
tera gold at your own risk. - ART

129762847361406250_255About "financial consumer safety" reports of collecting clues, attracted the attention of readers. Strong deposit policy for readers, a reporter recently interviewed several bank branches found in Haikou, changed the policy of the individual banking products "misleading" information still exists tera gold, to bait as high income sales misleading is still popular. People: insurance salesman banks sell insuranceAl public 13th said in banking business, he was an insurance salesman selling insurance products, he believed that these people in the Bank for normal business insurance market would prevent members of the public, and it is not in conformity with the relevant provisions. Mr Cheung said he had insurance at the Bank purchases an insurance salesman tera power leveling, due to some problem wants to return policy. Find banks, bankingHe went directly to the insurance company, find the insurance company and was told to look for a bank. Shirk, he overwhelmed, issues have not been resolved. Reporters learned that consumers in the lobby of the bank insurance products purchased through insurance salesman when problems arise, activist is quite difficult. It is understood that in 2010, China Banking Regulatory Commission issued a document clearly states that "by commercial banksOutlets selling insurance products to customers who should be holding an insurance agent qualification certificate of bank employees in sales; shall not allow the insurance company personnel stationed at Bank branches of commercial banks. "Also included: journalist banks have experienced insurance market the morning of 13th, Bank of communications in a network, reporters found the Hall did not display any insurance money flyer, but withChoi took, Bank staff, financial and insurance products in our Web site. If customers see on the pages of a product can take the initiative to contact staff and journalists left a business card, request leave press contact. East Branch of ICBC civilization, reporters found no staff to sell insurance products, but in the business Hall stood on the counter more than insurance companiesSecurities and corporate finance divisions of business cards. Staff of the Bank, the Bank has no banking and insurance personnel swtor credits, such as business requirements, can hold business cards to insurance companies for processing. Reporters came to the ABC network, Business Hall reporter had just picked up a copy of the insurance on the publicity flyer, one dressed in dark uniforms for staff member immediately approached asked, and initiative to bring reporters to a DepartmentPublic interior detail a variety of insurance products. In explaining the process, reporters found that she did not take the initiative clearly point out that risk and insurance policy holders should be aware of. In the subsequent inquiry in the process, the reporter learned that the staff member is not a bank officer, but the insurance company staff. Further asked the reporter to the staff on this issue when the regulator's rules, theStaff hurriedly explains that she is to assist customers with banking in the Hall was not actively marketing insurance products, when there are only when customers take the initiative to ask her to explain the financial product. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

