

129667786244834142_189Ministry of finance and the Ministry of Civil Affairs on November 25 joint announcement on further strengthening and perfecting the system of registered accountant's audit of the foundation of the draft, which in the annual audit, both the outgoing and general audit and special audit greatly increased the requirements for various types of Foundation for open and transparent, the future Fund financial accounting reports or consolidated publicly announced, to accept the social supervision. According to reports, in accordance withThe provisions of the regulations on the management of the Foundation, for various types of Foundation and Foundation requires only that its annual report on the work of the representative office abroad should be made to the registration authority for review, and publication of the regulatory body on the specified media. While the new draft is particularly stressed the need to be reported in the consolidated annual financial accounting information publicly posted on the platform, and can be included in the annual work report togetherDisclosures may also be disclosed separately. For outgoing and a general audit swtor power leveling, originally the regulations only require financial audits in General, there is no information related to disclosure requirements. CPA is required in the future on financial management and implementation of economic responsibility audit evaluation and audit reports to public at the same time. New regulations also added to the Foundation the special auditRequirements of the provisions into line with conditions of major public projects, was involved in fund-raising activities for natural disaster emergencies star wars the old republic, such as the need for, and so on, are required to implement the special audit requested for activities after the end of special audit reports for submission to regulatory authorities and to the public. In addition, the draft also lists for the Foundation to provide auditing of accounting firms hiring standards, requires registration of the Ministry ofFoundation should choose to enter an annual national public accounting firms on comprehensive evaluation of the top 100 firms, the provincial-level and below level of Foundation can also choose the comprehensive evaluation on public accounting firms in the top 30 within the firm. Opinions require Foundation and its registration authority can, for example through public tender selection. It is understood that by June 2011, the baseGold numbered over 2,267, 2010 its endowment income has more than 14 billion. Traders said, since the beginning of 2011, on the foundations of all kinds of negative events led to the public on the trust suffered a very serious impact. Introduced this draft substantially increase public transparency requirements such as a foundation of financial management for standardizing the supervision of Foundation works, reconstruction wellOrder will be of great significance. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

