
tera gold company productivity up.   During the reporting period - XGL

129770761457656250_153A quarterly performance increased by more than 30%, since the beginning of this year, gain is negative when published in the 2011 annual report, a quarterly bulletin also began to uncover the veil. Our data center statistics show, as of press time, yesterday, two cities there were 168 stocks issued a notice of results for the first quarter of 2012, which increased 118, Accounted for the total number of more than 70%. However, since the beginning of this year in a wave of backlash, performance has increased shares in the secondary market performance is not satisfactory. Statistics show that in the results for the first quarter increased by 30% shares, there are ten stocks rose since the beginning of this year is negative. What about these turtles in the rebound unit can catch up from behind? Which of these stocks haveBecome a potential dark horse?   This newspaper to the wanguo Tan Fei, China Everbright securities (601,788), Zhou ming, guotai Junan Zhang Tao on these ten stocks for each analysis. Yong Qing green (300,187) by 22.09% performance in the first quarter of this year: a net profit of about $ 19.35 million ~2139 million, an increase of 90%~110%Increase causes: starts more outstanding items from a year earlier, as the company de-NOx and heavy metals pollution fix, full EIA consultancy, allows the company's main business revenue over the same period may significantly increase, thus forming a sharp increase in operating profit. Comments on the future: Yong Qing green shares in December 1 after the highs seen last year begin to fall, this year 119th stock price bottomed out, shares these conditions. Rebound, compared with the lowest price is 25% per cent, slightly stronger than the gem index. On the fundamentals, the company recently obtained contracts, rapid growth is expected in the future. After early tragic return of value, investment value of shares have now show. Shares of sharp growth in earnings in the first quarter is expected to be the catalyst. On technical stockLine 25 days get support, if it can be stabilised, Outlook can be high. Wei (300,270) by 16.19% performance in the first quarter of this year: net profit of about $ 3.8 million ~430 million, an increase of 72.73%~95.45%-increasing reasons: 2012, raise money for interest revenue in the first quarter of the newIncreased net profits by about 1.5 million to $; further opening up markets, strengthen the management of the company, overall operating performance remained sustained and stable growth which non-recurring profit and loss for the 1.1 million, is for government subsidies. Comments on the future: electronic in the recent 4 day crash in 20%, will swallow more than half per cent in early. Poor annual reports tera gold, to go less than market expectations, stock stormFall of fuse. Due to the recent market volatility, capital funds transfer bin clear, especially for new stock speculation cooled sharply, investors should treat these shares remain highly cautious.   Technology on the surface, after share prices plunge should have the inverse process, every high jiancang wait-and-see. Aier eye (300,015) by 14.75% in the first quarter of the year results: 47.3468 million about $ ~5280.99 million net profit, an increase of 30%~45%-increasing reasons: as market demand continued, and further enhance the efficiency of operations of the company, old hospital operating income and profits has maintained sustained growth, new hospitals to achieve varying degrees of turning losses into profits or losses. Comments on the future: on the fundamentals,On February 15 as the public questioning the company's main business areas, large swings in the stock of the company. Black Swan event companies for this type of step, it is best to maintain a wait-and-see attitude of investors, to be clarified before considering intervention.   On technical stock long box-state of shock, stocks are near a rail under the box at this time, group-concerns. Great China shares (002236) By 5.95% performance in the first quarter of this year: growth 50.00%~80.00%-increasing reasons: market further results of the company this year, sales improved significantly, makes the company's operating results for the first quarter compared with a large increase in the same period a year earlier. Comments on the future: the company's performance in recent years has been to maintain a relatively rapidFair shares to 2010-2011 years have bucked up sharply, stock prices are high, from the market, due to the high share price, relative to the oversold varieties increased by relatively small space in the future, therefore advised to share exchange operation, select oversold variety the better. Tong Bao (300,031) by 5.23% performance in the first quarter of this year: the netRun about $ 12.4 million ~1506 million, an increase of 40%~70%-increasing reasons: companies offering investment and projects put into operation tera gold, company productivity up.   During the reporting period, our purchase prices of the main raw material of rubber required a degree of decline in comparison with the same period last year, production costs have fallen, profits rebounded. Comments on the Outlook:The company's products in the market of coal conveying belt open and opportunities for economic recovery driven rebound in coal industry in the coming years, performance turning point in 2012 will be coming, late share price after the small adjustments are expected to usher in opportunity. Blue cursor (300,058) by 5.11% performance in the first quarter of this year: a net profit of about $ 27 million ~32500,000 yuan, an increase of 45%~75%-increasing reasons: 2012 business development of the company in good condition. Due to the promotion of the brand image of the company and the further strengthening of the competitive advantage in the industry, endogenous growth performance remains stable and company mergers and acquisitions last year of epitaxial growth of new industries and new customers, resulting in first-quarter net earnings of main business45%~75% growth.   Afternoon comments: this year's results show steady growth of the company, from the first quarter, the company also achieved rapid growth, from the industry, worth bullish, despite the adjustment in the near future, but it might give us a better bargain opportunities. Jebsen shares (300,182) this year by 5.1% results for the first quarter: net profit of $ 21.787 million ~2513.88 million, increased growth 30%~50% reason: because after listing, by raising investment and implementation of projects and raise funds add liquidity Super, boosting the company's technical strength and implementation capacity, dredge company of financial bottlenecks, main business incomeMay have a more significant increase over a year earlier, the resulting operating profit increase.   Comments on the future: from the company's share price and relatively reasonable valuations, performance in the first quarter may bring short-term catalysts for shares of fast growth, in the background still bullish case, can bargain attention. Long full precision (300,115) this year by 3.69%Results for the first quarter: net profit of about $ 39.5 million ~4560 million, an increase of 30%~50%-increasing reasons: the main products of the company sales growth led sales growth. Comments on the future: as the smart-phone market expands, companies will enjoy plenty of orders over the next three years the company's growth continued strong, long-term investment valueVisible, but current market adjustment to later rose ready, waiting for the market to stabilise after configuration. Warburg Pincus stake (300,074) by 2.36% performance in the first quarter of this year: net profit of $ 3.45 million ~405 million, an increase of 70%~100% causes increase: compared to the same period last year, the growth mainly comes from theAn army of customer revenue recognition.   First quarter of 2012, nonrecurring revenue of about $ 556,000, effects on the net profit of $ 472,600. Comments on the future: 2011 annual growth slightly, with video conferencing systems, monitoring and command systems and promoting industry solutions on the enterprise application, results in the coming years willContinued growth, the company shares, after a year of continuous adjustment, is expected to regain their upward trend tera power leveling, waiting for the market to adjust after a full of opportunities. Blue water (300,070) by 2.24% performance in the first quarter of this year: a net profit of $ 8.1546 million ~1003.65 million, an increase of 30%~60%-increasing reasons: companies in national energy reductionRow background, had better seize opportunities, maintaining a good development trend of sustained growth and raise investment and gradual implementation of the project, as the company ultra-raised funds using factors such as business continues to expand the scale, 2012 first-quarter sales have maintained a good momentum of growth, achievement and benefit of keeping the growth. Comments on the future: sevenFirst energy-saving environmental protection industry of listed companies in emerging industries, which market segments of higher proportion of water pollution over the next few years will enjoy the Twelve-Five planning policy support opportunities, can be adjusted after full market as a long-term asset allocation. Others:

