
tera gold about managing assets of about 700 billion - AMN

129770904379531250_89You are here: Home > Home > Guide today from: time: March 23, 12 author: Shi Jinfeng font size: large medium small "actions speak louder than words. Some years ago, I advocated the claims of and practice, although at that time could not be vested and eye myopia debate clearly,But in the space of a year, has become the consensus of many domestic private banks. "On March 21, the left bank of communications, Center for personal finance private banks after 1.5 years, Xu Hao a rhetoric quite fierce" open letter ", in recent years private silver chaos once again became the focus of much blame. Even described them as the recently exposed to the outside world to resignExposing the Goldman Sachs "mercenary" bad line of former Goldman Sachs Executive Director geleige·shimisi.      The private bank in China before direct spending private banking currently exist "goose" type marketing, and "predatory development" model. Xu Hao said in a message, "this is hoodwinked on the highest decision makers, policy makers on the market overBlind optimism; under the hard pressure indicators, leading to complaints from customer complaints continue; only sacrificed Bank private banking brand, ' cut off ' customers, false sales, turn red red dingzi individuals. "These problems, more than" retail "mode of the private banking business. On March 22, a private bank seniorTold this reporter admits that private banks Happy Valley enclosure stage in previous years, this is a common problem. "Objectively speaking, now change is already very big. "These people told reporters from the private banks into China for the first time in 2007, private banking service pattern from the banks to" selling products "; However, beginning in 2009,Private banking business has entered the agenda of major commercial banks. Previously, CITIC Bank private banking centre and the Central University of finance and banking Research Center of China jointly issued the characteristics of Chinese private bank clients and future development trends research report (hereinafter referred to as the report) pointed out that, after four years of development, China's private banking service mode has been removed from "product development""Selling mix", and then transition to the comprehensive wealth management solutions or planned discretionary asset management services.      But China's private banking business, a business transformation across the three to go. Private banking "vase" challenge "a bank's private banking business if you really want to be successful, and considered her a goldService a top priority, must be established by the highest decision makers at the head office level private banking's independence, rather than retail payments ' vase ', and to match the development objectives of personnel, financial, and material resources.      "Xu Hao point directly at the current private banking business model of short boards from the banks. In fact, starting from the 2007 Chinese private banks started tera power leveling,Their business models in General can be divided into "Department" and "total building" mode.      After five years, are different, but the tangle has always troubled commercial banks, Bank private banking sector, Bank of China, and even for a time wavering between the two modes. Under the system of the Ministry, mode of the private banking sector to take independent, vertical management, private bankingDepartment and branch, private retail bank account manager and account manager, often will strive for customer resources and profits of the pattern, and if you do not get recognition and full collaboration of branches, under the system of Division of private banks to take advantage of network. Is precisely because of this abuse of the Department in recent years, the general trend of private banks from the banks tend to "large retailModel ", in this mode, regardless of the number of clients or manage assets, Chinese banks are rapidly improving. However, in retail mode, private banks are often affiliated to the retail sector, in reality often appears in Xu Hao said: wealth management customers even more customers to purchase good products at low level, sell out of products transformed to privateBanking sector, its called "support for private banking"; years VIP financing the following advertising hype, advertising investment of the private banks do not have any money. As a result, customers and manage assets multiplied by the number behind the private banking business cost of heavy, even escape the "vase" questioning, Xu Hao had previously repeatedlyMedia interviews, his solution was in the private banking system and branches, branch of retail in the gold sector combined with, a "1 n 1" and a performance of two calculation models, private banking and retail gold "1 1" is greater than 2. To the China Construction Bank, for example, "retailing" zhixia, a 200 million in assets of customers, accounts are located inBranch network, customer relationship management, and service in private banking. "However, this is only the initial stage of the transitional period. "The end of 2011, Bank Vice President Zhu Xiaohuang said when interviewed by this reporter," early stages (private banking) completely impossible, because there is no such capability. Function gradually improved, itTo progressive independent, independent fenzhang, his business. "" Run of the private banks in the past, is right behind general outlets inside the customer's support now requires it to transform into a private banking customer, future private banking arm to grab yourself a customer, their business.      "Zhu Xiaohuang explained. CCB is more than 3 million assetsScale consolidated into the wealth management and private banking tera power leveling, the customer base of about 150,000, about managing assets of about 700 billion; personal financial assets of more than $ 5 million individual customers and investable assets of more than $ 6 million potential customers, as their private bank target customer base, customer base to 12,000 of the latter,Management at around 300 billion dollars in assets. Entering the second half of 2011, the regulator is expected to again in the near future of private banking licences issued messages to encourage the commercial banks, including commercial banks, such as Bank are said to fight for an application for a licence, the logic behind it is implied of its private banking business, "independence" and the "vase" controversy.Examination of shortsighted on March 22, a reporter from a joint-stock banks access to a private bank's three-year business plan vision shows over the next three years, the Bank intends to raise the number of customers with an average annual compound growth rate for private bank compliance to 78%, after a three-year customer number will be three to four times from the current 8,000 to 30,000 while managing financial assets with an average annualCompound growth rate target is set to 72%, from the leap-forward development of 375 billion to $ 100 billion yuan currently. In the number of clients and manage assets behind three leaping the great leap forward of the year three times tera gold, the joint-stock Bank also opened the mass hiring of: intends to introduce private banking core team of 1000 or more, at present, the total number of teams less than 300People, wealth advisory number less than 150 people, "wealth advisory" will be in 2014 the number of up to 512. "Market share to reach 5%, beyond the China Merchants Bank won the first in the line of domestic shares. "The Bank's insiders told reporters that in striving for market behind the first, Customer Manager personal indicators be raised without restriction, and three years later not only to achieveCost-income ratio has fallen, 35%, managing per capita number of target customers, manage financial assets increased per capita, respectively up to 28, 350 million yuan/person/people; currently the two indices were 21 households and 260 million yuan/person/people. Checking background, excessive private bank marketing phenomenon is not uncommon. Xu Hao in his open letterIn the numerous abuses of private banks short-term assessment of pressure – the kind of bank customers as private "VIP banking", VIP banking customer bought 100,000, private banking clients in respect of the same product to purchase 1 million of predatory development, not only can not cheat to private banking customers to purchase, and will only "hen" customer is getting less. Xu Hao believes thatPrivate banking customers to sell their products, not only fail to sell, often have enough marketing, need to manage the customer relationship.      Only ready for customer relationship management, private banking customers really feel you want for him as he will trust you, will buy your product. "This is not so much ignorance of private banks, rather than to individual completedIndicators, rise in the official world and has ulterior motives. "Xu Hao last target of criticism directed against his former club the Bank of communications," or even the Bank of communications head office is aware of this issue, ' the goose ' out of the Head Office of a mid-level leadership positions in the gold business. "After the enactment of the financial product sales management has provided an update to the sales person not a single product salesSales performance index, a private bank of China CITIC Bank told reporters, most private banks have been generally accepted by customer number, total value of asset management (AUM) to management accounting profit as a standard. According to this newspaper reporter has learned that the account manager evaluation, General design, both quantitative and qualitative indicators, including quantitative designMajor assets including number of customers and management, some banks are also included in the assessment of profits, in the qualitative indicators in the design, primarily to customer satisfaction rate, etc. Shares aforesaid lines developed in the three-year plan, to refer explicitly to the private banking net non-interest income reached 138% in the three-year average annual compound growth rate, responsibility for profit an average annual compound growth rate of 127% And requires customer satisfaction has improved significantly, significantly reduced customer churn rate. Transforming unfinished road "Xu Hao is about problems in previous years, is now not so serious.      "The CITIC Bank private bankers said. China CITIC Bank, for example, his private bank account manager, assessment of the savings target has been cancelled, "Despite the General Headquarters for the private banking sector as a whole on the deposit index is provided, but cannot take this assessment into account manager person, saving is a by-product of the finance portfolio, is not a direct product. "But, under the negative interest rates over the past two years, growing financial disintermediation trends, share loan examination pressure surge than debt marketingFor 2011 the Bank's top priority, mastering many quality resources of private banks need to increase their contribution to the deposit. "Retail and private banking customers is the difference between commercial banks are very large, even if the personal assets of 500,000-8 million retail customers, financial asset has a very high percentage of savings, private banking customers savings and assets accounted for less thanMuch, generally at around 30%.      "Said CITIC Bank told a press conference.      Under pressure, private banking checking mechanisms of the shortsighted tendency evident, many private bank of Tanzania also interviewed Chen, sales oriented or excessive sales phenomenon, and be determined by product rebates account manager salary conditions do exist. Banks pay attention to privacyPeople on the business, but the long-acting mechanism and has yet to be established, as the aforementioned private bankers said, "used to be selling medicines, is now better than prescription. Generally is not asked in previous years the disease, not to engage Wang Wen asked, blind selling medicine. "The aforesaid report also pointed out that, after four years of development, China's private banking service mode has been removed from" product development "to" selling group", And then transition to the comprehensive wealth management solutions or planned discretionary asset management services. In General, major Chinese Bank private banking has from the first stage of "selling products" to the second stage of "selling combination" transition, China CITIC Bank called "dynamic wealth management", China Merchants Bank called "four-step screw lifting method", but it's actually very similar, "Spelt is a investment advisor team, account manager or Assistant professional level ". The so-called second phase transition, which currently includes Bank came up with "public-private interaction" concept from the initial "spare money", to provide customers with a full range of asset-liability services, wealth management and credit financing; the combination from the proposal phase, transition to a discretionary management. Others:

