
showed the hand of "the da Vinci CodeSHUNDE branch "orders

129667750413740392_7For thermal power companies, and has the high price of coal before the Wolf, later with power grid operation Tiger, two to eat meat, but the middleman not oil, thermal power enterprises should not cry out about one ' s grievances do? Avenge was to yell, as must cry out in pain, this is a gut reaction. But some of what happened this week, but people do not understand people who cry out about one ' s grievances are real grievances or grievances, is really pain in pain was installed。 Most representative events is that two months ago in deep "false foreign brands" whirlpool of Leonardo da Vinci home, has become the media object. The da Vinci looks a bit for their grievances, Guangdong Shunde has family name also contains the "da Vinci" furniture manufacturing enterprise of the three words, Shunde swtor credits, Guangdong TV exposure when the business at a low cost production of fake brand-name swtor power leveling, showed the hand of "the da Vinci CodeSHUNDE branch "orders, which think reporters in Leonardo da Vinci deliberately inducing workers planted" da Vinci ", said that it would pursue corporate responsibility at the same time, also have a complaint about media. Leonardo da Vinci brand registered at home first, holding names containing "da Vinci" three word trademark infringement liability of enterprises, is understandable, but to sue media, think of da Vinci home under what is chess. UnlessFinch home can confirm that appeared in the TV pictures of "the da Vinci Shunde branch" forged orders are reporters, then the media should be prosecuted; and if the order is the allegedly infringing the enterprises themselves, simply because camera this order to frame someone would take it that the journalists were "da Vinci", can only say that this is "persecution of paranoia" expression. Leonardo da Vinci by means of a statement, alsoJust shouting at the media cry out about one ' s grievances, but the heads of several power plants in Shanxi province, they cry out about one ' s grievances to Beijing, in a number of "written" after no one answer, these power plants are representatives from, made to the relevant departments of the State delegation in Beijing to raise electricity prices. These power plants are coal-fired power generation, which is commonly known as the thermal power enterprises. Why are these thermal power enterprises to increase the price? Because coal priceHas been high. Since coal prices, why can't thermal power enterprises rose? Because the State price control policy. For thermal power companies, and has the high price of coal before the Wolf, later with power grid operation Tiger, two to eat meat, but the middleman not oil, thermal power enterprises should not cry out about one ' s grievances do? Electricity prices are like eggs, pork prices, are all matters which would affect people's livelihoodEvent, couldn't move so easily, there will be masses shouted "electricity guzzler" came, electric meter in the "brush" circle is not a number, but people's money in their pockets. Winter comes to heating, electricity will also usher in the peak, in order to avoid electricity shortage, it is necessary to allow thermal power enterprises actively generating dynamic, relevant State departments, really have to look at coal, power plant, power grid, a piece of string tied on 构词成分。Tetrigidae, which was too fat which is too thin, it is necessary to audit their financial situation, balanced distribution of benefits don't support pole died, so hungry starve to death. Most grievances of the people this week, Lee is one of them, he lay in the gun, "fraud fighters" Fang as posible. Publish tweets questioning Lee biography "young, an associate professor in the Carnegie * Mellon" inaccurate,Li pointed out that for the first time questioned eight "false", few rounds down, netizens finally came out from the loss, the heart of the controversy lies in understanding how "young" and "Associate Professor" is defined. Friends have said that Fang questioned Lee this time, and the last Tang is also a difference between questioning, Mr Tang is to defend oneself into zero by 100 points,Kai-Fu Lee is to defend oneself into a 90 by 100 points. If that really can be so described, Kai-Fu Lee, this is indeed being wronged terribly, defend oneself into a 100-90, in this day and age, may have been regarded as honest men. Cry out about one ' s grievances to reason, but also to call on people, deal with real grievances, a recovery in the end, until washed white himself. For those who seem to have no labelling linesIn fact no need to cry out about one ' s grievances, light wind clouds of light, which helps prove also won itself a image. Believe that the eyes of the masses, they know who is performing. -Han Haoyue (writer)

