

129668682400937500_87October 8, Ministry of land and resources Announces 2010 provincial development of mineral resources such as rare earth integration priorities listed under the list of mine, lists a total of 78 rare earth mines that match the criteria are listed. 43% of the world's reserves of rare earth industry in China, ranking first in the world. However, over a dozen years, the mixed rare earth oxides in China about thousands of dollars per tonne,Kilograms of few dollars, it was stated and Chinese cabbage price almost. Re selling "cabbage" lamentable "we put research results into productive forces is a success, but did not make rare earth advantages into economic advantages. "China 's" father of rare-earth ", Professor, academician Xu Guangxian said with regret. Started in 1972 study of rare-earth countercurrent extraction theory and new technology, At present China's rare earth separation technology in the world has been in the top, if you want to do in many countries of rare earth separation, you must purchase our technology. However, in the reserves, separating the most technologically advanced up to China, but did not achieve pricing power of rare earth. Store goods smuggling, foreign, domestic mining confusion, and so on, resulted in some loss of China rare earth pricing power. At the same time,International scientists lack of patent awareness, not realizing that the use of patents to restrict private extraction of rare earth, leading to vicious competition in rare earth industry. In the 70 's, after China became the world's leading technology of rare earth separation technology, has not applied for a patent, local businesses, and private businesses throughout the country to see rare earth separation there are huge profits, building a factory to reach more than 100 enterprises, productionRe capacity of 150,000 tons, while world demand of only 100 diablo 3 power leveling,000 tonnes, supply, prices of rare earth to 1985 levels. 1995-2005 rare earth industry in China between the 10-year Exchange reached nearly lost due to cheap imports of billions of dollars. Strategic reserves of rare earth is needed along with great loss of rare earth in China, ChinaStatus of rare earth power could be threatened. Xu Guangxian, Professor proposed a rare reserve system in China. Total amount of rare earth mining in China, low utilization rates. From 1958, baotou iron and steel production by 2008, at baiyunebo main East ore extraction of rare earth 15 million tons, of utilization to 10%; Thorium Mining 80,000 tons, the utilization of only zeros. Under the 2008 minedSpeed, uncontrolled, the main East ore will run out within 25 years. Ion-absorbed rare earth deposits in South China is a very valuable heavy rare earth resources, from 1970 to 2007 have been consuming resources 60% utilization only 40%. If you follow the current production rate, ion-absorbed rare earth deposits in the South will be exhausted in 10 years. Then, the United States will become the world's first rare earthCountry, prices will rise from 100 to 1000 times, China will fully and is prone to. China has worked with the world of sophisticated technology, aerospace technology, wind power have already is the world leading level, and increasing demand for rare earth development in electronics. According to statistics diablo 3 power leveling, China's annual demand for rare earth of approximately 5 to 60,000 tons, China's total amount of rare earth miningMore than half, if according to the current development of China's rare earth, decades later, China will not self-sufficient, it will be "rare earth powers" into a "shortage of rare earth country", which is unfavorable for China's high technology development. "No overstatement to say that without rare earth there are no high-tech. "Xu Guangxian, Professor in an interview with reporters, it said. The State CouncilExhibition of Lu Zhiqiang, Deputy Director of the Research Center wrote: "tank leaching mining 1 tons of rare earth, to destroy a 200 square metres of surface vegetation, split 300 square meters surface, causing 2000 cubic metres of sand, every year 12 million cubic metres of soil and water loss. "From an environmental perspective, China must implement strategic rare earth reserves, mining and export of curbs. From 1958 to date, mining has been going on for more than 50 years of China's rare earth, due to the large number of extensive mining in private, many industrial area of the environment has been severely damaged. For storage of tailings dam of tailings is also a risk factor. Rare earth mining restrictions, reducing export quotas, but also reduce environmental damage, environmental regulation of important ways. Development of rare earth industryNeed standardized management Xu Guangxian, Professor is first appealed to limit production, one controlling prices. In 2005, the Chinese Academy of Sciences 15 academicians to "on the protection of the Bayan OBO ore thorium and rare earths, avoiding emergency appeals and baotou Yellow River affected by radioactive contamination" as its theme, joint letter to the State Council. On June 26, 2006, the Ministry of land and resources decisions from 2007 limits throughout the mine production, total production of not more than 74,000 tons. 2009-2010, continue to strengthen the management of rare earth industry in China, national rectification of the rare earth industry and eliminate backward production capacity, making rare earth plant decreased from more than 100 companies from 20, initially established at baotou steel rare earth reserves system. Ministry of land and resources development Secretary Liu Lianhe saidDepartment of land and resources of main rare earth concentrate in the establishment of a national sales network and management system, is identified for each manufacturer, regulate the mining and sale of rare earth. Order of the Ministry of land and resources such as rare earth mineral development special operations professional Web presence, the Ministry May 13 for the views of industry is necessary to collect, Chinese Academy of Sciences study on rare earth experts are planning nationalRe the General Assembly, will become a driving force for rare-earth industry standard development. (Reporters Ren Mina Shi Chang Li Yipeng) Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

