
world of tanks power leveling 2013 in rapid over the Earth from the surface of 27 - AOS

129756477771250000_40Asteroids (data) according to United Kingdom the daily mail reported on March 5, United States Space Agency scientists said a 46-meter-diameter asteroid next year and walked past the Earth, and the distance of the Earth even more nearly than satellites. Was previously reported, this code 2012DA14 asteroid impact Earth in February 2013, which is similar to the originalEffects of explosive bullets. However United States Agency impact risk reports, 2012DA14 very low chance of asteroid, it is very likely on February 15, 2013 in rapid over the Earth from the surface of 27,000 km altitude wot power leveling, the location and even close than the artificial geostationary. 2012DA14 asteroid is Spain two daysWriters found at the end of February this year, is very similar to its orbit and the Earth. According to the report, February 15, 2013, it is likely to hit the Earth world of tanks power leveling, but the United States astronomer Phil * Louis Platt (Phil Plait) said: "almost certain, next year 2012DA14 asteroid won't hit Earth. Impact the possibility of very low probability almost zero。 Of course does not exclude more distant impacts may occur in the future wot power leveling, but at least we are safe now. "After 2013, 2012DA14 asteroid again and walked past the Earth until 2020. Louis Platt says, even when it hit the Earth is a very small window of opportunity, chance and you were struck by lightning, about one out of 10,000. (Shen Shuhua)

