
rift plat andAnd are becoming more complex. The bills up to 848 pages - TGE

129742938921875000_258February 18 issue of the Economist magazine cover February 18 issue of the Economist magazine cover blurbs: the Economist magazine February 18 print edition published an article saying, excessive and inappropriate supervision to the United States a huge burden to the economy, are reduced as a laissez-faire economy of paradise United States vitalityUnited States supervision needs to be simplified. Here is the article: Yes: Americans love mocking the ridiculous regulations. Florida law, vending machines to be posted on the label urged members of the public, if the label is gone, public reports are required. United States Federal Railroad Administration (Federal Railroad AdminiStration) insists, paint must be in front of all trains to the previous "f", so that people can distinguish which is the front, which is the rear. Bethesda Maryland by officious bureaucratic lemon drinks of domestic children's sells have been closed, because these enterprising kids have no business license. Such examples abound, Chun does notWhile stocks last. But the United States regulatory red tape is not a joke. Problem is not with the obvious absurdity of the rules. But a separate view is reasonable, but together create a huge burden of rules. United States was supposed to be a laissez faire economy of paradise. And life has long been subject to government intervention and limitations of directives from the EU headquarters in Brussels and EuropeChau people, Americans are considered to be the right to free choice, regardless of the choice was good or bad. ����However, the United States have deviated from this vision has for some time now. Think of the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank law). Bill goals are lofty: to prevent another financial crisis. Its policy is sensible:High transparency, and prevent banks from taking excessive risks, prevention of fraudulent financial operations, and authorized regulators seize financial companies that large, crumbling and splitting it to end the financial institution is "too big to fail" situation. The Economist was to support these goals, are still supported. However, the Dodd-Frank Act are too complex, andAnd are becoming more complex. The bills up to 848 pages, than the 1929 crash on Wall Street reform legislation introduced after the glass-steagall Act (Glass-Steagall) of 23 times. Worse is, the Bills every other page has requested, require regulators fill in further details. There are hundreds of pages long in these instructions. What is more,Aimed at curbing high risk for banks ' proprietary trading "Volcker rule" (the Volcker rule) including the issue of 383, into 1420 problem. Almost no one actually really read the Dodd-Frank Act, in addition to our press conference in New York. Who had difficulty trying to figure out what it means if master because thereSo many details to be filled: 400 rules provided for in this Act, only 93 has been finalized. ����Therefore, financial institutions in the United States must be prepared to face such a part is hard, part of the law of the contents is not known. Parrot the harm caused by the Dodd-Frank Act is of a broader trend in the case of aPart. United States Government growing piles of rules of the two parties, and few rules were abolished. ����Republicans rewrite rules to thwart terrorists, making in the United States to travel by air into a haunting, and many minds in favour of immigrants moved to Canada. Democrats have written rules to expand the welfare state. Barack Obama (BaracK Obama) 2010 year of health-care reform has many advantages, especially its attempts to achieve universal coverage of medical insurance. But in reduced health care system, it's huge and growing complexity of almost nothing. In the United States will each spend one hour treatment patients resulted in at least 30 minutes of desk work, and often spend a whole hour. Federal Government regulationsHospitals can request reimbursement category of diseases and injuries of next year the number rose from 18 rift plat,000 to 140,000. ����9 coding harm by Parrot-related, there are 3 kinds of water skiing burns caused by fire-related. There are two forces that United States law as too complex. Is hubris. Many Members seem to believe they can developRules to govern every contingency that may occur. Cases related to the numerous, some rules are just annoying (for example the secret world gold, a proposed regulation in Colorado nurseries shall be contained in the crayon box crayons), some laws are delusional (for example, the Dodd-Frank Act self-righteous belief that one can foresee and prohibit in the futureOut of all the dirty tricks). ����Complex legal far not to abuse, but lead to smart people can abuse of vulnerability with impunity. United States legal complex is lobbying other forces. Government activities in the micro-management of so many faces of a sense of urgency, led to the interest group have a huge incentive to promote special interest groups in favour of the Statute. When a Bill longUp to hundreds of pages, members of Congress are not hard on those provisions in favour of his friend and campaign donor, close one eye turned a blind eye. Health care bill includes a lot of content in favour of promoters Bill. ����Parliament in the recent failed attempt to regulate greenhouse gas emissions are worse. Bring complexity costs money. Intended to prevent Enron (Enrong)-Frauds of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Sarbanes-Oxley) made in the United States listed on the stock market has become so difficult, so that enterprises are increasingly seeking to list or elsewhere to continue to a private. United States stock market share in the global initial public offerings from 2002 (year of adoption of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act) 67% to 16%, Although some benign fine-tuning on the Bill. Small Business Administration for government agencies (SmallBusiness Administration) conducted a study found, brought about by the increase in the cost of overall supervision for each employee $ 10,585. United States no further increase in the unemployment rate, is a miracle.To simplify the regulatory demands of Democrats to rule book weight-lip service-regulators-the Obama administration is considered in terms of cost-benefit analysis is to ensure that the new rules are effective, but the Obama administration have a tendency to exaggerate the benefits and underestimated the costs. Republicans are weak to advocate their overthrow of the Obama health-care policies and the Dodd-ForlanG Act and to repeal all government bodies, but what to replace warhammer online gold, you only give a rough idea. United States needs regulators take a more sensible way. First of all, all important rules should be subjected to independent agencies on a cost-benefit analysis of the faithful. Before the results of the analysis should be in regulations promulgated publicly available. All major regulatory requirements should also be equipped with overnightYang terms, this is the case, these laws can be, for example ten years ' time, unless authorized by then Congress for legislation is clear again. More important is that the rules need to be simplified a lot than it is now. When the regulators when trying to prepare a common manual, lost in the ocean of words really important guidelines. If you set broad targets and only providesWhich is absolutely essential for the realization of these goals, then the situation would be a lot better. ����Lawmakers should adopt a simple rule, and then left to regulatory agencies. Doing so would give too much power to a non-elected bureaucrats? If bureaucrats can assume greater responsibility, this situation does not occur. Unreasonable rule should be subject to prompt complaints�� Regulators should of made the wrong decision can easily be replaced. All of these are not going to solve a complex regulatory inevitable difficulties faced by modern society. But it will reduce the risk of a real: regulatory excess may crush United States economic vitality.

