
tera power leveling sharp fluctuations in raw materials prices - AOJ

129773909003125000_31Fine chemicals company specializing in car, has 11 categories, 200 models, which the large sales of the product have antifreeze, brake fluid, engine oil tera power leveling, automatic transmission oil, adhesives and other, mainly from BASF, Pan Dongxing, Dow Chemical Company, such as authorization to configure and install. Companies mainly in the lower vehicle manufacturer, Faw VW, Shanghai GM, Shanghai VolkswagenExclusive level of the supplier. Company's sales model is divided into market for OEM market, and AM OES market. In the OEM market, downstream of the company as a supplier of car, direct selling products and providing support services. The OES market tera power leveling, companies as original accessories of the car sales company in the lower supply, through the sale of the company in the 4S shops trading. AM market,Cooperation with dealers of the company business. 2011 China's passenger vehicle sales of 14.4724 million vehicles, an increase of 5.19% 2011 passenger cars at the end of tenure of more than 60 million cars, added more than 10 million vehicles a year in the future, by $ 100-200 per annum per vehicle automotive chemical calculations, new market capacity per yearAbout $ 12 billion, provide broad market space for the car fine chemicals.����In 2012, Mercedes Benz and BMW OES market meal to domestic enterprises tera gold, core suppliers of companies as Mercedes-Benz and BMW OEM market, strive for obtaining half of the OES market capacity. Changchun Delian expansion company offering investment funds for alteration, modification of Shanghai port Shanghai expansion, Chengdu base constructionGuangdong Delian expansion remoulding of four project, 1 year construction period, preparing for half a year, strive for reaching the end of 2012 80%.����Company expects four project reaches the postpartum entirely to 830 million increase in sales revenue, and net profit of 111 million. 2008-2011 marketing compound annual revenue growth of the company 26.3%, 25.4% compound growth in net profit, more robust������Currently than dynamic PE mean 18 times for 2012, expected EPS in 2012-2013 and $ 1.37, PE company 2012 times, reasonable price range $ 18.72 per cent/share. Risk Tip: sharp fluctuations in raw materials prices; raised investment project is not up to expectations;Incremental market disruption. Others:

