
tera gold - LSS

On September 18th message, according to foreign media reports, Sohu CFO Yu Chuyuan in September 15th to an average of $66.88 per share price to sell 10000 shares of stock sohu.This is her fourth since 2009 to sell stock.In addition she has three times to sell Sohu stock record.In June 9, 2009, selling 10000 shares of Sohu stock, an average price of $68.88; in May 27, 2009, selling 10000 shares of Sohu stock, an average price of $59.08; in May 26, 2009, selling 18125 shares of Sohu stock, an average price of $57.Yu Chuyuan in 2004 March to join Sohu's chief financial officer, in finance, accounting, investment banking has over 20 years of experience working in front of Ms. Yu Chuyuan joined Sohu served Andersen accounting firm audit partner, once in Hongkong tera gold, the Toronto tera gold, Beijing firm to work for 10 years.In February 6, 2007 tera gold, Yu Chuyuan was promoted to the rank of Sohu company co-president and chief financial officer.

