

129667634776709142_2Second people's Hospital of Shenzhen involving cheating scandal involving millions Last year, the Shenzhen People's hospital doctors and drug trafficking in collusion with "health care" after the fraud was exposed, a few days ago, public hospitals in Shenzhen and then exposes the "cheating" scandal: Shenzhen second people's Hospital anesthesia Department in connection with much less reported, repeat billing, as well as lower-priced drugs sold much in the way defrauding health insurance funds. According to the Shenzhen IESS-related sources, events after the exposure,Social security institution only investigated the second people's Hospital of Shenzhen branch anaesthesia drugs months of storage data, has found that lead the drug does not match the number of serious, relevant personnel thus preliminary estimates so as to obtain the amounts of money involved may be close to $ million. With the last fool "doctors" are different, the cheated parties II of the Shenzhen People's Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology, Director for this, Anesthetic, and even developed a bonus linked to the charging mechanism, openly encouraged medical personnel charges, both in terms of dose "give short weight" star wars the old republic power leveling, the balance amount pockets. It was noted that the hospital insider reporting suspected fraud cases. Public hospitals involved in the fraud have been in the industry "unspoken rules". In recent years, around the fraud cases of the health insurance fundFrequency, most are amounted to hundreds of thousands of, millions of cases. Last 3 years, Shenzhen was only "cheated Medicare" is suspended or cancelled fixed-point units in the city of Sentinel institutions eligible for 6%. Fraud protection "sanbanfu" second people's Hospital of Shenzhen fraud originated in reporting the incident. Second people's Hospital anesthesia Department Shenzhen, who claimed to be members of medical personnel to Shenzhen social insuranceCouncil report said all along, the second people's Hospital of Shenzhen anesthetic, in their daily work in a variety of ways the much defrauding health insurance funds. Method is taken, the hospital Anesthesiology products during use, posing as high prices at a low price drug drugs, such as for surgery patients used $ 40 worth of narcotic, but $ 80 price charges; the second is the Director of Department of anesthesia to enact bonuses andCharges linked to the rules and regulations, openly encouraged medical personnel charges and drug use "give short weight", a can of narcotics are consumed not, patients have been collected for more than two cans of price; and the third is, Anesthesiology-saving supplies, a narcotic reagent in many patients, and repeated charges. It is understood that after the case, Shenzhen second people's HospitalExpand the relevant investigations. Shenzhen second people's Hospital, said CAI Zhi ming, after the school medical Bureau, Finance Bureau and other departments of the joint investigation team consisting of a preliminary investigation found repeat charges for anaesthesia complaint "partially substantiated". At the same time, hospitals have been suspected of cheating anesthesia Department director Huang made suspended, and its tie to accept medical insurance of the Social Security Bureau regulatingFor enquiries. While CAI Zhi Ming recognized two anesthetic drug management in hospitals in Shenzhen and use is vulnerable, duplication fees, but also on related issues to make excuses. He said that anesthesia agents reuse can occur, and single dose had a great deal, doctor malpractice objectively saving state resources, avoiding waste. However interpretation avoids theCharges, repeated charges and bonuses linked to the charges and other substantive issues. For lower-priced drugs according to the problem of expensive drug charges, the hospital comes down to it-related nursing negligence occurred during price entry. Shenzhen hospital official website published the second emergency notice saying, "because the hospital anesthesia Department oversight on the work processes, resulting in July 2011 to October in some patients IPropofol drug is used in obstetrics and Gynecology outpatient surgery paid $ 39.9 million. Our hospital from now on to text messaging, phone notify the patients in our hospital to handle refund. "Two hospitals in Shenzhen said Kuo Dai-Chi, Director of the Office, charge is completely entry medicine nurse personal negligence, hospitals are not aware of this situation, nevertheless, irregularities are exposed on hospital managementDoes the existence of certain problems, but the problem is not a cheat. Kuo Dai-Chi said that preliminary calculations involving patients are more than 1000 people, the overcharged amount is about more than 30,000 yuan. Regulatory gaps "doctor and the hospital lie to security issues in fact has been an open secret in Shenzhen. "One person familiar with the matter said. Shenzhen a city-level heads of departments of public hospitalsReporters that so-called cheating behaviors in many hospitals are actually a "hidden rules", the key is that you do not do. And social security departments also untold knowledge, or how to function without being discovered for a long time. Shenzhen, according to local media reports, in Shenzhen, a district hospital serving nurse Miss Chen disclosed that some sections will be "surplus" of drug accumulation,Leadership divided among departments and doctors. The "surplus" drug distribution channels there are two kinds, one is through the medicine dealers sold and exchanged for cash; another is the drug returned to the pharmacy, and replaced with equivalent drug, for your own use. Due to the Department in taking medicine when the block gets, and one more way to make the accounts look without any problems, the financial sector does not get to the bottom, It is difficult to be found, but in fact a long time, this is a "stealth" benefits. Shenzhen hospital after this case the second, related question, Director of IESS medical insurance in Shenzhen Shen Hualiang replied, with the number of insured, fixed-point medical institutions by the proliferation, Shenzhen serious shortage of health care managers, many policy improve, services management, medical YasumotoPayment supervision insufficient manpower unfolding. He said that at present the city's 11 million Medicare insured, 1457-fixed-point medical institutions, municipal and district health care full-time management staff (including audits, claims officers) only 71 people, supervisors employed 40 people, the city's healthcare staff service per person insured persons, equivalent to the national health-care staff service per person insuredMore than 20 times. According to the information disclosure of social security departments in Shenzhen, from 2007 to 2010, almost 4 years, cancelled or suspended due to serious violations fixed-point medical institutions and health care fixed-point qualification point 199 retail pharmacies, deducted violation-default amount totals $ 29.54 million. A person familiar with the matter said, because fraud guarantee universality of social security departments in Shenzhen originalProvisions to whistleblower provisions of bonuses can be investigated and dealt with the amount of 20% was modified, according to new regulations, the maximum bonus amount not exceeding $ 100,000. Embarrassment of repeated fraud events, public hospitals in Shenzhen disgrace, credibility was damaged at the same time, but also to the health authorities and social security departments in handling the proportionality part has brought challenges.Shenzhen Wei man one Department official said, the above-mentioned incident, strictly speaking, not only related to hospital leadership, including city health people and social security departments to escape the stemline, so treatment is particularly difficult. "In this sense it is not difficult to understand the incident exposed Social Security Department and the Shenzhen municipal public health person may appear harsh and banner of the light position. "The person tableAs shown in. Two hospitals in Shenzhen after the fraud was exposed, Shenzhen Wei who then held an emergency session of the Commission, and on the Shenzhen second hospital after issuing criticism. Shenzhen Wei informed the Committee criticized say, Shenzhen has been submitted to the second people's Hospital on our College's report dealing with anesthetic, remaining drug use, verify anesthetic, there will be use to many patients with a bottle of medicineDuplicate charges. Shenzhen Wei who think "this is a multi-charges damage the interests of the masses of irregularities swtor power leveling, contrary to the policy and solve the doctor being difficult and expensive." Criticism, Shenzhen Wei who requested the city's medical institutions will be allowed to follow a drug over use and charges as a team/person. However, informed of the above behavior is still set aside ""That is, patients do need to ensure medical safety, per share fee, subject to still implement" a drug being ". It is in this context, while acknowledging mistakes, hospitals are still full of energy. "In accordance with the formulation of the guardian who informed the Committee of the Shenzhen, this incident does not involve fraud and cheating, but many charge", listen to reporter mentionedInterview purpose is related to the hospital "trick" questions shuaifeifei mood suddenly heated up. Handsome second people's Hospital of Shenzhen, is responsible for the identity of the "trick" the head of publicity for the event. She stressed to reporters, about the second people's Hospital of Shenzhen Anesthesiology violation "charge" issue, the hospital had been to Shenzhen and guard persons Committee reports to the relevant circumstances,Social Security Bureau of Shenzhen City is also checked when charging data, "waiting for IESS". Compared with the second hospital in Shenzhen, Shenzhen social insurance sector is to a certain extent adopted an evasive attitude. Shenzhen IESS medical insurance Office of the Chief, face gaunt Shen Hualiang told reporters that related issues are further investigation and verification, depending on the socialInsurance Bureau regulations is responsible for the explanation. Subsequently, the reporter was told that the staff regulations is responsible for this matter, "traveling", after a few days before returning. "Fraud events, are being processed, it is difficult to ascertain at a specific time. "Shenzhen IESS healthcare staff member revealed that Shenzhen second hospital fraud if true, would be much greater than the amount to be paid to social security and statistics,"We can only calculate using medical insurance card of the public to pay money, but there is quite a lot of people pay at their own expense, the specific amounts must also rely on hospitals accounting ".

and at your own risk.

