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129773928456718750_60Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll management career strategic business review special topics in marketing School of business Idol dynamic pictures for financial Web site on theHexun.com school 21st century business review March issue > body font size print RSS source March 27, 2012: the 21st century business review author: Yang Yang Hou Jiyong 21st century business review March issueMount Snow collection, Ms Wang, and Wu Yajun, fujiniya·luomanti, Lu Yingde, and Aung San Suu Kyi, and Michelle Obama forth forth Have different backgrounds, opportunities fleeting. Only listen to inner voice, do your best tera gold, your world, and they, not unlike Mary MA: neutral privileges as a female, she proved time and time again, the Mall, from theNeutral world is a jungle.   But this does not prevent, she enjoys "on a woman's privilege".   Speculate on if someone wanted to dress up Mary Ma career, I am afraid that in all likelihood to miscalculate. Whether it is as a CFO or PE investors, both Mary Ma typical with these professional Facebook wants. She rarely give the sense of oppression: professional"Strict, reserved"; or having to find the time to meet in a busy dialog shown impatience; and proper manners, brow furrowed eyes wide apart. In General, you can hardly feel her heart guard. Mary Ma responsive and fast-talking, often your questions just asked, her answer had come up, the wordsIs no need to think about, on the road to meet her. Even when talking about the acquisition of IBM's PC Division, a billion of dollars, up to 4 years of mergers and acquisitions as if just gossip everyday. When it comes to fun lonely laughed at, and confident that others will find interesting. That look just like her hometown of Tianjin in stand up before shaking out a burden, that sure to tickle the audienceAs natural. A more obvious example is, where the "neutral" business, it does not prevent Mary Ma enjoy "on a woman's privilege". She says rarely resolved at the airport store costumes, although this is normal PE investors. "Being a woman is unable to enjoy the fun of shopping, dressing up, the regrets?" She would stride of talk because of Hermès products for a quarter of Dafa,Also as jiufengzhiji and CEO of qianji Pan Wei in ZARA or match other luxury fashion clothing tips such as HM. Talking about Wang Lifen, who set up a "Chinese women's Club", Mary Ma said, apart from each other in business outside the lead by the hand, "everyone will share information on art, fashion". This Lenovo business gossipPiece has some understanding, said Yang yuanqing, Lenovo Group Chairman, to Hong Kong some years ago, are horses with him to the ring of the select fit in clothes. If her career, it is difficult to find out why Mary Ma can keep this temperament causes. In 1990 Mary Ma joined the Association, a 17-year; 12 of her work in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it and learning, Nobel Prize winner in frequent contact with the country's top academic institutions at the level of 2007 from the Association on the CFO after retirement, Mary Ma joining TPG (Texas Pacific Group, Pacific, Texas (601,099, unit) Group), which was set up in 1992, is a United States veteranPE institutions. No matter what an experience enough to make Mary MA to become another person, but she is not only no, but confused onlookers: why this kind of contrast is not fragmented Mary Ma career? even her daughter once joked: "I really don't know how my mother was CFO, she's only six-year primary school-level arithmetic level, algebra is not learned. ”Onlookers confused, not prevent Mary Ma was once the Association "most influential" people, worthy of the "female second", Fortune magazine once described: Lenovo today became legend, Mary Ma cannot be left unrecognized. Association merged with the Beijing Association of Hong Kong, she is the digital split from Lenovo and IBM PC direct trader who deals tera power leveling, as well asIn the development of the Association's development strategy.   In 2007, after leaving the legend turned PE, not only on behalf of TPG completed the Daphne Mary Ma, United States, and other big investment, also in early 2011 boyu PE to form his company capital, and as Chairman and went from "women, second" to "women first" transformation. She and her platform of knowledgeProducer Wang Lifen once evaluation Mary MA: she has a special clear mind, on the nature of things determine the rival, also has a very strong capacity to act.   "So, she did what will come". Rather surprisingly, joined the Association of the year, "is an initiative to convince Willow total". Mary Ma recall, Lenovo has even opened a discussion at that time not to Mary Ma.On one hand, Liu did not understand, why Mary Ma willingness to join the Association left the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Even in the system of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lenovo is just a little-known company at the time.   Mary Ma when he was Director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences two, or even have a chance was promoted to Deputy Director. Liu's another consideration may be Mary Ma "background": Lenovo firstTeam are CAs computing background, equine professional is of European and American literature, so scientists do the translation it seems is the case of Joseph Needham.   Mary Ma actually think so, "I think most of their strengths is communication with others", but had never thought to go to the CFO. But after many years to recall when the decision, Mary Ma still feel "right".Was inspired by her, is a 1988 meeting with Liu in Hong Kong that, "in such a difficult environment, willow is always associated with his men had to negotiate the grand plan, negotiating strategies, like commanding of tribulations, foresight of General". In the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mary MA is obviously such a presence could not be found, she had begun to consider, whether I should look for a more "results-oriented" work?Initially, Mary Ma, with fluent English, obtain Association Assistant General Manager duties in Hong Kong thereafter was promoted to Group Vice President, head of financial Department, Treasury Department, Corporate Communications Department, the overall operation of the Department of human resources management. Her work is, and the world's first control officer, global Treasurer, Chief Accountant, Chief Auditor, head of investor relations Head, MA6 reporting directly to their Manager, weekly guaranteed an hour of communication. In those years served as associate CFO, Mary MA is no stranger to mergers and acquisitions, investment financing, investment legend 2005 TPG, Mary Ma directly involved in "from the initial talks to members of cooperative engagement buying IBM PC" process as a whole; Lenovo early on Sohu, kingsoft,FM365 investments, also a figure of Mary Ma.   Thus, in 2007, Mary Ma "by industry and PE" transition, although surprising, but does not seem isolated. She is very clear, "a person if left the platform-specific, not too strong power", and Lenovo is what gives her the power of the platform. But she better take the platformWhat can I do, want to do. End of May 2006 Mary Ma has produced two documents, one Lenovo acquired IBM PC business after the first report, one copy is a retired applications. In his resignation, Mary Ma instituted the idea of having one on hold for up to 6 years, to investors. As early as 2000 Mary Ma intends to join the newly established GrandThe capital, but Liu wants her helping Yang completed transition. New journey of late, she said: "if to the age of 60, no company would want me.   "Art business ventures of young women in transition, however, is not without pain. Mary Ma, made on this: "when I suddenly became a businesswoman, and contact objects from theAcademics and political negotiations of the original object, into a person who can care to a ridiculous degree, I was suffering. "Mary Ma was born in 1952 in Tianjin, from small to accept is to encourage education," is the best student work, confidence on the many things you can do better than others ". But in entering into the commercial enterprise for two or three years, "IPoor self-confidence a lot ", Mary Ma recalled. Methodology of Liu played a role in the end. "For so many years by my with willow, who guide their behaviour of rule is that there is no impossible things. Environmental bad bad environment practices, environment, an environmental good practice. "Mary Ma said she's been brought up to believe that. Used to be purely intellectual Mary Ma,In the face of those who held a glass says "If you do not drink is to look down on me" man has learned the wine filling. In contrast, Mary Ma, learning from scratch "marketing, marketing, finance", but is a relatively easy thing. In November 2006 when Mary Ma TPG founding partner Jim Coulter invited to join, once on herRating: strong learning ability, strong communication skills and multitasking ability. Of course, horse snow sign real secret might be, she never denied their "ignorance", and you can always find the right solution.   Mary Ma said she was "no burden": results when there is no baggage, no results when there is no burden. In 1978 was assigned toAcademy of international cooperation projects, Mary Ma accepted the first project is to Needham's translation. Was about so far is by Mary Ma, during the translation process, she will even directly to include the former President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under Fang Yi, such as ask the experts, "what it means". During the Association, "I really was not a person with financial education," shePolicies are, if they do a good job change, "cannot blame anyone, and it depends on the team". At that time, Mary Ma internal and external professionals often say one is "there are problems I would have asked you."   In an interview for the first time after the 2008 TPG, Mary Ma and call a spade a spade, "I did not quite understand what private equity investment". Of course, In addition to relying on the team, found things to herself, Mary Ma used to go all out and enjoy. "I not only wanted to earn money as professional managers", TPG was initially in those days, as soon as possible in order to enhance understanding of the PE industry, her life was "intensive enterprises", and sometimes even watching two or three a day. From this point or a glimpse of why Mary MaTo define themselves as "neutral". The Dulles Airport in Washington (Dulles Airport), stranded because of flight delays and Mary MA with sitting on the floor, and the annual meeting of the Association in the year that wearing a blue end of suihua of dresses, singing on the health of the song while dancing Mary Ma, in the spirit of tera power leveling, and not caused by, LIU Chuanzhi, corresponding to herAssessment: while extremely intelligent, even more rare is the sense of responsibility and ability to communicate. However to say that Mary MA is a word of praise for this, it may not be. She said she loved the Ming a few poems by poet known network LAN Xue, "I love orchids vary all the aromatic, not color formula spring sun. West wind, dew under deep forest, no one flavor ". (Text/Yang Yang) Others:

