
such as political instability and mass increase of taxation

129667889746865392_370 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/star-wars-the-old-republic/">swtor power leveling</a>Canada's Finance Minister, Jim-Jim Flaherty (Jim Flaherty) said on Friday the eurozone sovereign debt crisis is "infected" outside the market, the EU leaders must remain "stable" to take action. Jim Flaherty said today in his speech: "crisis and once again we face today. Distances are the sovereign debt crisis solutionsPut the still remote. "He also said that although Canada may provide additional stimulus if necessary, but the Government would not resort to taking" risky latest spending plan ". He pointed out that Canada federal and provincial governments must aim to return to balanced budgets. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden surgeGospel is not likely in a move investors: to entangle the stock saved! In the past two years, European Union leaders have been efforts to try to avoid the sovereign debt crisis will spread to avoid France and Germany, affecting large economies of the eurozone. On sale today in 6-month Treasury bill transactions, Italy Treasury had to pay interest of 7%;On November 23 when the 10-year bonds, Germany Treasury 35% of Treasury bonds failed to get investors bid indicates a failed the basic debt sales activities. Jim Flaherty said today: "from the eurozone sovereign debt crises and banking crises are outside the European Union market and the uncertainty of the global credit markets lead to a more widespread infection on. If the EU authoritiesTake more positive actions for the decisive resolution of the crisis and restore stability in the market and information, then the situation can be stabilized.����"He pointed out that, if not a speedy solution to this crisis, many citizens in the country would face" dire consequences ", such as political instability and mass increase of taxation, and so on. Jim Flaherty in the speech, he does not refer specifically to any State or politicalAdministration leaders, adding that all members of the Group of 20 countries have pledged to increase economic growth and reduce its budget deficit. He pointed out that Canada as a proportion of total debt in GDP of only 34.9%, and cited the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates data swtor credits, members of the Group of seven debt-GDP ratio of the average 80%�� Global economic growth slowdown prompted Jim Flaherty said on November 8, he would balance Canada budget plan delayed for a year. Between 2011 and 2016, Canada has a cumulative deficit of $ 29 billion (about US $ 27.6 billion). Two-year period Canada bond yields increased by 4 basis points today, to 0.953%.

