oil products wholesale business certificate. 201129th, guangsha reply Huang Zeshan in Zhoushan island project through the relevant departments (batch of 2011), construction scale for a 300,000 tons of crude oil (including burning oil) berths designed annual capacity of 18 million tonnes; an 80,000 tons of oil berth, designed annual capacity of 8.2 million tons, and two 10,000-ton oil berth, designCapacity of 2.6 million tonnes; building 1 million cubic metres of crude oil storage tank and 510,000 cubic metres of oil storage tank and the corresponding ancillary facilities, a total investment of about 2.484 billion, the project shareholders including: guangsha holding (90%) and other natural persons. Zhejiang Zhoushan project not only is now one of China's largest private energy and transportation projects, as well as private enterprises for the first timeInclude "crude oil terminals, oil terminals, crude oil and oil products storage tanks" full range of oil storage and transportation projects. Louming said that Huang Zeshan island project estimated total initial investment of more than 12 billion. This project on the funding needs for "unthinkable", guangsha has begun to deploy as early as 8 years ago, the first investment of 2.5 billion, prepare to be completed before 2014 phase I construction, "After the completion of our initial planning, profits of around 500 million every year, 4-5 fully recovering its investment ". In 2010, the gross output value of guangsha completed 60.3 billion, compared with the previous year increased by 18.5%. "Last year we completed production in the construction industry as a whole is probably around 38 billion, real estate because the situation is not very good last year, had completed about 7 billion,Coupled with our hotels, tourism, a total of more than 10 billion. "Louming said that guangsha should make do with construction, doing fine real estate, focus on fostering energy, positive developments in the financial sector, combined and other industries. He said: "we can do it industry, hotels, cultural tourism, including Shanghai manufacturing industry to be a listing of important. ”