129668682440468750_171 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">the old republic power leveling</a>According to foreign news agencies quoted 26th on Pakistan State television reported that NATO helicopter air strike in Pakistan a military frontier defense inspection station, now the death toll rose to 25. It was reported that Pakistani officials said NATO helicopters the night of 25th on the Pakistani military is located in the mohanmande (Mohmand) tribal areas a frontier defense inspection station for air strikes. InAfghanistan capital Kabul, NATO officials said on 26th, they had learned of the incident. Gather more details on this matter swtor power leveling, they will publish more news. Kjaerboel tribal areas a local government official Gucein (Mutahir Hussain) said they 26th after the receipt of the order of the Federal Government of Pakistan, closed by PakistanJisitan travelled to neighbouring Afghanistan NATO material support supply channels. On the way of material supply trucks had returned to Peshawar. News Straits society international Taiwan channel gold online statement: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

had previously touched on 5.88%

129667837389365392_210Beijing time on November 26, morning news, poor's Friday report swtor power leveling, decided to include Belgium's sovereign credit rating downgrade one level because the Agency believed that Belgium banking security measures, the lack of policy coherence, as well as the slowdown in economic growth will be difficult to alleviate their debt burden in the country. At present, BelgiumBurden of debt in the eurozone in the fifth highest level. Poor's decision today to Spain's sovereign credit ratings from "AA" lowered from "AA" ratings Outlook to "negative" (Negative), which means that the Agency's future may further decline in Spain rating, this is the poor's downgraded its nearly 13 years Spain reviewLevel, which makes Spain in local currency of the standard and poor's credit rating and the Czech Republic, and Kuwait and Chile and other countries at similar levels. In the past two months, Belgium's borrowing costs have surged to its highest level since 11, because the Government agreed to buy German g banks (DEXB) owned by Belgium the banking sector, and for the linePart of the debt for a period of 10 years of warranty. ����After the six-party coalition talks ran aground earlier this week, investors continued to sell Belgium government bonds because the Liberal Party and the Socialist Party in the country is still divided on the question of how to reduce its budget deficit. Earlier this year, eurozone Member already exists in Slovenia, and Italy, and Spain, and Ireland, and PortugalAnd Greece's sovereign credit rating was downgraded. Belgium has a population of 10.8 million, the capital of Brussels the European Commission and the North Atlantic (600,558) (11.95,0.01,0.08%) headquarters of the Organization, the last time the country's sovereign ratings were downgraded, in 1998, then cut the country's rating agencies was Fitch.In the Brussels market in trading today, will be due September 2021, coupon interest rate of 4.25% of 10-year Belgium yields increased by 13 basis points, to 5.86%, had previously touched on 5.88%, its highest level since February 2000. Investors held a 10-year Belgium government bonds rather than GermanyRequired additional yield obtained debt widened to 360 basis points to a record high. Other rating agencies, Moody's investors service last month has been Belgium's "Aa1" sovereign credit ratings into the downgrade watch lists, because the country's banks may introduce additional aid measures, market confidence in the highly indebted eurozone countries "fragile"Bring risks, as well as economic growth slows. Fitch Ratings confirmed on October 20 the Belgium "AA" sovereign ratings the old republic power leveling, but Outlook still remained at "negative" does not change, said the country needs to adopt a "more active" debt reduction plan.


banks are not lending to these small companies

129667864444209142_336A regulatory prohibition of trust companies and small credit, pawn shops and guarantee company news yesterday of the cooperation between trust company insiders began to spread.  But the rumors, denied some of the trust company soon. According to individual reports in the media yesterday, regulators in recent days to mail notifications are issued under a trust company the old republic power leveling, trust company is strictly prohibited "and the smallLending companies, guarantee companies, pawn shops and other institutions for business cooperation, strengthen business risk and its management has been launched to ensure that the due payment ". This rumor, many trust companies in Shanghai are a rumor to the business journal. One large trust company have in-house staff to look after notification of the last three months told reporters, I found no regulators issuedProhibition and small loan companies, pawn shops and notice of a security company.  Only at the end of September there had been a notice for the trust in China, notice the content is prohibited in China Trust institutions such as participation by the small loan company business promotional activities were held. In addition a major trust company in Shanghai as well as the Business Director of a small trust company also told reporters the company there is noAny notice to regulators, including the use of mail forms, official documents, and oral notification. But these small trust company, General Manager of Sales Department, told reporters, the CBRC actually trust company involved in microfinance business before some worry, the future does not rule out the possibility of a demanding wind control notifications. "But certainly not prohibited. "The General Manager of Sales Department"If trust lending is prohibited, banks are not lending to these small companies, then who else will be on loan to them? Going to all these companies have died? "But he also acknowledged that trust companies involved small loan business risks are high. "For example, the CBRC required trust company selected microfinance companies with high qualification of cooperation systemLevel of avoiding future trust companies may face risks.  "The sales manager said. A trust company that has developed a small loan products business unit General Manager, told reporters that for SMEs which need loans, either from commercial bank loans, or take usury swtor power leveling, or die. It is clear that the three roads but loan sharks, two others on the objectiveVery bad. Trust product development in this direction is in fact found a way for management, as well as small and medium enterprises has opened up the fourth road.


129667864368427892_142⊙ Reporter Tan MI-0 edit Qiu Hailiang zhe Fu shares announcement today, the company received on 23rd Viet Nam songda AG of the bid-winning notice, the company and the water Research Institute form joint venture in China for Xekaman1 power station project No.III.3.2 mechanical and electrical equipment the old republic power leveling, complete sets of the successful tenderer; total bid amount of $ 38.514 million plus 9.9 billion Viet Nam Dong(1 yuan renminbi 3300.0314 Viet Nam Dong) swtor power leveling, account for annual operating income by 2010. According to the announcement, the deal each other Viet Nam songda shares company with registered capital of 6.6 trillion Viet Nam Dong. The subject-matter as Xekaman1 complete set of station electromechanical equipment (unit 2x145MW of Francis unit) will be takenForm of delivery, all deliveries completed 27 months after the entry into force of the contract, the place of delivery for the CIF Viet Nam Ho Chi Minh City. Zhejiang rich shares, in joint venture with the China water science institution in the company as the leading party. The bid is the first single since the company was established to undertake overseas electromechanical equipment complete sets of large and medium hydropower station project, marking the company has successfully entered the field of mechanical and electrical equipment set。

these teams are also no contacts with the United Arab Emirates

129668763028593750_4NBC: knee injury-hit United Arab Emirates NBA prospects this season may wish to play ball in the CBA NetEase sports reported on November 27: after 15 hours of marathon negotiations, employers have finally reached a preliminary agreement, which heralds after 149 days of NBA halt came to an end. Yi, however swtor power leveling, the message seems to be mixed with some mixed emotions, because after he was injured, halt ends. On this NBC says that so far since joining the NBA, never found their own position, and may wish to take this season in the CBA and have a good game. Recently, the Guangdong team and second last paragraph of the section of the Beijing team, Zhu fangyu was Marbury hit a fly, and Zhu fangyu fell after hitting the back of Yi, Yi was always carrying his right knee after being knocked down, tableLove is very painful. After checking in the hospital, confirmed Alian mild knee medial collateral ligament injury, probably needs to take a 2-3 week. Las wound after determining, NBA came the fans awaited news, halt ended up, after up to 15 hours of marathon negotiations, both the employers and finally reached a preliminary agreement. The face of thisThe situation, someone with respect, a little bad luck, just hurt, NBA halt ends, this will obviously affect his goal of returning to the NBA. Alian was injured, but the Guangdong Hongyuan General Manager Liu Hong-Jiang continued to believe that the United Arab Emirates to return to the NBA, and is willing to provide all the help, and the US economic team member Lu Yu also reveal, they had to return to the nBA had several options, "is actually still only halt the old republic power leveling, these teams are also no contacts with the United Arab Emirates, yet not publicly announced. "But it seems to NBC, United Arab Emirates's injury expected to directly affect the NBA team he had expected. Apart from Willi buclacher and McKee (microblogging), wizards of the frontcourt there Chris-Singleton and Yang-Veseli, soDifficult and in the genius "survival", and so far, in fact, wizards are not expressed with the renewal of the United Arab Emirates. Not only that, this time the injury was a direct impact on the prospects of his, and since joining the NBA now, United Arab Emirates has not been able to find their own location. For him, play ball this season in the CBA, China may be the better choice.In 2007, the Las are saddled with a lot of looks forward to enter the NBA, joining buck, then come to play for the nets and wizards. In this process, the United Arab Emirates not only frequently suffer impact injuries, and the performance is not very stable, 4 season down, his field data as with 8.5 points and 5.3 rebounds.

