
tera gold Albert Yeung said - VMP

129771810034156060_112Albert YEUNG and Jackie Chan is very good, "little dragon girl" event before the outbreak, he has indicated to the Jackie Chan's suggestions, but it has not adopted. Hong Kong businessman Albert YEUNG Gallop to the commercial, media and entertainment, has a very legendary life---Seize adulterer by divorce, by ex-wife was 9 months due to obstruction of justice charges taste taste of iron, and has kidnapped nearly died in gunXiaSilk thread. A few days ago, he accepted the Ming Pao Magazine interview, recalled that in the past caused great uproar in entertainment news events---friend Jackie CHAN make suggestions how to balance Wu Qili, loss due to its weekly, Carina LAU naked pictures here, such as Isabella and Richard Li Pulpo is opened a number of unknown Insider. Jackie Chan brainstorming money balance Wu Qili Albert YEUNGIs the Hong Kong entertainment circle one of the most influential figures, with circles close to many stars. Jackie Chan was one of his good friends, he and Wu Qili sensational entertainment. "Little dragon girl" event before the outbreak, Albert Yeung also actively submit a request for a military assignment as a friends advice. "Jackie Chan and I discuss this matter, I heard that tomorrow or the day after Wu Qili claimed. He asked me how canMody do? I suggest that the mediator helped him do, I told Wu Qili, give her a sum of money, she never claimed, (because) kid, Jackie Chan had a great influence, it is best (the matter) not a street. Jackie CHAN did not oppose at first, but come to think of it is not good, he feels shorter than long pain pain, Wu Qili explodes, she likes what is well, let her Tan, he refuses to respond to let it goHe don't want to have long been a threat. "In October 1999, Wu Qili burst out Jackie Boy's news to the media, the entertainment industry was boiling up until December, Chan finally responded saying" I made a mistake committed every man in the world ", called Boo, Albert Yeung said:" in fact, he needs just to report to Joan Lin. At that timeJackie Chan is worried about her. He called Gillian, her first words wereA man who can afford to pay for themselves. Wu Qili has spoken out, he instead released. "All along, there is news that Jackie Chan has to pay $ 30 million (HK $) sealed; after the incident, Chan Wu Qili paid 100,000 dollars a month living expenses until only recently stopped. Albert Yeung on behalf of friends deny that "no (seal), although I had intended toDo, but I do Jackie Chan says no, I didn't touch her. (Living) I can not jump to do tera power leveling, after all, is a matter of his personal, as a friend, I was trying to help, but he didn't want to, I have not done. "Carina LAU naked losses of billions of Yuan Yang's reputation, largely because he is with the entertainment and media industry. Its the East published magazine Carina LAUNude events, so that he was universally condemned. 2002 East Week magazine published actress abuse photos, when said photograph was Albert YEUNG, I "photo, I do not know, so wrong! As a boss, what magazines do cover, how do I know? I have dozens of lines of business, 7,000 employees, (is) magazine cover I have to be responsible for, Oh, no! Photograph was sent to the magazine they read, research is really, asked the lawyers have no legal responsibility? Lawyers said no problem, they decided tera gold, we did not wrong is it legal, is morally wrong. You ask me, I think it is wrong, employee mistakes, responsible of the last boss, called me, no way. "Carina LAU event entertainmentMusic community as angry, held a meeting to protest. Under Albert YEUNG painful decision, announced the purchase of the demise of the East Week magazine of the year, lost billions. Asked today if he is aware of the cover before the published content, will also allow Magazine Street? Albert Yeung said, "frankly, Journal of business is not a big deal to me, is the smallest part of my business, Carina LAUMy friends, today we still have contacts, she is not my thing, not happy there, but she is also a sensible person. "When Nicholas TSE's son Yang to build entertainment---Emperor of the Kingdom of its artists, and Nicholas TSE is one of them. Yang described as Nicholas TSE is the son. "This did not have to make, and I know himFor so long, has always been I yield to him. It can be said that until 2011, he began to mature in DAWU, begins. He had little regard for the feelings of others, only want to own, sticks tera power leveling, like, like, like throwing wheat (grams of wind), threw wheat, my boss has to accommodate him, people ask me how do you fix Xie Ting feng, I did not try to get himHe is a Mustang horse, I was hurt that he connived at his, I owe him. "Albert Yeung said TSE's mature transition occurs when TSE and Cecilia Cheung with marital problems. Yang was actually built as the boss flew to Malaysia to visit the "son" in conversations, Dr Cheng has observed these changes, "very good at understanding people, standing in someone else's point of view. DivorceHe knows what he's doing, and to his two sons, also for the sake of the woman, bite the bullet, ill never said that Cecilia Cheung statement, either the woman say, outside of what is, he is not with a Word, even Edison (micro-blogging) about it, he did not mention. He did not ask my opinion, he renew us, showed great maturity, Xie Ting FengA good heart, and his father (arenas), looks very fierce, but really good old lining. "Nicholas TSE, 16 year old of that year signed a contract with King's alleged is for the parent in default, the arenas owe Yang into a large sum of money, talking about this story, Albert YEUNG denied that:" there is no such thing, arenas has helped me work, but he did not owe me some money, this is to make it clear. "Isabella and Richard Li Pulpo isBecause of its artists Isabella and Albert YEUNG and Mr Li had a Pulpo is. In early 2008, Isabella LEONG and Mr Li out of a sex scandal, followed by King's company, and contract termination. After half a year of struggle, reached an out-of-court settlement between the two sides. On this subject, Albert Yeung said: "we are very mature, request termination, reasonable to talk about the best, finally negotiated. You do not let her go, sheDo not work. Will she, and what compensation? And no friends, better than good, peaceful settlement. " Others:

