
if you have a credit card

129667889690146642_224Whether it's mortgages, car loans and other consumer loans, if not proof of use of funds, personal cash to the Bank was a difficult matter. In fact, if you have a credit card, you can easily borrow cash from a bank. Journalists investigating a number of banks found, handled this business monthly capital costs about 0.75%, not only significantly lower than "folk usuryLoan ", even lower than traditional credit card direct cash withdrawal, only smaller.  Industry experts caution that if as an investment for the main purpose of the loan, customers should use. Banking initiative to find the main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved!Borrow cash using their credit cards in this context, is not "illegal cash", but a bank to promote "cash advance payment". A few days ago, Mr LI in Beijing received a joint-stock commercial bank credit card Center to call, customer service personnel said that as long as he agrees, you can import to his debit card account $ 94,000, Mr LI just after a monthly return toTheir credit card, do not charge interest, only charge a small fee. Mr LEE's credit card line of credit is $ 80,000, if applied for 94,000 dollars loan, banks are committed to raise its credit line to $ 110,000. In other words, if after the application for this business, Mr LEE's lines of credit card a further 16,000 dollars a month is available. If you select12 return, paid 0.77% fee per month, one year, amounted to $ 8685.6. Mr Li is preparing to repair homes, but most of the funding was the stock market to entangle, cash in their hands a little nervous, accepting this service of the Bank. "These cash withdrawal with credit cards. This year, who will put so much cash in his pocket? Although I have to pay 80$ More than 00 cost, but eliminates the embarrassment of when to borrow money from friends and relatives.  "Mr LEE said. For most credit card cardholder,, Bill stages is no stranger, but cash advance stages for the first time I heard. In fact, this is more than bank credit card centre to promote a business.  China CITIC Bank, Guangdong Development Bank and the Bank have launched the business. ButJournalist login invite Mr Li business Web site for the bank credit card Center, found in this line of business of the Bank "furtive". Web page prominently, introduced the Bill only stage business, don't "cash advance payment". Telephone operator said that business is intended primarily for good credit and repayment ability of potential clients need banking initiative to invite, orActive call application.  Costs less than zero interest credit card cash withdrawal while banks claimed to be the business, but the cardholder to pay fees, the rate is lower than the direct credit card cash withdrawal, but quite higher than term loans with interest rates. It is understood that the Guangdong Development Bank launched a project known as "wealth and wisdom of gold" credit card cash advance business cardholder to apply to the credit card Center, After the audit for cash advance limit the cardholder must, and money transfers to the card holder's designated debit card account. The business best feature is that card application cash advance limit may be not included in the total credit line, regardless of interest, can be divided into 6-, 12-, 18-and 24-repayment, procedure rates unified 0.75% per month. Where the Bank usingPass credit card cash advance business provides that cash advance amount to half of the total credit line, is now part of takes credit, cash handling fee 2.5% collection of the overdraft amount, also received five out of 10,000 cycles of credit interest on a daily basis. Minsheng Bank also have similar activities for credit card customers, customers that meet specific conditions to enjoy a certain amount of interest-freeCash, the amount determined according to the specific cardholder. Meet the conditions of the cardholder, the Bank will take the initiative to notify the cardholder.  Because it is in the form of instalments, the cardholder will have to pay a certain fee, 6-, 12-out rate of 0.75%. Both banks are putting this "cash advance staging" business called "promotions", if it's really excellentWhitney then? Guangdong Development Bank, for example, if customers to borrow a sum of cash, one-year period, if direct cash withdrawal using credit card, the cardholder to pay is the cost of annual interest rate of per cent of fees and 2.5%, and total rate of 20.75%; such as instalments, each payment of the advance amount 0.75% as fees, annual total rate of 9%.In addition, instalments also stipulates that if the cardholder repayment in advance, you must pay the remainder of the fee, that is, regardless of the length of the period, cardholders pay-out rates are 9% swtor credits, and 6.56% of one-year benchmark lending rate now than not too low. Remind the borrower that is, more than 9% just calculated, asCash advance is a borrowing, after a monthly return swtor power leveling, so the actual annualized capital costs are significantly higher than the 9%. For the cardholder, by instalments cash advance, while the ability to broaden the financing channels, but high rates could increase their burden. Insiders pointed out that some borrowers is not the purpose of consumption, investment, which need to be cautious about。 Return reliable on the market today, and above 10% financial products, it seems that only trust products, but such products the threshold higher, at $ 1 million, and the number of credit card cash advance is often very small, it is difficult to achieve financial objectives.