30 disadvantages align

129667840562177892_38216:30 securities and comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the new securities law history the most positive effect 15:01 will appear on the smoke bomb bodies is the bad: will next week blowout 15:00 size of non-lifting of the table (11.28-12.3) 13:30 disadvantages align? Analysis 09:3,011 one spy too many open-end Fund for the next week 09: 27 biopharmaceutical important opportunities in the future (shares) 09:24 central 09:08 to hand back culture 12 opportunities "drown" shares languishing in the vulnerable 09:08 consumption of fuel at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei 08:54 Guangdong toll road last year, losing $ 3.17 billion in debt to an amount close to $ 300 billion 08:53 Cheng Yu-Tung "the richest manDream "Eve: 08:51 CHOW Tai Fook IPO risk vaguely revealed weeks may not be read: a-shares in Shenzhen panorama (comments) 08:50 week may not be read: incorporated in Panorama (comments) 08:40 next week prospects: ten plates of layout quality unit 08:39 Gu Mingde: reflection on stock market expansion is critical Ministry to support non-ferrous 08:38 state reserve 12 outbreaks 08:37.6 trillion cake 10 units of packaging machinery to meet the daily limit cent end of day 7 prospectus capacity on a-shares his speech crazy 08: 335 trillion capping 2013 peak 08:32 special attention to the limited Unit 8 Taurus stocks poised for Yin-08:31 an important signal, or can be broken down pattern 08:30 Li Zhilin: not to artificially depress the stock market 08:30 open market money "drying up" 08:30 08:29 today listed company blockbuster news tour approaching what sector of concern? 08:26 three 08:23 the outbreak of force in one food and drink industry trend dairy sector vitality blaze (list) 08:19 annual report layouts: double good 5 unit Qian Jing bright 08:19 cattle stocksGather and review soldiers: tianyuan steel rose five pick Crown 32% broker realizing who can end the a-share IPO exit 41 08:16 "robber barons era" 08:15 Chopper: He Zhicheng insurable 50% decline in house prices in 10 prosperous times 08:13: hit list "air" 08:11 private heated 2,307 breaking 08:10 how big is the probabilityFrame three gold rating unit three-sector consensus the old republic power leveling, including dancing is 08:08 SFC RQFII trial measures coming soon 08:04 LI: future world crises or from United States 08:01 08:02 research report featured two power units have the potential to local Telecom China Unicom broadband Antitrust Council: "mesh" the separation of 08:01 to ask Beijing to normal housing standardsLuxury threshold increasing preferential policies to stimulate domestic demand expanded 08:00 31 mainland provinces have been let go 07:58 Cao Renchao double single family second child policy for next year's a-share water: most serious period in the history of Xie baisan: nerd 07:46 the top ten brokers forecast market trend next week 07:41A unit IPO global SFC for 3 consecutive years a new 07:37The SFC "cutting the military Governors" or 07:35, game swtor power leveling, song: yayuan-free New York 07:19 the Asian currency crisis in 80 years to the worst Thanksgiving performance rise prices fall in oil prices (market) 07:18 management and save? No. 20121, or flower of agricultural science and technology (with shares) 07:00 Iceland Government refused China real estate tycoons Huang nubo buy Iceland landFind what to buy next week can make a 06:50? Zhongcai 06:18 featured gold stocks Department: United States renewable six support policy is rumored to investigate 06:00 bonus in State-owned enterprises in Beijing ahead of the Super 30% 05:36 has not reached the per capita income target companies ' annual report announcements 5 "money" King light 05:01 the Ministry published on "three basic level" industry "ten25 "development plans (shares) 05:00 shangzhengsuo publishing rules for the implementation of financing from pilot or to General 04:59 development and Reform Commission, experts warned the next ten years will be an asset bubble burst a decade 03:56 textile" Twelve-Five "plan was passed by the Ministry of chemical fiber stocks eye medal 00: $ 582.2 billion debt in Shenzhen continued low interest rates and four pilot their own debt collectionEleven-twenty fifths building of agricultural adjustment of two top leaders is about to eleven-twenty fifths the CBRC: local financing loan and real estate loan risk prevention and control

the two junction semi-final. Grace Ting Ning 4-2 Ni Xialian out

129615046928437500_2277NetEase sports reported September 25: international table tennis Federation Austria open one-fourth finals of the women's singles competition, beat Li Xiaoxia 4-1 Ishikawa pure, Liu Shiwen 4-2 Lectra Fukubara love the old republic power leveling, the two junction semi-final. Grace Ting Ning 4-2 Ni Xialian out, advance to semi-finals against Wang Yue. Leading seed Li Xiaoxia third 4-0 light take team-mate, one-fourth final game against Japan new star Ishikawa better purity. First two Guild Wars, agglutination to Li Xiaoxia even 2 points after 11, 13-11 forestall one ' s opponent by a show of strength. Second Li Xiaoxia failed to control situation, failures more offensive success rates decline, 5-11 gaofu. Third Council Li Xiaoxia againEstablish the main force, strong attack completely suppressed rival, to 11-7 and then win. Directorate IV Li Xiaoxia Foochowese opened early bad, win with 11-6 keep. Fifth Ishikawa better pure was unable to fight back swtor power leveling, Li Xiaoxia Wansheng without striking a blow to 11-2, with a total score of 4-1 beat the competition. And Li XiaoXia Liu Shiwen in the upper area, against Japan China Doll Fukubara love. Liu Shiwen took the lead in the first Council prevail, leading the way to 11-7 first wins. Ankylosis between the two sides of the second Council to 10, and Liu Shiwen even lost 2 points to 10-12 lost. Liu Shiwen advantage III clearly, love won 11-3 down Fukubara. SubsectionFour games Fukubara love to counter Liu Shiwen in passive to 8-11 lost. Crucial fifth and sixth councils, Liu Shiwen no Fukubara love any opportunity, and 11-3 a clean sweep, with a total score of 4-2 force captured opponents, the semi-finals and Li Xiaoxia realignment. New world table tennis championships champion Jim dinning against Lucca48-year old veteran Ni Xialian, Jim dinning quickly enter the State to 11-4 victory over the first Council, the second two were deadlocked 14, Jim dinning failed to seize the opportunity to 14-16 lost. Jim dinning reoccupied the initiative of the third Council, won 11-9. Directorate IV Grace Ting Ning building, 11-8 win.Adjacent to fifth after Jim dinning 7 flat drop points, to 8-11 lost. Jim dinning at the start of the Sixth Council of passive case, to 10 in 12-10 won the match after the flat, with a total score 4-2 Lectra competitors. Semi-finals Li Xiaoxia will play Singapore's ancient Yue Wang, the latter, 11-4, 9-11,11-2, and 11-8 take the Netherlands players LI Jie.

I fear the principals of the satyr

129668731947343750_324Hefei hotline comprehensive news on November 22, a well-known paste article shocking! Unspoken rules of high school female students chat log school principals were posts again raised concern about the exposure. Post the detailed record of the satyr-President dialog details of unspoken rules of high school girls. Post asserts that the high school girls is his classmate, and the exposure of their own schools in Changchun nanguanqu a high school.High school principal misfiring high school female students chat transcripts be exposed according to the exposure of "satyr President" and the nickname "1 Shirley" chat show, obtained for studies admission qualifications, principal rules of the high school girls willing to be, and therefore the pregnancy. Trading period, principals of times to the girls of pocket money, but promised admission to qualificationFailed to materialize, the girls are extremely dissatisfied with the President to "I'm the kind of person, you're not not know" ransom, last Chancellor offered to the girl to read normal school and undertook arrangements to schools after graduation. ����Post, the principal words of misconduct are teasing and dirty, and the discharge of the high school girls from beginning to end into a satyr's principal tool. According to the author tableAs shown in the own nanguanqu a high school school in Changchun, in the group, see the live broadcast following the unspoken rules of procedure, after verifying discovered "1 Shirley" has turned out to be his classmate. Posting person in connection with the girls had been missing for the following day, hoping the power of the network punishing satyr principals, find your classmates. "Today the old republic power leveling, I suddenly feel the fear, I do not believe that our school is AnnTotal, I fear the principals of the satyr swtor power leveling, I want the President to be punished, but dared not to report to the Bureau, I think a lot of ways, and eventually came up with network, I hope that we can to ferret out the heads of the beast than, let him pay! �� ()


Shanghai's "going out" pace is accelerating. From retreats to the pragmatic

129668600987187500_6425th, from Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces (cities) in charge of tourism, tourism management and leadership of hundreds of people in charge of tourism enterprises, held a joint meeting to discuss pan-Yangtze River Delta tourism cooperation, altogether seeks the "innovation, integration, and win-win" cooperation mechanism. Five days ago, the four provinces (municipalities) of the province (City) Party Committee secretaries, provincial (municipal) long just get together and discuss promoting regional cooperation and economic restructuringExhibitions, industrial transfer plans.  Development of Yangtze River Delta integration, tourism "takes" becoming increasingly clear.   Tourism cooperation, "innovation, integration, upgrade" main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Travel to Yangtze River Delta regionTours are facing new opportunities and challenges of cooperation. Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces and one city is positioned as a strategic pillar of tourism industry and modern service industry, both countries strategic position, is the realistic needs of economic development in Yangtze River Delta.  Industrial structure adjustment in Yangtze River Delta is imminent, tourism is considered to be pulling a new engine of economic growth. In May this year, which was held in Shanghai "Changjiang Delta tourism cooperation joint meeting for the first time "for the first time a innovation in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui tourism cooperation, constructing integrated world famous tourist cities.  Subsequently, the three provinces and one city Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces signed the Shanghai tourism cooperation framework agreement marked the marketing of tourism integration in Yangtze Delta from the spontaneous cooperation, entered the stage of the autonomy of the system and docking. "Transformation of Yangtze River DeltaIn the process of development, tourism is an important potential for industry. "Shanghai Vice Mayor Zhao Wen said that the deepening integration of Changjiang Delta tourism cooperation, promote long triangular barrier-free tourism, provide high quality tourism services, will be realized" innovation, integration, upgrade ", not as a traditional models of cooperation; it's not simple piece together items, instead of mining resources, integration of resources,Innovative products and, more importantly is the perfect service, raise the level of administration and public services. "The accelerated transformation, promoting industrial transfer, tourism should play a leading role. "Zhang Weiguo, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province," said tourism from traditional industries into modern service industry, to plug in the culture and the two wings of science and technology, this requires the integration of tourism industry development in Yangtze Delta, complementing each other. "Zhejiang Provincial people's Government Deputy Secretary Xie Jijian believes that major events to build participatory tourism cooperation platform, is speeding up development of Changjiang Delta tourism cooperation base path.  China International tourism fair, in October 2011, Shanghai the old republic power leveling, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui total package external promotion, take the road of joint promotion brands. Started in the last century of the Yangtze River Delta regional tourism cooperationGo straight on in the nation, has in recent years is to deepen development in pan-Yangtze River Delta region, after joining the original system of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Anhui, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui tourism integration in Yangtze River Delta development momentum more strong.  Regional integrated development driven by power, Shanghai's "going out" pace is accelerating. From retreats to the pragmatic, Enterprise walked to the front of regional tourism cooperation in the joint meeting on, Shanghai, Jiangsu swtor power leveling, Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces and one city of many tourism enterprises are invited to attend, and tourists other sent between each other, the market sharing agreements, to promote the company as the subject of regional tourism cooperation, participation in regional integration development tide has built a very good platform. Prior to this, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang tourism administrations had cooperated at the market level, adherence to the "Government promotion, market-driven, business owner"The principle of promoting the process of Yangtze River Delta barrier-free tourism.  The industry generally believe that regional tourism cooperation in final practice subject was tourism enterprises, Changjiang Delta Tourism is important in the future strive to foster participation in the international competition of Chinese tourism enterprises, implementation of regional talents, capital and technology flows and docking. At present, Jiangsu is advancing the work of the two, is the preparation setState tourism development investment fund, through funding of guidance and support to attract social capital and financial capital to the tourism industry cluster and by cultivating the market operation of large tourist enterprise groups.  Second is the wisdom of building integration of cultural and scientific content tourism, raise the level of enterprise information. Around the market and win-win, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui explore tourism administrations combined to traveling Enterprise rideBuild cooperation platform, tourists gathered in the Yangtze River Delta cities and explore held a variety of small tourist fair in the region, organizing travel agencies, attractions in the region (dot) corporate face-to-face business negotiations, cooperate, through various channels team travel guide to cooperative regional provincial tourism. Improvement in service quality, established tourist market linkage mechanism between tourism chiefs in four provinces are responsible forAgree per capita, has now entered a new stage of Yangtze River Delta regional tourism cooperation, tourism administrations in the development of regional integration can lead, in mechanism design, public services, more proactive collaboration, project management and supervision. Hua Jianhui, Vice Governor of Anhui Province proposed, should continue to deepen the three provinces and one city in the travel industry on regulatory cooperation, increase tourism complaints about the quality of jointPlace, including the establishment of management of tourist market linkage echoes, the realization enterprise quality of service and accessibility across provinces can trace and visitors an unobstructed across the province's rights, formed front stereo monitoring and safeguarding system of large-scale and so visitors really enjoy the high quality of tourism services. Regional public service areas such as product standards, Zhang Weiguo, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province believes that you shouldGood system of tourist reception and service standards.  At the same time, improve off-site car rental network, perfect car, trailer lines, logos, and camps, realization of tourist attractions, hotels, restaurants, transportation and other travel pay card. Shanghai made common development of the Yangtze River Delta standards recommended in RV service area, leading the RV tourism development in Yangtze Delta and related infrastructure. The Shanghai Municipal GovernmentQian Zhi, a researcher at the Centre that studies show, RV travel network linkage is a new tourism project, you need to cross-regional cooperation for development, a total of network information system of house-building camps to promote high-end tourism cooperation in Yangtze River Delta region.


129668731975156250_379Watch: BAIDU_CLB_fillSlot ("176 swtor power leveling,856"); Set homepage add favorite | style civic news domestic and international finance in Beijing sport Lottery | group | | scroll | charity auction | supermarket | IT| Digital Health | ticketing | microblogging | BAIDU_CLB_fillSlot ("151 the old republic power leveling,872"); Frozen foods GB optional aureus to survive food safety crimes compared with nine felony punishment God has expected to launch in the first half of next year old community reconstruction no layers of subcontracting MetroInstallation of platform screen doors next year for line 1, Line 2 shichahai Guanghua Temple is the water temple ban high-rise building security in the fringe the city temporarily would not let go of GOME, the second child of consumers will separately sell refurbished iPhone4 PetroChina Chairman was sounding warning flight attendants recruitment for accident squatted actress was "concerned" instant inventory of the world's most bizarre coin star luxury wardrobe thanSpell actress private according to the Shenzhen police who effect pigments and the most beautiful night-side effects of Wo Lulu and star private photos

Nick Rose 36%

129668763146718750_256US media: television broadcasters promote halt Union keeping the end a lot of money NetEase sports reported on November 27: the Florida Sun Sentinel news, both employers and employees reached a preliminary agreement, in addition to the efforts of both sides, there are pressures from television broadcasters. Labour after the conclusion of the negotiations reached a preliminary agreement yesterday, NBA Vice President Adam-Silva said in an interview: "we are looking forward to Christmas begins a new seasonOpening, we are very excited about NBA can come back, it is the most important thing. "For Union, but in fact swtor power leveling, the most important thing is to keep all television broadcasting contract revenue, including signed with ESPN and ABC television of 485 million dollars a year, and signed with the TNT television of 485 million dollars a year. Although the halt was toBroadcasters cause big losses, but with the opening of new season broke out on Christmas day, network streaming of revenue will be higher to upgrade. NBA TV relay can create more than 800 million dollars in advertising revenue and so, the Wall Street Journal saying "ad spending on NBA opening fall season has a big effect." But NBA President David Stern view DrFunding reached a preliminary agreement between the two sides are not under the influence of television contracts: "we are able to reach an agreement because we have a large number of fans, we still have a lot of players you want to play. In addition, many rely on NBA Live other people waiting for halt ends. If the agreement ultimately do not get the vote was unanimous, then we will be very disappointed. "When in fact, David Stern, "others", the most important part is that their TV partners. These TV broadcasters are considered in the promotion of the boss did a lot of efforts in the process of returning to the negotiating table. Also, if the season is canceled, the NBA will face a return or of television broadcasters and the new one-year extension of TV broadcasters broadcast contract. NBAFacing TV broadcasters greater pressure is imagined. As NBA Christmas day returns are very substantial, such as ESPN and ABC television will broadcast the Christmas Wars round the clock, and at that time, MLB (Baseball League) season has ended, and most of the College football game has ended, NFL (football) is usually only one at Christmas thanMatch. NBA is one of the most-watched TV show during the Christmas season that most people would choose watching NBA games. Christmas in the match before and after a month of last season, has experienced skyrocketing NBA team game ratings, which the Lakers ratings grew by 58%, Celtic rose 56%, Nick Rose 36%, with "threeGiant "heat is increased 69%. Meanwhile, ESPN Web site home page views rose 26%, up 17% page views the old republic power leveling, video hits up 10%. Plus the new season of the League on Christmas day schedule calf VS heat, Lakers VS bulls and Celtic VS Nick "Grand noble feast", without the Christmas wars, Whether Union or TV broadcasters are concerned, will be extremely heavy losses.

investors can focus on undervalued as well as cyclical

129667837468271642_4101th page: management of the three main factors determine the future direction or will return to rescue the 2nd page: economic pessimism expect small Bull page 3rd private heated 2,307 points "State of flux" breaking probability page 4th under: before the Chinese new year a-shares no chance the 5th page: 2012 central agricultural science and technology first, or flowers in winter sowingConcerned about 6 large areas of the 6th page: three factors determine the future direction of waiting for the time-window Policy Editor's Note: per cent negative growth in the October Exchange, HSBC PMI index fell sharply, and the initial value of the European debt crisis continued to ferment, a series of negative news under the crackdown, market this week and continued the trend of adjustment last week, huzhi fall of 2,400-point mark. LargeDirectional choices ahead for the time being no way to estimate, but short term or in low volatile. But the current index location close to the management to come to the rescue, management is expected to be the related action. Analysts generally said that the market state of flux, short term market remains weak, lack of popularity, as well as economic recession, increased uncertainty swtor power leveling, moreShadow, market turbulence patterns don't change. ����End of time, investors should keep cool, wait for policy window opens. Introduction to ===== ===== this article "management bailout? ����"Step by step back down to the cliff edge management layer it back and save? "Outlook study" waiting for the time-window policy three factors determine the future trend of optimism: Economic pessimism expecting little bull markets cautious: private heated 2,307 points "State of flux" breaking probability ح Chinese new year under the a-share files with no chance of 2012 Center, first or Laurel winter sowing concern in agricultural science and technology 6 big areas read ===== ===== wonderful step back down to the cliff edge management layer it back and save?Per cent negative growth in the October Exchange, HSBC PMI index fell sharply, and the initial value of the European debt crisis continued to ferment, a series of negative news under the crackdown, market this week and continued the trend of adjustment last week, huzhi fall of 2,400-point mark. After two weeks of decline, the market continued to fall was tested early low of 2,307 points was stopped falling and stabilisation, What to do about the future? ����In response to these problems, an exclusive interview with this reporter, Director of the British Institute of securities chief strategist Zhang gang Li Daxiao, Southwest Securities Research Center and Shenzhen Tai fidelity investment's investment Director Liao Chaozhong. "Gas" insufficient stock index weakening caused by Li Daxiao: European debt problems: the main reason for the a-share market, China to address EuropeDebt problems without the initiative. ����Believe that Europe is capable of solving the problems of European debt, but they are willing to sacrifice some interests to seriously negotiate to resolve the problem, the number is unknown. ����Zhang gang: in this week's market weakness mainly due to the outer disc bad lead to a serious shortage of long on power, but we found that investors for bad news without too much fear. Liao ChaoLoyalty: main and weakening market sentiment about the market this week, sentiment is too weak, investors were too pessimistic to the market. ����But believe that the market has its own laws, after correction for some time, will gradually go. The market temporarily to accurately estimate the direction select Li Daxiao: directional selecting temporarily not able to estimate a future benchmark, but short term or in the low turbulenceThe primary. But the current index location close to the management to come to the rescue, management is expected to be the related action. A stock market valuation factors can determine the valuation has been relatively low, another decline in the CPI and monetary adjustment trimmer is finalized. ����Uncertainties are mainly European debt problems, along with uncertainty about the flight of foreign investment. Zhang gang: The a-share market is likely to dip next week to pick up, investors are more concerned about the reserve, may not be so quick to be adjusted. Deposit rates in addition to the CPI, remains to be seen M2, estimated the Central Bank more observations left will have the appropriate policies could be released after one month. More determining factors are currently on the a-share market central intensify reform, speeding up the economic restructuring. UncertainAlso European debt problems, the key is not in China initiative, and crises of countries involved a lot, is thereby also needs a lot of observation. Liao Chaozhong: market trend in the short term really difficult to say, of MACD early lows are not likely to. Factor is currently shares a comparison to determine valuations low, from a long-term perspective will slowly go. More indeterminate factors, HSBC PMI showsEconomic slowdown cannot determine changes in money supply is not OK. ����As one of the most concerned about whether reserve ratio cut the old republic power leveling, its point hard to say, adjust the deposit reserve ratio is estimated to be early next year. Focus on the consumer and new industries Li Daxiao: investors can focus on undervalued as well as cyclical, as consumer and emerging industries to believe that aOutperform the broader market opportunities. ����At the same time, looking at the "China brand" concept stocks. Zhang gang: Outlook optimistic about the agricultural sector. Inflation in addition to the reduced monetary, need to increase supply, I believe this is a factor favourable agricultural. ����At the same time mechanical industry may outperform the broader market may, because countries to signal growing economy in the West. Liao Chaozhong: For short quotes really hard to say, mostly one-day tour of the market. For cash flow forecasting cannot decide.

1.76 million RMB

129668659908906250_18 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">swtor power leveling</a>Paris Hilton sold stinginess million purchase of the new Ferrari Paris Hilton million purchase of the new Ferrari. NetEase entertainment on November 27 United States local time on November 25 the old republic power leveling, 2011, the heiress Paris Hilton (Paris Hilton) come to the rich, spent $ 277,500 (1.76 million RMB) purchase new red Ferrari.


11.538% per cent of the company's total share capital.

129667864357021642_112On November 25, 2011, consistent consistent food received a controlling shareholder swtor power leveling, Hefei the old republic power leveling, Anhui huatai group company limited (holding company's total number of shares to 127,378,945 shares, share of total share capital for 48.99% all limited sell shares in circulation) notifications, huatai Group Holdings Company limited circulation of 30 million shares in a-shares pledged to agriculture development in ChinaBank branch in Anhui Province. This shareholding hypothecation register on November 24, 2011 in China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation, Shenzhen branch processing is complete, pledge registration date is November 24, 2011, the pledge of shares for a period of three years. Huatai group the total number of shares pledged 30 million shares, accounting for its shares in totalNumber of 23.55%, 11.538% per cent of the company's total share capital.

34 ball in 1995 into 36 goals in Shearer. In 2011 the remaining race

129667775707334142_115League 13th round gravity interpretation: Gunners star farmer trouble Weekend Premiership London Derby again to unfold, against recent Premier League Fulham guest at Emirates Stadium and the hottest of the hottest players team--led by Robin van Persie and his gunmen. Robin van Persie week Central Crown once again not only the plum blossoms BL swtor power leveling, and that in the last 5 rounds of League scoring, 2 ball range and the arsenal from the integral list of original 15th up to the current 7th place, and gunmen to 5Consecutive victories became the premier State one of the best teams. Facing the red man red team Fulham fear being "violent treachery." Upper whorl with Robin van Persie of arsenal the plum blossoms BL, visit reversal of Norwich. At this point, 9 times in a single League of Robin van Persie this year into the 2 goals or more in 2011 and a total of 31 League goals, a record second only to 2004 years into Henry, 34 ball in 1995 into 36 goals in Shearer. In 2011 the remaining race, arsenal has 7 League, many of whom are Fulham, Vigan competition, Wolverhampton W and other teams in the Middle, so van Persie caught up with Henry and Shearer's League scoring record in single year hope is pretty large. And among these guys this weekend with the City team FulhamIs the most loved Fan Da General opponent, Robin van Persie joined the Gunners since 5 break down Fulham gate. Robin van Persie better all of the State, have to increase his team-mate Theo Walcott, and reerweiniao, "little tigers" were gunmen contributed 8 assists in 2011, all dedicated to Robin van Persie goal. And reerweiniao of the new season to join has produced 5 assists for fanKpessi break. Fulham in the Premiership is notoriously away insects, 15 times in the past three arsenal has 1 win, only 3 of them will get 1 point. This weekend the old republic power leveling, super good Gunners triangle will no doubt bring more trouble to visit farmers. NetEase exclusive Lottery zhuangao, declined to reprint!

Criticism of "entertainment to death" phenomenon

129668732823906250_261Report from (reporter Niu Meng) yesterday, the 2011 Annual Conference opens in Beijing of Chinese film,, head of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal CPC Committee, Vice Mayor Lu Wei, State administration of radio, film and television film Secretary, Secretary of the Tong Gang, China Film Group Jiao Hongfen, hehe, Secretary of the College of Arts and media, Beijing Normal University, China Film Association President Li Qiankuan filmTerritories are invited to attend, explores all media to disseminate Chinese film in the view of ecology. Participants generally affirmed the development achievements of the Chinese film industry for nearly two years, the creation of domestic films at the same time, its talent to present their views. Beijing Film Academy with President Zhang huijun, proposed that the film should speed up the theater building swtor power leveling, support the creation of new generation of filmmakers Beijing Normal UniversityHehe, Secretary of the University College of Arts and the media is focusing on "all media" theme, the adoption of the FarCry mod of the disappointment in 33 days of low-budget films, such as box office success, evidence should attach great importance to the film industry's role in promoting the new media; bayi Film Studio Director Junjie Zhai summed up the home-made movie theme limitations of manual trite, personage of Facebook, taking several creations the old republic power leveling, such as malpractice, Criticism of "entertainment to death" phenomenon: "the film should give more sunshine and hope things in the hope that creators can shoot really moved by the film the audience's work. "

And 10.21%.  Second Board stocks down more than a week 10% total 11

129667889639834142_92Practitioners say, compulsory dividend rules of implementation of and follow-up to, IPO from gem company began, boards and small bonus rules will also progressively introduce new initiatives just out to the SFC in dividends after the introduction, journalists today was informed that the Securities and Futures Commission recently launched the bonus rules for listing on the gem company, require the gem company dividends promised to write a Constitution, and offering thatMajor matters in the certificate prompts. Furthermore, the Commission requires the gem company to develop a return on dividend plan, it should be sustainability.   (Click to view the gem market overview) main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! According to the CommissionFind, issuers should be clear in the articles: issue shares to be listed after profit distribution policies, including the distribution of profits, specific conditions and amount of cash dividends or ratio, specific conditions, the distribution of profits to distribute stock dividends during the interval, such as distribution of profits shall perform the procedure for the consideration. At the same time, issuers on profit distribution planning decisions and adjustment mechanisms also need to be in the companyExpressly in the Constitution.  As a result of large changes in the external business environment and internal operation of the need to adjust the profit distribution policy, protection of shareholders ' rights should be the starting point, at the general meeting of shareholders for detailed demonstration and explanation in the proposal. Under the new rules, issuers need to disclose in the prospectus profit distribution policy and implementation during the reporting period, including the distribution of profits is not cause, andPurpose of the retention fund. In addition, the company's dividend return factors considered by the planning and formulation and decision-making processes also require to disclose in the prospectus.  The industry believes, the SFC corporate dividend requirements are listed on GEM sources began to grab. At the same time, concern is that of the SFC to require issuers in prospectuses Home on the dividend policy for "major issuesTip "on the issue after listing the profit distribution policy, the specific return plan, dividend policy and dividend plan described. This corresponds to, sponsor organizations, lawyers and intermediaries such as reporting accountants have many duties, to the issuer's dividend policy disclosure verification and the verification opinion. Special requirements of the SFC, verification of intermediaries should indicateIssuer's profit distribution policy is focused on giving investors steady returns, whether it is conducive to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors, company prospectus and prospectus disclosure of profit distribution matters, such as the relevant provisions. Although on the surface, the new rules of the securities is intended primarily for information disclosure of companies pay dividends for the specification and refinement, and does not constrain what percentage of the cash dividend, But investment bank who pointed out that, although not listed any hard constraints, but in the course of the practical implementation of, the SFC may be conducted in a manner similar to the instruction window requires enterprises profit-sharing commitments, especially for IPO enterprises, in the implementation of this requirement is already in. Practitioners say, compulsory dividend rules of implementation of and follow-up to, IPO from gem company began. Board and small andBonus rules certainly will continue.  This reporter learned that, despite the new dividend rules of the Board and small and has not been issued, but the IPO have sealed volume of material to be listed companies have joined the dividends promised in the original prospectus. November 10, the Commission held a media briefing, promised in response to market the four hot spots, to force the listing companyIncreased cash dividends reward shareholders, strengthening the construction of credit of listed companies, and so on.  Recently issued to the various market organisations implement the document, either the honesty or the efforts to increase dividends, starting from second board companies. On November 18, Commission officials said the delisting of the gem system will also be made public for comment. According to the gem early open frameSecond Board stocks issued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange listing rules are clear delisting criteria in article 11, including the last two years of losses, the most recent fiscal year shows that year audited a negative net worth, the company implemented stock 120 consecutive days cumulative turnover of less than 1 million units. In July this year, General Manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange announced Song Liping, on this basis will alsoAdded two standard"Suspended" and small-cap index is paused over the weekend, securities and Futures Commission to promote the six initiatives to promote healthy development of the market.  In this set of combination involving the gem has three, including multi-pronged approach gradually changed the price-earnings ratio of stock in a situation, first in the gem to explore pilot delisting reform, will start a private placement bonds of listed companies on the gem. At presentAnd details of the measures has not yet been made clear.  New deal by gem "suspense" effect, szse, gem means necking fell this week. Syndrome differentiation of plane crash in new deal Commission, the gem at the weekend with six supervision of new measures become a focus of marketing buzz this week. Among them, for the GEM's new measures include changing high earnings release, allows directional debt and then thawOwned and piloted three moves such as delisting system directly. Gem of the establishment of early investors enthusiasm for IPO earnings generally high.  As the new share issue system reforms, as well as secondary market environment changes, high gem IPO price conditions improve, even briefly become damp breaking phenomenon. From the IPO situation, the gemTotal of 16 companies to issue earnings of more than 100 times. New development shares, Star and Watson organisms by 150.82 times respectively, doubled and 138.46 times times before issuing earnings top three. And this year June release listed Masson technology release 18.12 times times the minimum trading on gem, ruifeng high material second, 22.54Times. Accompanied by issuing earnings drop, gem extra proceeds too much ease. 2010 over the proceeds three listed companies with the highest national technology, blue water and Watson bio, respectively, extra proceeds up to $ 1.964 billion, $ 1.871 billion and $. By 2011, Star precision forging technology, Toho biological science and technology, and continentsMing technology four second board companies, there is even a lack of fundraising. Direct withdrawing system for poor results at the moment of second board companies have a deterrent. This year, rising prices of raw materials and labor costs, making part of the gem business environment changes, sharp decline in the performance. According to statistics, the decline in net profits in the first three quarters of this year's gemCompany to reach 78.  Among them, when the sharp decline in first three quarters of rising science and technology 95.6%, earning only $ 980,000. Insiders pointed out that the change higher earnings release and oriented policy on debt refinancing, restraining the growth enterprise market bubble; while in bond financing way for refinancing gem company to find a way, reduced gem company IPO "Once fully subscribed "impulse.  However, market participants also believed that direct delisting deterrent system may cause some decline gem companies were investors "vote with their feet", stock prices or falling sharply. And small-cap is less than the decrease in the share market index this week and continued the decline last week, decreased by 1.5% per cent to 2380.22. By contrast, small andPointing up, the gem decline is slowing down.  Among them, szse falling 1.19% closed 5025.69, gem fell 0.66% per cent to 863.49. However, the stock price performance of the week, junior, second board stocks this week trends show up in the secondary market dropped much less. In 276 second board stocks, 188 nextFalling, falling stocks nearly 70%; small markets for a total of 401 stocks fell about small new definitions today, 63%. In small units, 11 stocks surging more than 10% this week. Among them, steel tianyuan weeks up to 32.4% per cent, topped. Starting from Monday, tianyuan began strong gains in the steel, and four daily limit this week, on Friday continued toUp 8.33%.  Tianyuan steel Bull and rumors about a market, company study on hollow glass microspheres with high performance access to major breakthroughs, a few companies in the world can fully meet the technical requirements of manufacturers of hollow glass bead. In addition, the vaccine industry swtor power leveling, one bridge Bay by the United States, channel, shares and other small companies weeks gainers, respectively, up 19.39%, 19.3%,; haipurui, Hui feng deliveries such as stock shares, Yichang weeks respectively, 13.14%, 11.45%, small companies decrease the top three. Gem, 10% stocks rose by more than a week there are only 3, BCI and asphalt, blue cursor plus network, up 16.52%,And 10.21%.  Second Board stocks down more than a week 10% total 11, among them, and being the decrease in the share, fallen 15.06% a week. High send turn or marketing hype hot right now, the Chinese new year is approaching, annual report disclosure of listed companies and also fading past, road funding starting layout report, sent high transfer subject matter is or will be lateHype hot spots to early next year.  Super-raise more funds and the growth of small, entrepreneurial companies, will become hype. From the first three quarters of this year's profit indicators show that newly listed Nigel Burley in the first three quarters of earnings per share amounted to $ 4.32, ranking them first and small-cap stocks; while the cattle all year round in yanghe shares continued to maintain high yields, the first three quarters of earnings per share up to 3.2$ 4, Oriental garden the first three quarters of earnings per share up to $ 2.29, second only to the former two. From the perspective of listed companies ' balance sheets, SAINTY ship, yanghe, Nigel Burley and Winbond pharmaceutical shares four companies in the first three quarters of undistributed profits are higher than $ 5 per share, $ 6.96 and $ 6.84, respectively $ 5.93 and $; per share while the first three quarters of the Eastern landscapeUndistributed profits amounted to $ 4.99. As an important indicator of the high increase of listed companies, capital reserve of more than $ 10 per share and small-cap stocks up to 10, second board companies listed in the near future the majority of them, such as the mountain share capital reserve amounting to $ 15.57 per share. (The China Securities journal) survey of dongfangcaifuwang var divobj=document.getElementById("voteformdiv"); var voteformJson = {"FormAction":"http://poll.eastmoney.com/Polling.aspx","VoteResUltUrl ":" http://poll.eastmoney.com/Html/Result7879.html "," FormMethod ":" post "," VgId ": 7879," VgTitle ":" How do you see next Monday opening quotation? " the old republic power leveling,"VgExpLain ":" "," VmList ": [{" VmTitle ":" How do you see next Monday opening quotation? "," ViList ": [" long "," null "," flat "]}]," HiddenInput ":" "}; VoteForm(divobj, voteformJson); Gem company profit-sharing commitments need to write articles of Quant high dividend yield stocks junior companies to pay dividends at the end wins Board or the SFC issued a new gem bonus rules the IPO slowdown week review: gem line two refers to weeks even Yin-exit system to be introduced a new interpretation of the SFC initiative: sword refers to the IPO "three high" phenomenon in the SFC set fire to "zombie" shell capitalDepreciation of the source


of every hundred Yuan in main business income cost $ 86.28

129668535226875000_0"" Financial report "National Bureau of statistics announced on November 27, according to the 1, 4.1217 trillion yuan in profits of industrial enterprises above designated size in the country, an increase of 25.3% October month 438.3 billion yuan in profits, an increase of 12.5%. 1, above-scale industrial enterprises of main businessRevenues of 68.1845 trillion yuan, an increase of 29.1%.   Cost per hundred Yuan in main business income is $ 85.1, main business income margin of 6.04%. Compared with the previous, January-October, per cent of the total revenue from core businesses and profit growth rates were lowest for the year. Where the main business revenue growth per cent in January-September29.1% per cent, while total profit growth rate by the declined to 25.3% per cent in January-September. Total profits, 1, in the above-scale industrial enterprises, State-owned and State holding enterprises 1.2519 trillion yuan in profits, an increase of 16.6%; collectively 67.6 billion yuan in profits, an increase of 33%;Joint-stock company profit of 2.3663 trillion yuan, an increase of 30.3%; enterprises with foreign SAR and Taiwan investment 1.0723 trillion yuan in profits, an increase of 11.6%; private 1.1749 trillion yuan in profits the old republic power leveling, an increase of 44.3%. In the field of 39 industrial categories, 36 industries profits rose, 3 under industryDrop. Major industries, oil and natural gas extraction profits rose 38.5%, ferrous metal ores mining industry grew by 57.4%, 44.4% chemical materials and chemical products industry growth, chemical fiber industry growth 17.2%, ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry growth 16.7%, non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry growth 56.2%And transportation equipment manufacturing sector growth 12.1%, down 89.8% petroleum processing swtor power leveling, coking and nuclear fuel processing, communications equipment, computers and other electronic equipment manufacturing declined 2.3%, electric power, heat, water production and supply of 3.5%. Main business revenue in January-October, in the above-scale industrial enterprises, State-owned and State holdingCompany main business revenue 18.6708 trillion yuan, an increase of 22.4%, of every hundred Yuan in main business income cost at $ 82.31, main business income margin of 6.71%; collective enterprises main business revenue 1.0304 trillion yuan, an increase of 27.2%, of every hundred Yuan in main business income cost $ 85.69, principalRevenue margin of 6.56%; joint-stock company main business revenue 38.5369 trillion yuan, an increase of 32.8%, of every hundred Yuan in main business income cost $ 84.79, main business income margin of 6.14%. Foreign and Hong Kong and Macao Taiwan investment enterprise main business revenue of 17.8346 trillion yuan, an increase of 21.3%, every hundred Yuan in main business income cost $ 86.02, main business income margin of 6.01%; private companies main business revenue 20.663 trillion yuan, an increase of 38.6%, of every hundred Yuan in main business income cost $ 86.28, main business income margin of 5.69%. Bureau data also show thatAt the end of October, receivables of industrial enterprises above designated size of 7.1317 trillion yuan, up 20.7%. Finished 2.7482 trillion yuan, an increase of 24.2%. "Author: Caijing Roundup" (Editor: Liu 玥)


129667775703584142_105NetEase Lottery promotion League 13th round: West Bromwich VS Tottenham November 26 (Saturday) at 23 o'clock weather: cloudy, 4-11 ℃ place: the hawthorns, West Bromwich Albion West Bromwich VS Spurs (West Bromwich) ranking: 10 points: 14 rank: 3 points: 25 (Tottenham) Asia: 0.5 and pitch: bile West Bromwich wave pitch: 1:1 ball points last week, West Bromwich2:1 beat Bolton at the end, Ireland striker xiaoen·lang FireWire comeback and penetrate the winner. Midfielder scharner has returned to training this week, mid week comeback possibility, not low. Again place West Bromwich Albion Defender Lei Xiao, recently said that the age of 31 swtor power leveling, is coach Hodgson himself to return to career peak. Tottenham upper whorl home comfortably beat Aston Villa 2:0, adebaAbout the plum blossoms BL. Tottenham coach Jamie Redknapp recently said Emmanuel Adebayor is very satisfied with the performance of the team, but still could not afford Togo's transfer costs. But United Kingdom media after disclosure, Tottenham has operated a total of 25 million pounds price buy Palermo Slovenia midfielder Ilisic, and actively consult the Germany international Lukas Podolski's transfer fee. Spurs injuryThere not much change, Defender Gallas, Dawson, as well as midfielder huodeersitong is still in a dislocated ankle. Betting advice while the Premier Hao take 4 consecutive victories, but Tottenham in the next week will still have to distract champion League group stage. Champion League although Tottenham have repeatedly said is not the Centre of gravity, but is currently in Group round key moments, the team in the League will be a hit. West Bromwich has 5 main battleTottenham 2 wins 3 Pingdu can stay unbeaten, the team also recently gradually get back on track the old republic power leveling, the arena is expected to push the opponent. The recent conflict between: West Bromwich: 2 wins 5-3 defeat (nearly 10), 2 wins 3 (almost 5 times at home) (arena of the home team almost 4 confrontation) color 10/09/11 weilianxier o 1:1 Premiership 3.5 3.20/0.5 win 08/12/28 2:0 won the premier 3.4 3.4 0/0.5 win 05/12/29 win Premiership win 3.1 3.1 0/0.5 05/01/29 2:0 main 1:1 Premiership 3.1 3.10 2.1 0/0.5 won (the home team/team, drove in the nearly 4) 11/04/23 2:2 Premiership 09/05/02 0:1 Premiership 06/03/28 1:2 Premiership 05/04/21 1:1 Premier League home team: the trend 3 WINS 1 draw 2 defeatWin 4 lose 2-4 large 2 small eleven-nineteenths (2:1)-0.5 Bolton win big eleven-fifths (0:3) 1.5 Arsenal lost in ten-thirtieths main (0:2) Liverpool 0.5 distance less than ten-twenty seconds (2:1) Aston Villa 0.5 win big ten-sixteenths master (2:0) Wolverhampton W-0.5 win small ten-firsts (2:2) Sunderland and 0/0.5 win big the visitors trends: 5 WINS 1 defeat wins lost 5 1 3 3 small eleven-twenty seconds master (2:0) Aston Villa -1/1.5 winning small eleven-sixthsGuest (3:1) Fulham -0/0.5 win eleven-fourths (0:1) kashanlubin (UN) 0.5 distance less than ten-thirtieths (3:1) nvwanggongyuanxunyouzhe -1/1.5 win ten-twenty thirds (2:1) Blackburn-0.5 win bigTen-twenty firsts master (1:0) kashanlubin (UN) -0/0.5 small home team won the next race twelve-thirds nvwanggongyuanxunyouzhe Premiership twelve-tenths main Vigan Athletics Premiership visitors in the future the race main PAOK shalangliji EU twelve-thirds twelve-firsts main Bolton Premiership

they scored in the 34th minute by Motley assists Pepe into the House the only goal. In defence

129668763033281250_14Barcelona falls swtor power leveling! Manchester City or payment in five League matches unbeaten in distress who left Juventus NetEase sports reported on November 27: Beijing time on November 27, Serie a 13th round out to be a focus of world war, the two launched a fierce competition for teams vying for top spot. Finally, by virtue of Pepe's goal, Juventus team 1-0 defeated rivals Lazio climbed up the League the top position. After this win, Juve's League unbeaten recordRecord extended to 11 games, and other major leagues in Europe, keep the League unbeaten gold were left English Premier League Manchester City, but in Ou Guanzhong lost to Bayern Munich and Manchester City, Naples, and the League after the first defeat in Barcelona, there is no European warfare task Juventus became the top-five League matches so far the only unbeaten team! This match, Juventus and LazioSaid is important, because no one who will occupy the League leader in winning the throne, so from the beginning of the match launched a fierce competition between the two sides. But it is clear that Juve more excellent, in the attack, they scored in the 34th minute by Motley assists Pepe into the House the only goal. In defence, with Giorgio Chiellini, Andrea Barzagli, Buffon and others of fabulousPlay, they ensure gates without losing, Buffon is most excellent, the audience match he made a total of 8 times putting out great, many of whom are world class performances. Eventually, the audience game Juventus in a 1-0 win over the rival, now they have 14 games in the League has not lost to Lazio, in confrontation of these 14, they achieved 10 victories4 record, hacking into 24 balls, losing only 10 balls. The last League loss to Lazio they date back to the 2003-04 season, when they are away from home 0-2 defeat to his rival. In addition, it is worth mentioning that, Juve beat 1-0 of the competition, is the most common score their team beat Lazio, including this match, which score a total of 8 times�� Team 1-0 won after Lazio, Juventus in the match round, the case is still less to 1 advantage leading the points standings. Unbeaten in their League matches have also been extended to 11 games. Juve can make this League 11 games unbeaten record of difficulty is not really small, like their opponents Milan, both double-hung and Lazio's rival, Florence, Genoa, Chievo and PalestineNot so difficult to gnaw the bones. And you want to know other major leagues in Europe currently maintained only a Premier League unbeaten record in the Super Giants Manchester City made it, Super of the Primera Liga Giants Barcelona have fallen, Beijing time in the match with Getafe 5 in the morning and they just be broke by rivals this season the gold of the tournament unbeaten. In the next week, Juve will usherLeague match supplementation of Naples, Naples, and, if they can stay unbeaten in the competition, that their unbeaten record in the League even more gold content and significance worthy of legend. You want to know what the current Manchester City in the League by 12 unbeaten matches in opponents encountered only Manchester United in a real sense of powerful enemies, challenge this weekend they will be playing Liverpool, 1February to Lien Chan, Chelsea the old republic power leveling, and arsenal, at which time can keep League gold body, or unknown. Manchester City have lost to Bayern Munich in the Ou Guanzhong and Naples, without European warfare task of Juventus in Barcelona this round after losing the League became the top-five League matches for each event, the only unbeaten team! And once terminated Manchester City League unbeaten, Zebra Legion is likely to become half the League this season only unbeatenThe Giants! Report: Juventus team 1-0 win over Lazio date summary 1, 1930: the beginning of the second half of the game, muneiladi to help Juventus into a ball. Later, because the game atmosphere is too hot, but only 10 people left the two teams fight, Lazio players Sbrana expelled, Zebra Defender Rosetta was also sent off. And 2: in the seasonIn the second last round of League matches, Juventus went to team challenge Lazio. Before the intermission, Juventus players Vivolo break score, Zebra officers and men will lead held until the final. 3, 1965: the former Roma striker Dacosta make trouble for Lazio. First half and middle of a game, Dacosta into winner, Lazio at home is quiet. 4, 1983: mixieer��puladini brilliant performance helped Juventus win. This season, Juventus end holding the Serie a Championship and European Cup winners ' Cup. 5, 1998: in the competition of this season's Serie a champions, Juventus got the last laugh. Seize the Lazio goalkeeper maerqiejiyani omissions, Filippo Inzaghi scores head home. 6, 2005: 5 minutes before the final, paweier��neideweide for former club turn one ' s weapon around and strike. The Czech midfielder plunge into a restricted zone with the ball, one brilliant shot beyond the Casa rolling the fingers closed. And 7: in a contest between the two sides last season, Juventus again before the final score, this is the ximengni��peipei, he scored one brilliant goal. Zhihou, WestMengni��peipei he used to play golf, action to celebrate goals, team expedition Zebra fans to feel happy. And 8: 34 minutes Juventus making a quick counterattack, Mirko Vucinic to dribble in high speed plug in Matt, the latter crossing flat ball, Pepe tuishe succeeded into the House only after a goal. And like last time, this time scoringHe returned after a golf putting casual celebration.

transmission and distribution equipment and nuclear

129668631893750000_120Since late October's rally does not last long, market again in near future into a status callback finishing. Short-term policy of fine-tuning does not seem to slow down the pace of the a-share market shocks. In the view of many funds, the current policy orientation and practical measures are not clear, while economic growth continued to decline, European debt problems still exist, the a-shareMarket or still be repeated shocks. Fundamentals Boshi Fund pointed out that policy fully turned loose a lack of support in the short term, the current policy orientation and practical measures are not clear, or contain market long on emotion. Specifically, this rally from late October to early November the old republic power leveling, basic trigger point is expected to relax liquidity, liquidity sensitive sectors rose rushed in front. And laterIt turns out that excessive market reaction to this expected some. Policy is fully turned loose a lack of support, real estate policies recently let go without more likely. The Chinese new year is approaching, policy orientation and practical measures are not clear. The current from the end of 30 days or so, money market rates rose again appeared, banks push annualised yield of 5-6% frequency of financial products, highlighting the liquidity tensionsPeak or come once again. While Morgan Stanley huaxin Fund also believes that market's lack of confidence in the short term mainly from concerns over the economy. Preliminary market rebound stems from changes in liquidity expected October new loans exceeded expectations also have verified that the policy shift expected to a certain extent, however in the current economy still in the process of decline, has not reached the expectedTurning-point. ����In addition, the central economic work Conference will set the tone for next year's economic development, market callback waits before held in economic conference is in the bottom area required by stages. Technology on the surface, two cities in the 2420-2380 mark interval has shocks 5 trading days in a row, a sharp contraction in trading volume. Huzhi 5th-stringObviously, intraday rebound lacked strength. If integer a gate could not be recovered quickly, future shocks IAM test 2300-2350 interval support, again challenging larger probability of 2,307 lows in early. On the operation, taking into account the market's overall lower valuations, excessive fears is no longer appropriate, the current market level not overly bearish, intraday plunge reversed but everyOpportunity to attract high quality stocks. On the configuration swtor power leveling, shenyin wanguo believes that the industry should be concerned about the economy has been able to reverse cycle upturn: electrical equipment (in particular, transmission and distribution equipment and nuclear) pharmaceutical, consumer investment unit; after larger policy loosening, should seize the resonance cycle and growth opportunity, then recommended configuration of real estate, heavy trucks, construction machinery, chemicals and associated with the transformation of growth stocks.

Italy a 2-year CTZ auction yield of 7.814%

129667864454521642_363Friday (November 25) the European trading session (15:00-22:30), Italy auction results bad, 2-year government bond yields in the country and then break through the 8% barrier, market risk sentiment continued under pressure, the EUR/USD fell sharply and fell below 1.33 mark hit a low since October 4. Italy beat debt shows thatItaly 6.504% 6-month Treasury Bill yields, and at the end of October 3.535%; Italy a 2-year CTZ auction yield of 7.814%, 4.628% if the end of October, two new bond yields are high since the inception of the euro. Italy 6-month Treasury Bill over-subscription rate of 1.47, 1.57While Italy two-year zero-coupon CTZ auction an over-subscription rate of 1.59 per, prior to 2.01. Period, Italy Statistical Office (Istat) data released showed that Italy September retail sales fell for the fifth consecutive month, which means that the euro zone's third-largest economy may slip into recession. Italy adjusted retail sales month in the September quarter rate0.4% drop, falling values before correction for 0.1%. Italy September retail sales annual rate of decrease of 1.6%. During the analysis of major currency pairs: EUR/USD European market fell below 1.33 mark in early trading, Italy beat bad debt results and euro area bond market continued to deteriorate, pressured the market sentiment further, trading EUR/USD reached since October 4New lows 1.3211. Technically seen today, full figure downward trend, or testing on October 4 in the short term lows 1.3145, if it fell below the level, short-term resistance concerns 1.33 integer point. Slightly higher in the dollar/yen on Friday, the exchange rate in Europe all the way up and address the two-week high of 77.72, now slightly down. Technical point of view the old republic power leveling,Resistance concerns in dollar/Yen short November 23 high highs 77.58, 78.27. Dollar/Yen again if a callback, or subject to the following line 76.22 support, stop-loss buying can be located below the horizontal. "Panoramic network special statement" articles swtor power leveling, data and other content contained in this channel are filled by the media (corporate) provided, does not mean that the network view�� Content contained in this Web for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice, action, at your own risk.


perhaps you are familiar with. But if you talk about monitoring lens

129667677912802892_52Talk about surveillance cameras, perhaps you are familiar with. But if you talk about monitoring lens, you may be a little unfamiliar to us. A good camera, the lens is very important. Samsung SLM-3580 Samsung SLM-3580 currently has designed specifically for surveillance camera lens manufacturers. Samsung is a home. Samsung in the Security Industry Regulatory CommissionControlled camera not only production surveillance cameras, surveillance camera of the camera is on research and development leader in the industry. Samsung SLM-3580 Samsung Corporation in the cam iconic product on research and development. It uses one-third lenses, 3.5-8.0MM swtor power leveling, light weight star wars the old republic, good color reproduction, clearly will be on hand to restore in the monitor.

reducing registration time

129667840430615392_59Recently, led by the culture and technology industry of Shenzhen huaqiang (000062) group has in the Bank of China (601 star wars the old republic,988) Association of market transactions between registered three-year $ 2.5 billion medium-term notes, huaqiang group injected new vitality into the overall business development. And that's just the bond market in China support the development of cultural industries in microcosm. Industry experts also said that in the culturalReform and development of cultural industries as a premise of a national strategy, more culture science and technology industry of Shenzhen huaqiang holdings will be concerned in the bond market. It is well known that culture industry is an important part of the national economy in recent years, is becoming a new growth point of economic development, rapid development of cultural industry urgently needed financial support. However, the cultural industry in GeneralTimes smaller, emerging cultural enterprise funds in assets long payback period and other characteristics, resulting in cultural industries have always faced predicament of insufficient financial support. Industry experts say that swtor power leveling, as a direct financing of a main site and an important component of China's financial market, bond market in China in recent years increasing rate, size has grown, bond market financing capabilities, and resource allocationFunction is deepening and development of its increasingly important and prominent role in the economic and financial, are increasingly affected by aspects of the attention. Dealers Association officials recently said that culture in the interbank bond market through the issuance of short-term financing bonds, medium-collection of bills, bills, and other non-financial enterprises financing such as debt financing vehicles. Relevant data show that for culturalEnterprise financing difficulty, Dealers Association since its establishment, in all its aspects make positive explorations, increasing direct debt financing support to cultural industries. Is the issue of short-term financing bonds support cultural enterprises, medium-term debt financing tools such as paper, provides a large number of cultural enterprise with a stable financial support. As of November 22, 2011, cultural enterprises TrojanIssue debt financing vehicles 127, raise money $ 114.45 billion; the second is to explore the establishment of cultural enterprises credit promotion mechanisms. Debt credit promotion company in the dealers ' Association to promote the establishment and active play in the large role of professional bodies such as debt-credit promotion company, providing credit promotion services for cultural enterprises, not only improves the open market of cultural enterprise debt financing toolsIs satisfied that to ensure smooth issuing of the culture of corporate debt financing vehicles, while also reducing the financial cost of cultural enterprises; three is the study of cultural enterprises registered issue of "green channel" mechanism, reducing registration time, improve distribution efficiency, so as to encourage active participation of cultural enterprises bond market financing; four is the small size of the business assets against emerging culture, monomer bonds difficult to successfullyIssue status, study on the launching of cultural enterprises SMEs collection bills, nearly a year, has introduced in Shijingshan district of Beijing cultural creative, Xian collection bills such as cultural and scientific and technological small and medium enterprises, provides 8 small and medium cultural enterprises with capital of $ 269 million support; five is actively carrying out research activities on the ground, understand the culture of enterprise and business characteristics and terms of financing practicalDifficulty; six are actively carrying out innovation in service activities for cultural industry class members, held a symposium on cultural industry class members, class members help cultural industries grasp the pulse of the economy and policy, combined with the cultural industry of such member's own property to choose the appropriate bonds, dissemination of successful experiences, the cultural industry leader, building the communication platform for cultural industry class members to provide timely and effectiveInformation services. In recent years, the interbank bond market has been the inclusion of cultural industry mainly focuses on Central enterprises and local cultural industry leading enterprise financing provided strong support. Overseas Chinese town group as the leader of China's cultural industries, 4 years in the interbank market cumulative issuance of non-financial corporate debt financing vehicles $ 16.4 billion, effectively supporting the continued healthy development. In additionXian Qujiang cultural industry group is the development of Shaanxi cultural industry leader and the organisation in June this year the successful launching of the first $ 1 billion short-term financing bonds, achieve a Northwest cultural enterprises through capital markets success key. Above the head of the Dealers Association, Association will actively implement the people's Bank of requirements in the future, continue to support culture through the inter-bank bond market thawingFunding. By exploring the characteristics of cultural industry, come up with effective and innovative measures, accelerate launched cultural enterprises registered issue of "green channel" mechanism, and create a support environment supporting of cultural industry of debt financing, increase the speed of cultural enterprises financing, effectively expanding the scale of culture financing, improving the culture of enterprise financing structure. For further in-depth discussion activities,Visit cultural enterprises, appropriate efforts to solve the financing problems of cultural enterprises, power, rapid, and healthy development of cultural industries.


129667545734687500_9 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/star-wars-the-old-republic/">swtor power leveling</a>United States money supply M1 declined $ 9.98 billion mobile phones last week free access www.cnfol.com comment on November 26 of November 26 star wars the old republic, 2011 Gold network--United States money supply M1 declined $ 9.98 billion last week.


129667786244834142_189Ministry of finance and the Ministry of Civil Affairs on November 25 joint announcement on further strengthening and perfecting the system of registered accountant's audit of the foundation of the draft, which in the annual audit, both the outgoing and general audit and special audit greatly increased the requirements for various types of Foundation for open and transparent, the future Fund financial accounting reports or consolidated publicly announced, to accept the social supervision. According to reports, in accordance withThe provisions of the regulations on the management of the Foundation, for various types of Foundation and Foundation requires only that its annual report on the work of the representative office abroad should be made to the registration authority for review, and publication of the regulatory body on the specified media. While the new draft is particularly stressed the need to be reported in the consolidated annual financial accounting information publicly posted on the platform, and can be included in the annual work report togetherDisclosures may also be disclosed separately. For outgoing and a general audit swtor power leveling, originally the regulations only require financial audits in General, there is no information related to disclosure requirements. CPA is required in the future on financial management and implementation of economic responsibility audit evaluation and audit reports to public at the same time. New regulations also added to the Foundation the special auditRequirements of the provisions into line with conditions of major public projects, was involved in fund-raising activities for natural disaster emergencies star wars the old republic, such as the need for, and so on, are required to implement the special audit requested for activities after the end of special audit reports for submission to regulatory authorities and to the public. In addition, the draft also lists for the Foundation to provide auditing of accounting firms hiring standards, requires registration of the Ministry ofFoundation should choose to enter an annual national public accounting firms on comprehensive evaluation of the top 100 firms, the provincial-level and below level of Foundation can also choose the comprehensive evaluation on public accounting firms in the top 30 within the firm. Opinions require Foundation and its registration authority can, for example through public tender selection. It is understood that by June 2011, the baseGold numbered over 2,267, 2010 its endowment income has more than 14 billion. Traders said, since the beginning of 2011, on the foundations of all kinds of negative events led to the public on the trust suffered a very serious impact. Introduced this draft substantially increase public transparency requirements such as a foundation of financial management for standardizing the supervision of Foundation works, reconstruction wellOrder will be of great significance. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.