
banks are not lending to these small companies

129667864444209142_336A regulatory prohibition of trust companies and small credit, pawn shops and guarantee company news yesterday of the cooperation between trust company insiders began to spread.  But the rumors, denied some of the trust company soon. According to individual reports in the media yesterday, regulators in recent days to mail notifications are issued under a trust company the old republic power leveling, trust company is strictly prohibited "and the smallLending companies, guarantee companies, pawn shops and other institutions for business cooperation, strengthen business risk and its management has been launched to ensure that the due payment ". This rumor, many trust companies in Shanghai are a rumor to the business journal. One large trust company have in-house staff to look after notification of the last three months told reporters, I found no regulators issuedProhibition and small loan companies, pawn shops and notice of a security company.  Only at the end of September there had been a notice for the trust in China, notice the content is prohibited in China Trust institutions such as participation by the small loan company business promotional activities were held. In addition a major trust company in Shanghai as well as the Business Director of a small trust company also told reporters the company there is noAny notice to regulators, including the use of mail forms, official documents, and oral notification. But these small trust company, General Manager of Sales Department, told reporters, the CBRC actually trust company involved in microfinance business before some worry, the future does not rule out the possibility of a demanding wind control notifications. "But certainly not prohibited. "The General Manager of Sales Department"If trust lending is prohibited, banks are not lending to these small companies, then who else will be on loan to them? Going to all these companies have died? "But he also acknowledged that trust companies involved small loan business risks are high. "For example, the CBRC required trust company selected microfinance companies with high qualification of cooperation systemLevel of avoiding future trust companies may face risks.  "The sales manager said. A trust company that has developed a small loan products business unit General Manager, told reporters that for SMEs which need loans, either from commercial bank loans, or take usury swtor power leveling, or die. It is clear that the three roads but loan sharks, two others on the objectiveVery bad. Trust product development in this direction is in fact found a way for management, as well as small and medium enterprises has opened up the fourth road.

