
tera power leveling Ministry of finance - UZE

129773810103125000_1"" Financial report "according to China's network news, recently issued by the State Council on the implementation of the priorities of the Government work report Division of opinion.   Requirements, do a price adjustment to prevent prices rebound. Pointed out that increased production, ensure supply. Continued to curb food prices rising too quickly as the focus of price stability. Implement the "m bags"Long charge and "vegetable basket" mayors responsibility to protect mainly the supply of agricultural products.   Cities to have a reasonable number of vegetable, stability and improve the local season vegetable self-sufficiency level, collaboration with the advantage and producing areas of the surrounding areas-building "shopping basket" product base. Requirements, strengthening the connection between important commodity distribution, perfecting the system of Government reserves and commercial reserves, major agriculturalProduct shouchu and restocking, strengthen market regulation capabilities. Invigorating circulation, reducing costs. Strict implementation of the vegetables fresh and live agricultural products, such as the green channel for transport policy. Implementing agricultural products wholesale market, fair trade markets, the Community price support policies such as the greengrocer, encourage urban supermarkets, universities, large enterprises, community enterprises, cooperatives, and agricultural products circulation of planting big butt,Reduced circulation, increase in retail outlets, fully play a main role in circulation. At the same time to reform of circulation system. Expanding logistics business tax tax the difference in scope, improve tax policies for commodity warehousing facilities. The adjustment and perfection of some agricultural products wholesale, retail sales tax policies to promote standardization and Informationization construction in circulation. Strengthening regulatory, normative order.Stepped on the price of food, medicines and medical treatment tera gold, supervision and inspection of the services such as communications, education, firm management fees of fines in the field of transport, correct the violation charges of large retail commercial enterprises, strictly investigate and deal with publishing false information, hoarding, price manipulation, malicious violations such as hype. Comments also pointed out that grasp the direction of public opinion tera power leveling, proper socialExpected.    Work by the development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance tera power leveling, the Ministry of transport, Ministry of railways, the people's Bank, the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of industry and information technology, Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of health, State administration of taxation, Bureau of statistics is responsible for. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: Deng Meiling) Others:

