
tera gold active return to 85 percent of commercial bank lending rate - FLX

129788442990312500_88News of the first set of mortgages came loose again.  Followed in January of this year the banks to cancel mortgage interest rate increases, benchmark interest rates after the reunification, reset interest rate 90 percent or 85 percent discount in the near future. Loan application from conditions, 85 percent discount rate has not been universal, but interest rates started to fade out, most homeowners can apply for preferential home loans to 90 percent interest rate. If the qualificationBetter quality of customers, can apply for the interest rate to 85 percent discount. Meanwhile, approval and distribution of the first mortgage period is shortened. Compared with the second half of last year to line was 1-2 months time, ICBC, Bank mortgage processing time has been reduced to 1 week or so.  In other words, the first mortgage can be easy to apply for the loan costs are reduced. First mortgages drop thresholds andCurrent housing policies did not conflict. In recent months, the departments emphasize support reasonable housing needs of residents, give priority to ensuring the first time home buyer home loan demand. Deputy Secretary-General of the national development and Reform Commission Li Pumin said in media interviews during the two sessions this year, this year to perfect the purchase the first set of common commercial housing loan incentives, support reasonable housing needs of residents.Shanghai Bureau of China Banking Regulatory Commission last month, stressed that the defence housing loan interest rates over the same period the lending base rate, encourage qualified banks due on interest rates to fall. From the level of commercial banks, which had cut first mortgage rates and the pace of lending conditions. Mortgage increases last year and waiting, and credit line tension to have strong relationships at the time. Improve liquidity at the moment, institutions and even worriedEffective credit demand may fall. Fund strategy report released a few days ago that in the South, the first two months of this year, China's new loans lower than expected, not because of bank credit is missing, but an enterprise expects that economic growth was still slow, can't easily expand capacity, reflecting the lack of actual loan demand. BOC International believes that weakened as the demand for loans, the Central Bank may increase byIncrease money supply to push down the money interest rate, banks tera gold, lending rates fell only a matter of time. Personal mortgage so far low defective rate of high quality business, offers back to 85 percent interest rate, banks have not made a loss on the sale. 5-year lending rate of more than 85 percent of loans to 5.9925%, 5.5% 5-year deposit rates higher, theDifferent promotion for 4.935% after 70 percent of interest rates. Thus, active return to 85 percent of commercial bank lending rate, it was quite reluctant. For buyers, from floating benchmark interest rate of 5% per cent in the second half of last year, to return to the benchmark interest rate, and then drop to 85 percent discount rate, loan costs vary considerably. $ 1 million equal to 20-year principal and interest repaymentLoan calculation, the benchmark interest rate repayment of principal and interest $ 7783.03 a month, 85 percent discount rate of repayment of principal and interest is $ 7159.98 per month. As far as the total cost of loans, far away $ 149,500.  If compared with the benchmark interest rates rising 10%, 85 percent interest at the prime rate loans can save $. Purchase cost including house prices and mortgages for twoParts, price cut alone tera gold, buyers to feel the results of market regulation. If set by the developers of commercial housing price by $ 200,000, compared with 85 percent because the bank interest rates rising interest at the prime rate increase of $ 200,000 expenditure, equal to the benefits have not been cut. Floating interest rates increase the cost of price concessions are Bank swallow, is unfair to buyers, developers on thisThere are complaints. Thus, traders lamented: "this round of macroeconomic regulation and control, Government, Enterprise, in the interests of the masses tera power leveling, Bank Quartet game, three were lost before, only bank is the winner. "Today, the first set of benchmark interest rate for mortgages fell to below 85 percent discount rate" out ", reflecting market regulation emphasizes differentiated credit policy. First return of mortgage creditInterest rates, while developers "to change", so just need to purchase real property regulation clapping chenghao. First mortgages return to 85 percent discount rate, can become a customer of universal access to treatment, requires further observation. Can be expected to be, the first loosening of mortgage interest rates will not affect the overall situation of market regulation, would not lead to a rebound. As long as the continue to strictly practiceBuy limit order, and with more than two sets of mortgage do not untie, property investment and speculation are difficult to "come back", house price trends should not be divorced from policy track. Others:

