
rift platinum command SOO5011 using other taxiway sliding back to the T4 taxiway - OOM

129732029240158750_165Like Russia Mars "Phobos-Grunt" debris will increase air scheduling difficulties. Jiafeng Zhao drawing morning news reporters Yao Jiang Zhou Yan LI Meng correspondents during the Spring Festival, total flights taking off and landing in Shanghai doubled than normal growth, greatly increases the difficulty of dispatching protection for aircraft the air. Yesterday from the East of civil aviation air traffic management BureauWas informed that since the spring, controllers have successfully resolved many may pose a security risk.  Last month, the 16th, 17 aircraft under management, successfully avoiding Russia space probe falling debris. Control command aircraft flight on January 16, 1:27 A.M., Shanghai sailing area control center received notice, Russia space probe "PhoBos-Grunt "lose control and fall.  Detector is not burned in the wreckage debris may fall within an area, commanding an aircraft collision avoidance requirements.  Introduction to East China air traffic management Bureau, emergency, controllers on duty immediately in accordance with special disposal procedures to initiate action. Under Navigation notice information preliminary judgment, restricted area at large, almostCovering half of the Shanghai information area.  This will affect the route more flights on the route. After it has been confirmed to the departments concerned to confirm, controllers with the class teacher immediately on the radar screen a restricted area maps warhammer online gold, and regulating and informed.  At the same time, notifications related to leadership and Army aviation units on duty. At that time, there are a dozen planes in the air the secret world gold, for international flights. Controllers are immediately affected by the shadowFlight briefing, command aircraft out of range of the restricted by radar-guided, aircraft circling waiting for command is about to enter a restricted area. At 3 o'clock in the morning, restrictions lifted, during which a total of 17 flights were affected, 2 flights has announced the minimum amount of oil.  Subsequently, the control of active coordination, most convenient channel to let the plane landed safely at your destination. Change the slideRoad maintenance of airport security-January 14, flew to Shanghai Pudong airport Incheon United States SOO5011 Southern Airlines flight at normal landing runway.  Tower controllers directing it along the taxiways join T4 taxiway b, unit read back correctly. 2:18, SOO5011 controllers found along the taxiway b Miss T4 taxiwayContinue to glide forward. Not far away is the airport pavement in front of construction area. On duty controllers immediately commanding units in place waiting for and understand from the unit.  Certified aircraft to use T3 diversions after sliding out, command SOO5011 using other taxiway sliding back to the T4 taxiway, as the unit accidentally sliding together in time to avoid the ground unsafe as a result of the event. 1Months 16th Shanghai sailing area control center received notice rift platinum, Russia space probe "Phobos-Grunt" lost control and crashed, influencing Shanghai 17 flights in airspace. Subsequently, the control of active coordination, most convenient channel to enable flight landed safely at your destination.

