
Shanghai's "going out" pace is accelerating. From retreats to the pragmatic

129668600987187500_6425th, from Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces (cities) in charge of tourism, tourism management and leadership of hundreds of people in charge of tourism enterprises, held a joint meeting to discuss pan-Yangtze River Delta tourism cooperation, altogether seeks the "innovation, integration, and win-win" cooperation mechanism. Five days ago, the four provinces (municipalities) of the province (City) Party Committee secretaries, provincial (municipal) long just get together and discuss promoting regional cooperation and economic restructuringExhibitions, industrial transfer plans.  Development of Yangtze River Delta integration, tourism "takes" becoming increasingly clear.   Tourism cooperation, "innovation, integration, upgrade" main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Travel to Yangtze River Delta regionTours are facing new opportunities and challenges of cooperation. Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces and one city is positioned as a strategic pillar of tourism industry and modern service industry, both countries strategic position, is the realistic needs of economic development in Yangtze River Delta.  Industrial structure adjustment in Yangtze River Delta is imminent, tourism is considered to be pulling a new engine of economic growth. In May this year, which was held in Shanghai "Changjiang Delta tourism cooperation joint meeting for the first time "for the first time a innovation in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui tourism cooperation, constructing integrated world famous tourist cities.  Subsequently, the three provinces and one city Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces signed the Shanghai tourism cooperation framework agreement marked the marketing of tourism integration in Yangtze Delta from the spontaneous cooperation, entered the stage of the autonomy of the system and docking. "Transformation of Yangtze River DeltaIn the process of development, tourism is an important potential for industry. "Shanghai Vice Mayor Zhao Wen said that the deepening integration of Changjiang Delta tourism cooperation, promote long triangular barrier-free tourism, provide high quality tourism services, will be realized" innovation, integration, upgrade ", not as a traditional models of cooperation; it's not simple piece together items, instead of mining resources, integration of resources,Innovative products and, more importantly is the perfect service, raise the level of administration and public services. "The accelerated transformation, promoting industrial transfer, tourism should play a leading role. "Zhang Weiguo, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province," said tourism from traditional industries into modern service industry, to plug in the culture and the two wings of science and technology, this requires the integration of tourism industry development in Yangtze Delta, complementing each other. "Zhejiang Provincial people's Government Deputy Secretary Xie Jijian believes that major events to build participatory tourism cooperation platform, is speeding up development of Changjiang Delta tourism cooperation base path.  China International tourism fair, in October 2011, Shanghai the old republic power leveling, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui total package external promotion, take the road of joint promotion brands. Started in the last century of the Yangtze River Delta regional tourism cooperationGo straight on in the nation, has in recent years is to deepen development in pan-Yangtze River Delta region, after joining the original system of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Anhui, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui tourism integration in Yangtze River Delta development momentum more strong.  Regional integrated development driven by power, Shanghai's "going out" pace is accelerating. From retreats to the pragmatic, Enterprise walked to the front of regional tourism cooperation in the joint meeting on, Shanghai, Jiangsu swtor power leveling, Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces and one city of many tourism enterprises are invited to attend, and tourists other sent between each other, the market sharing agreements, to promote the company as the subject of regional tourism cooperation, participation in regional integration development tide has built a very good platform. Prior to this, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang tourism administrations had cooperated at the market level, adherence to the "Government promotion, market-driven, business owner"The principle of promoting the process of Yangtze River Delta barrier-free tourism.  The industry generally believe that regional tourism cooperation in final practice subject was tourism enterprises, Changjiang Delta Tourism is important in the future strive to foster participation in the international competition of Chinese tourism enterprises, implementation of regional talents, capital and technology flows and docking. At present, Jiangsu is advancing the work of the two, is the preparation setState tourism development investment fund, through funding of guidance and support to attract social capital and financial capital to the tourism industry cluster and by cultivating the market operation of large tourist enterprise groups.  Second is the wisdom of building integration of cultural and scientific content tourism, raise the level of enterprise information. Around the market and win-win, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui explore tourism administrations combined to traveling Enterprise rideBuild cooperation platform, tourists gathered in the Yangtze River Delta cities and explore held a variety of small tourist fair in the region, organizing travel agencies, attractions in the region (dot) corporate face-to-face business negotiations, cooperate, through various channels team travel guide to cooperative regional provincial tourism. Improvement in service quality, established tourist market linkage mechanism between tourism chiefs in four provinces are responsible forAgree per capita, has now entered a new stage of Yangtze River Delta regional tourism cooperation, tourism administrations in the development of regional integration can lead, in mechanism design, public services, more proactive collaboration, project management and supervision. Hua Jianhui, Vice Governor of Anhui Province proposed, should continue to deepen the three provinces and one city in the travel industry on regulatory cooperation, increase tourism complaints about the quality of jointPlace, including the establishment of management of tourist market linkage echoes, the realization enterprise quality of service and accessibility across provinces can trace and visitors an unobstructed across the province's rights, formed front stereo monitoring and safeguarding system of large-scale and so visitors really enjoy the high quality of tourism services. Regional public service areas such as product standards, Zhang Weiguo, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province believes that you shouldGood system of tourist reception and service standards.  At the same time, improve off-site car rental network, perfect car, trailer lines, logos, and camps, realization of tourist attractions, hotels, restaurants, transportation and other travel pay card. Shanghai made common development of the Yangtze River Delta standards recommended in RV service area, leading the RV tourism development in Yangtze Delta and related infrastructure. The Shanghai Municipal GovernmentQian Zhi, a researcher at the Centre that studies show, RV travel network linkage is a new tourism project, you need to cross-regional cooperation for development, a total of network information system of house-building camps to promote high-end tourism cooperation in Yangtze River Delta region.

