
And 10.21%.  Second Board stocks down more than a week 10% total 11

129667889639834142_92Practitioners say, compulsory dividend rules of implementation of and follow-up to, IPO from gem company began, boards and small bonus rules will also progressively introduce new initiatives just out to the SFC in dividends after the introduction, journalists today was informed that the Securities and Futures Commission recently launched the bonus rules for listing on the gem company, require the gem company dividends promised to write a Constitution, and offering thatMajor matters in the certificate prompts. Furthermore, the Commission requires the gem company to develop a return on dividend plan, it should be sustainability.   (Click to view the gem market overview) main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! According to the CommissionFind, issuers should be clear in the articles: issue shares to be listed after profit distribution policies, including the distribution of profits, specific conditions and amount of cash dividends or ratio, specific conditions, the distribution of profits to distribute stock dividends during the interval, such as distribution of profits shall perform the procedure for the consideration. At the same time, issuers on profit distribution planning decisions and adjustment mechanisms also need to be in the companyExpressly in the Constitution.  As a result of large changes in the external business environment and internal operation of the need to adjust the profit distribution policy, protection of shareholders ' rights should be the starting point, at the general meeting of shareholders for detailed demonstration and explanation in the proposal. Under the new rules, issuers need to disclose in the prospectus profit distribution policy and implementation during the reporting period, including the distribution of profits is not cause, andPurpose of the retention fund. In addition, the company's dividend return factors considered by the planning and formulation and decision-making processes also require to disclose in the prospectus.  The industry believes, the SFC corporate dividend requirements are listed on GEM sources began to grab. At the same time, concern is that of the SFC to require issuers in prospectuses Home on the dividend policy for "major issuesTip "on the issue after listing the profit distribution policy, the specific return plan, dividend policy and dividend plan described. This corresponds to, sponsor organizations, lawyers and intermediaries such as reporting accountants have many duties, to the issuer's dividend policy disclosure verification and the verification opinion. Special requirements of the SFC, verification of intermediaries should indicateIssuer's profit distribution policy is focused on giving investors steady returns, whether it is conducive to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors, company prospectus and prospectus disclosure of profit distribution matters, such as the relevant provisions. Although on the surface, the new rules of the securities is intended primarily for information disclosure of companies pay dividends for the specification and refinement, and does not constrain what percentage of the cash dividend, But investment bank who pointed out that, although not listed any hard constraints, but in the course of the practical implementation of, the SFC may be conducted in a manner similar to the instruction window requires enterprises profit-sharing commitments, especially for IPO enterprises, in the implementation of this requirement is already in. Practitioners say, compulsory dividend rules of implementation of and follow-up to, IPO from gem company began. Board and small andBonus rules certainly will continue.  This reporter learned that, despite the new dividend rules of the Board and small and has not been issued, but the IPO have sealed volume of material to be listed companies have joined the dividends promised in the original prospectus. November 10, the Commission held a media briefing, promised in response to market the four hot spots, to force the listing companyIncreased cash dividends reward shareholders, strengthening the construction of credit of listed companies, and so on.  Recently issued to the various market organisations implement the document, either the honesty or the efforts to increase dividends, starting from second board companies. On November 18, Commission officials said the delisting of the gem system will also be made public for comment. According to the gem early open frameSecond Board stocks issued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange listing rules are clear delisting criteria in article 11, including the last two years of losses, the most recent fiscal year shows that year audited a negative net worth, the company implemented stock 120 consecutive days cumulative turnover of less than 1 million units. In July this year, General Manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange announced Song Liping, on this basis will alsoAdded two standard"Suspended" and small-cap index is paused over the weekend, securities and Futures Commission to promote the six initiatives to promote healthy development of the market.  In this set of combination involving the gem has three, including multi-pronged approach gradually changed the price-earnings ratio of stock in a situation, first in the gem to explore pilot delisting reform, will start a private placement bonds of listed companies on the gem. At presentAnd details of the measures has not yet been made clear.  New deal by gem "suspense" effect, szse, gem means necking fell this week. Syndrome differentiation of plane crash in new deal Commission, the gem at the weekend with six supervision of new measures become a focus of marketing buzz this week. Among them, for the GEM's new measures include changing high earnings release, allows directional debt and then thawOwned and piloted three moves such as delisting system directly. Gem of the establishment of early investors enthusiasm for IPO earnings generally high.  As the new share issue system reforms, as well as secondary market environment changes, high gem IPO price conditions improve, even briefly become damp breaking phenomenon. From the IPO situation, the gemTotal of 16 companies to issue earnings of more than 100 times. New development shares, Star and Watson organisms by 150.82 times respectively, doubled and 138.46 times times before issuing earnings top three. And this year June release listed Masson technology release 18.12 times times the minimum trading on gem, ruifeng high material second, 22.54Times. Accompanied by issuing earnings drop, gem extra proceeds too much ease. 2010 over the proceeds three listed companies with the highest national technology, blue water and Watson bio, respectively, extra proceeds up to $ 1.964 billion, $ 1.871 billion and $. By 2011, Star precision forging technology, Toho biological science and technology, and continentsMing technology four second board companies, there is even a lack of fundraising. Direct withdrawing system for poor results at the moment of second board companies have a deterrent. This year, rising prices of raw materials and labor costs, making part of the gem business environment changes, sharp decline in the performance. According to statistics, the decline in net profits in the first three quarters of this year's gemCompany to reach 78.  Among them, when the sharp decline in first three quarters of rising science and technology 95.6%, earning only $ 980,000. Insiders pointed out that the change higher earnings release and oriented policy on debt refinancing, restraining the growth enterprise market bubble; while in bond financing way for refinancing gem company to find a way, reduced gem company IPO "Once fully subscribed "impulse.  However, market participants also believed that direct delisting deterrent system may cause some decline gem companies were investors "vote with their feet", stock prices or falling sharply. And small-cap is less than the decrease in the share market index this week and continued the decline last week, decreased by 1.5% per cent to 2380.22. By contrast, small andPointing up, the gem decline is slowing down.  Among them, szse falling 1.19% closed 5025.69, gem fell 0.66% per cent to 863.49. However, the stock price performance of the week, junior, second board stocks this week trends show up in the secondary market dropped much less. In 276 second board stocks, 188 nextFalling, falling stocks nearly 70%; small markets for a total of 401 stocks fell about small new definitions today, 63%. In small units, 11 stocks surging more than 10% this week. Among them, steel tianyuan weeks up to 32.4% per cent, topped. Starting from Monday, tianyuan began strong gains in the steel, and four daily limit this week, on Friday continued toUp 8.33%.  Tianyuan steel Bull and rumors about a market, company study on hollow glass microspheres with high performance access to major breakthroughs, a few companies in the world can fully meet the technical requirements of manufacturers of hollow glass bead. In addition, the vaccine industry swtor power leveling, one bridge Bay by the United States, channel, shares and other small companies weeks gainers, respectively, up 19.39%, 19.3%,; haipurui, Hui feng deliveries such as stock shares, Yichang weeks respectively, 13.14%, 11.45%, small companies decrease the top three. Gem, 10% stocks rose by more than a week there are only 3, BCI and asphalt, blue cursor plus network, up 16.52%,And 10.21%.  Second Board stocks down more than a week 10% total 11, among them, and being the decrease in the share, fallen 15.06% a week. High send turn or marketing hype hot right now, the Chinese new year is approaching, annual report disclosure of listed companies and also fading past, road funding starting layout report, sent high transfer subject matter is or will be lateHype hot spots to early next year.  Super-raise more funds and the growth of small, entrepreneurial companies, will become hype. From the first three quarters of this year's profit indicators show that newly listed Nigel Burley in the first three quarters of earnings per share amounted to $ 4.32, ranking them first and small-cap stocks; while the cattle all year round in yanghe shares continued to maintain high yields, the first three quarters of earnings per share up to 3.2$ 4, Oriental garden the first three quarters of earnings per share up to $ 2.29, second only to the former two. From the perspective of listed companies ' balance sheets, SAINTY ship, yanghe, Nigel Burley and Winbond pharmaceutical shares four companies in the first three quarters of undistributed profits are higher than $ 5 per share, $ 6.96 and $ 6.84, respectively $ 5.93 and $; per share while the first three quarters of the Eastern landscapeUndistributed profits amounted to $ 4.99. As an important indicator of the high increase of listed companies, capital reserve of more than $ 10 per share and small-cap stocks up to 10, second board companies listed in the near future the majority of them, such as the mountain share capital reserve amounting to $ 15.57 per share. (The China Securities journal) survey of dongfangcaifuwang var divobj=document.getElementById("voteformdiv"); var voteformJson = {"FormAction":"http://poll.eastmoney.com/Polling.aspx","VoteResUltUrl ":" http://poll.eastmoney.com/Html/Result7879.html "," FormMethod ":" post "," VgId ": 7879," VgTitle ":" How do you see next Monday opening quotation? " the old republic power leveling,"VgExpLain ":" "," VmList ": [{" VmTitle ":" How do you see next Monday opening quotation? "," ViList ": [" long "," null "," flat "]}]," HiddenInput ":" "}; VoteForm(divobj, voteformJson); Gem company profit-sharing commitments need to write articles of Quant high dividend yield stocks junior companies to pay dividends at the end wins Board or the SFC issued a new gem bonus rules the IPO slowdown week review: gem line two refers to weeks even Yin-exit system to be introduced a new interpretation of the SFC initiative: sword refers to the IPO "three high" phenomenon in the SFC set fire to "zombie" shell capitalDepreciation of the source

