
tera gold with the Valencia cross - TII

129784631311147500_358Manchester United VS cruise score: Paul Scholes best visiting team goalkeeper scores Manchester United players scoring Degea-6 minutes of game time with nothing to do. Van evera-6 defensive stability and constantly involved in attacks, pass the ball in front of some very smart. Ferdinand-6 Manchester United complete control of the situation, his presence was very leisurely on. Evans-6 to face QPRAttack of the few kept a wary eye, especially Adel taarabt left cuts. Passing accuracy. Rafael-7 attack is excellent tera power leveling, with the Valencia cross, played more like a medium. Tackle a little short-tempered at times tera gold, gets is because of constant foul. Michael Carrick-7.5 in midfield control the rhythm of the United, and seekerSI tie is very understanding, a kick from 30 yards of heavy artillery have unfortunately hit the door pillar. Ashley. Yang-6 14 minutes first from an offside position, and then fooled suspected fake wrestling on penalties, and led Delhi was sent off. In General left the performance balance, with threats to transportation within the closed area. Is Ryan Giggs replaced 61 minutes. Paul Scholes-8 Manchester United legends into one long shots of iconic, at Old Trafford fully demonstrate their general style. Pass to leave a deep impression, especially to Beck, Valencia and Rafael pass is a threat. 74 minute was replaced by kelaiweili rest. Valencia-7 on the State balance of Ecuador winger on the sidewalk is notBroken shock Taiwo tera power leveling, all anti-back as QPR, I couldn't get too much space, but his crossing is still threatening, Endo also looked very smart. Wayne Rooney-6 some quiet tonight, but 15 minutes is cool the main penalties successfully. In the restricted area arc edge a few feet ball challenge Kenny, withdrew when the ball and midfielder also did a good job.Willbeck-5.5 constantly looking for QPR in run defense of the flaws, but grasped well enough. Substitute Phil. Jones-6 Ryan Giggs scoring Kenny-7.5-6 kelaiweili -6.0 QPR player Wayne Rooney's penalty kick made him powerless, but in addition he many times putting out great,Broke most of the second half to prevent Willbeck and Rafael are worth mentioning. Hill-6 Taiwo-5 Rio Ferdinand-6 aonuoha-6 mobido Diakite-5.5 Adel taarabt-5.5 he probably is a threat that the visiting team has the best players, but still weak again into heaven. Sometimes too easily lost the ball, one ofAlso created a Paul Scholes goal. Busacchi Delhi -6.0 QPR-5 Captain unfortunately was sent off in the 14 minutes of the match, although he and Ashley. is not too much contact between Yang. Mackey (micro-blogging)-6-bosiluoyide-4 alternate Wright-Phillips-6-N/A -6.0 Smith Campbell (Goal.com) Others:

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