
diablo 3 gold in what ways can raise workers ' compensation proportion than - DKD

129764786847500000_178Editor's Note: when this year's Government work report given by Premier Wen Jiabao at the proposal to step up the formulation of overall income distribution system reform programmes, efforts to increase the proportion of labour remuneration in the first distribution. So, in what ways can raise workers ' compensation proportion than? Our system of redistribution of income how to compensate for the unfair income distribution for the first time? And how to improve it? These problems areConcern the reform of income distribution system and the urgent need to solve the problem. Improving residents ' income from the property there is plenty of capital markets in the capital market of 21, property of per capita income of urban residents increased from $ 15.6 in 1990 to $ 649 2011 how to create the conditions so that more people own property income? Previously our residents ' income from propertyIf deposit interest, resident assets mainly as bank savings, this makes the community's financing structure of over-reliance on bank loans, suppressing and restricting the growth of income from property, lack of flexibility also makes the whole financial structure. Therefore, experts suggest that we should put more focus on the capital markets, the property of residents income to create conditions on the capital markets.Residents of property income growth accelerated the stock journal, according to the National Statistical Office collected data found that 21 years of development of capital markets, property of per capita income of urban residents increased over 40 times times, rising is quite fierce, it certainly tied to capital market wealth effect. Before the 90 's of the last century, residents in cities and towns do not haveIncome from property. 1985 national urban residents per capita income from property is only a mere $ 3.74; 1990, that is, stock markets at the beginning of the birth, the national per capita income from property is $ 15.6, and later, as the gradual development of the capital market and growth, consciousness of urban residents ' capital investments mature, investment has been expanding investment channelRenders the diversification, this makes the significant increase in the income from the property. In 1995 the national property of per capita income of urban residents increased from $ 90.43, per cent in 2000 to $ $ per cent in 2005, 2010 jumped to $ 520, 2011 exceeded 600 Yuan, reached $ 649, the rise was quite fierce�� Which, of course, and is inseparable from the wealth effect of the capital market. Securities dividends of listed companies has been strengthened in recent years in particular the constant guidance and supervision, sharp increases in dividends and dividend income investors. SFC published data shows that from 2008 to 2010, the a-share cash dividend of listed companies respectively to 856, 1006And 1321 diablo 3 gold, per cent respectively of the total number of listed companies in the same period, 52%, and 61%; cash dividend amount to $ 342.3 billion, $ 389 billion and $ average dividend per share amounts to $ 0.08, 0.09, respectively and $ 0.13; three indicators are rising. While the Shenzhen Stock Exchange announced financial innovations LabsStatistics also show that in recent years, as the dividend policy of listed company SFC requirements emerging, stability, rate of cash dividends of listed companies, dividend expectations have made great progress. Increasing dividend company ratio and dividend yield. Since 2001, the dividends the company covers more than 30% per cent to more than per cent in 2010, in recent years the basicStable at about half. Gradual increase in overall dividend rate since 2001, 2006, 2007 average dividend yield breakthrough 1% of listed companies in China, in 2008, 2009 and 2010, respectively, 0.93% and 0.55%. Due to the accumulation of wealth effects, and active pursuit of the nation's private income from propertyEnthusiasm is rising. According to statistics based on the SFC website, stock turnover for the year 2011 $ 42,164,674,000,000, $ 172.806 billion average daily share turnover, stock trading volume of 3,395,755,000,000 shares, average daily trading volume of 13.917 billion shares; 6,365 turnover of Exchange-listed securities investment funds.8 billion yuan, the effective account number 140.5037 million. Futures markets for the year 2011, with unilateral statistics, total turnover of 289.0469 million hands of the Dalian commodity exchange, value $ 16,875,622,000,000; 308.2392 million accumulated turnover on the Shanghai Futures Exchange, value $ 43,453,435,000 diablo 3 power leveling,000; ZhengTotal turnover of 406.4392 million hand of the State commodity exchange, value $ 33,421,337,000,000; total turnover of 50.4162 million hands of the China financial futures exchange, turnover of 43,765,955,000,000 yuan. In 2011, the territory of financing totaling $ 678.047 billion, of which $ 282.507 billion a-share initial throughExposed to a rights issue exercise form of a rights issue shares, warrants and then funding totaling $ 22.48 million, separation through convertible bonds, bonds, corporate bonds and other forms of financing for bond markets 170.74 billion yuan. As of 2011, domestic listed companies has amounted to 2,342, total cost of issuing 3,609,552,000,000 shares of stocks, stock market value 21,475,810,000,000Yuan, 915 of securities investment funds. The CICC report show, 2011 all new accounts 14.01 million, Fund in late 2011 and the number of shares total cumulative account 202.592 million. Margin balance $ 38.21 billion in late 2011, up significantly increased nearly twice times; financing deals for the year 2011 557 billion yuan, under comparable diameter increased by 2.5 times. 2011 year stocks and share connection financing amount up to 533.63 billion yuan, down 41.5%; Enterprise bonds (excluding short-term financing bonds) raised $ 1,583,380,000,000, an increase of 57%. As China's economic development, economic structural adjustment, overall income of residents of waterWill also substantially increase, and income from the property will also be further enhanced. Residents of five ways of increasing income from property income from property, is a measure of a regional market and an important symbol of wealth. Middle income groups in developed countries more than half of roots is property income ratio, such as the United States national disposable income of 40% from the fiscal deficitIncome from production. By contrast, property income of urban residents in China than in five highest reached 2011 ($ 21,810 2011 per capita disposable income, property income of $ 649), and is concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy. Both direct expansion of the gap diablo 3 power leveling, off the income gap between urban and rural areas. National development and Reform Commission, the macroeconomic Research InstituteResearcher, former Vice President Huang Fanzhang had written, called "to create the conditions so that more people have income from property" is to the masses to make full use of all talents, not including labor working in the primary distribution, as well as by operating their own property (movable or immovable) multiple channels to get income. In his view, the so-called "popularity of income from property" is to make more and moreDirect or indirect access to the capital market to the masses. Lower barriers to entry, lower risk, would only entrants, more and more people by having "income from property" to share the fruits of economic development and economic reform. Comprehensive recommendations and views of many experts and scholars, improving the income from the property market for the most important measure is to develop the various elements, especially capital markets,Roughly divided into the following five types: first, the Government supports improving residents ' income from property in the system, the most direct way is to increase the proportion of labour remuneration in the first distribution. Relationship between income and wealth is a stock and flow relationships, all wealth was transformed by income. To really strengthen the middle class, and on the need to promote economic growth on the basis of, on the history of longRevenue growth in the period of economic growth for compensation, that is, at some time in the future, residents ' income growth rate faster than the economic growth rate accordingly. Second, the stock market is an important channel for increasing income from property. Deputy Director of the financial Research Institute of development research center of the State Council, China Banking Association Chief Economist of BA shusong (microblogging) is identified as the stock marketIn real terms, is a shared economic, financial product investment by investors in different shares of listed companies, so that they share the profits of listed companies. Therefore, actively encourages and supports a large number of high quality of listed companies, is the basis for expansion of property income in the stock market conditions. Third, by employee stock ownership plans to increase the income of staff and workers. Employee stock ownership plan isEmployees by investing in buying, loan purchase transfer, free or bonus assigned to subscribe the company's stake in commissioned employee group to centrally manage; management of employee stock ownership plan Committee (or Council) as a community participation of legal persons on the Board at a new stake in unit share dividends. Employee stock ownership plans in developed countries have been very mature in the development of, for example, United States90% enterprises in the Fortune 500 employee-owned, United States listed company 90% introduction of employee stock ownership plans. Four, give full play to social security funds, especially the role of pension funds as institutional investors, social security funds and actively and steadily into the capital market. At present, China is in the social security system from a single charge system to community co-ordinating and accumulation of fundsCombination of account in the process of transformation of the basic social security system. Recently the national "people's Congress" legislation, "Twelve-Five" planning proposals also called for social security fund investing in active and reliable operation. Social Security Fund operation is the first principle of safety first, investing in treasuries and large State-owned enterprises of the Central, it is the basic requirement of preserving and increasing the value. As the investment operations of the fund capitalIncome (value added) should plan personal account name to set aside most of the insured, as policy holders "income from property". With the construction of social security system continues to improve, "empty account" continue to do real, in 2020 will be established across the country in urban and rural areas of the unified social security system and the social security fund, urban and rural residents can share social security fund for the "income from property". Five,Implementation of both protection and investment function of insurance products. Income from property is a derivative of wealth, the Foundation is property of safety, insurance proceeds and property income. Therefore, insurance products are both protection and investment function of capital market instruments, should occupy an important position in the asset allocation of the residents. Insurance to be to contribute to the promotion of people's income from property, servicesIn place is critical, and insurance products to meet the requirements is the key. Insurance companies in China are supposed to learn from foreign successful experience, actively improve the existing insurance product, safeguard the interests of the insuring public. At the same time, set as one of the insurance and investment protection, such as investment and even dangerous, are usually sold in cooperation with commercial banks, which not only facilitated the people insured, but also rely on silverCredibility of the Bank and the insurance, provide a package in accordance with the public need to include risk assessment, pension arrangements, investment in health care, education for their children and families as a whole series of services. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

